Game CTD when loading

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  • I just downloaded the game and tried to play it for the first time, but I was quickly dissapointed when the game crashed to desktop before even getting started.
    When trying to play the campaign the game starts to load the first mission, but soon stops loading and crashes to desktop without any further notice.
    I then tried to start a Free game with temperate theme and european vehicles starting at 1910, but with the same result. The game starts to load the map but soon crashed to desktop, however this time I got an error message saying the following:
    Lua error, file: res\config\game_script\arrivaltracker.lua.
    string " res\config\game_script\arrivaltracker.lua":1: unexpected symbol.
    Since it was my first attempt at playing the game I have not installed any usermade mods, so I suppose the problem must be within the game itself or any of the UG mods in it?

    I also checked the Steam forum and quickly found a thread with many people being thrown out to the desktop, but usually after playing it some time while I can't even start the game.
    Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

  • Thanks for the advice, I shuld have thought of opening it before posting... ;)

    However upon opening the file in my texteditor it is completely empty, not a single character in it, which I suppose could explain why the game has problems using it.
    Should I try downloading the game from Steam again?

    Edit: I managed to solve the problem by verifying my gamefiles which showed that I was missing 16 files for the game.
    Steam then downloaded the files and upon starting a free game with the same settings mentioned earlier the game started as expected.

    Thanks for Your time though!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Swesim ()
