[TPF2][WIP] - <Urban expansion project package> for (TPF2) lol

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  • Long time no see ~

    UEP2- Modern tram and bus terminals(4-in-1)

    ~MOD released tonight~ :saint:


    In the second half of 2023, in addition to being busy with my work, I also went on a selfdrive trip with my family that postponed for a long time....

    This is why no UEP2 series MOD has been released or update in the past six months.

    It is now China’s Spring Festival holiday in 2024, and I finally have free time to continue making UEP2-MODs. So, happy gaming~

    Ah, this is the new year pictures that is going to be posted on the window glass.

    Happy Year of the Dragon 2024 :)






  • -------------

    Video demonstration:

    Note: MOD integrates stations for trams, buses, taxis stops. Some stops can't be used universally.


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  • ------ 2024.02.09 --- v1.1---

    [uep2]_04c_Modern tram and bus terminals-------- DONE



    Copyright declaration: original model works, without permission, no reprint and commercial sale!



    The forum download link needs to be reviewed by the administrator, which takes time.

    You can go to STEAM to subscribe to MOD first.


    [uep2]_04c_Modern tram and bus terminals




    Availability: 1998.



    ----Stops 1, 2 for buses and trams use only.

    ----Stops 3, 4 for taxis use only.

    ----Stops 13, 14 for buses and taxis use only.

    ----Stops 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 for trams use only.


    [ - I - ].-------Before loading the MOD.-----------

    (1). Make sure you have the latest version of the game.

    (2). NOTE: DO NOT use any mods that directly replace the game's default roads/rails/parameters! !Such mods will cause other authors' mods to fail to work properly! ! !

    [ - II - ].-------Use this mod in new game or archive.-----------

    (1). Make sure you have subscribed to this mod and loaded it in the mod management list of TPF2.

    (2). This mod will add a Tram and Bus Terminal to your game.

    (3). You can find the mod in the "Road/urban_expansion_project_package_II" option.

    (4). You can let trams, buses and taxis to stop here, and buy road vehicles in this mod..

    (5). The main platform can accommodate an average of 750 passengers, and other platforms can accommodate 70 passengers.

    (6). You can turn off the tram catenary, using the station as early tram systems.

    (7). At the tram entrance, you can find a dynamic tram washer.

    (8). You can turn off the tram catenary, using the station as early tram systems.

    (9). A dragon fountain sculpture was added at the entrance.

    (10). Added electric vehicle charging stations.

