Small Industry guide for map makers

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  • So ive downloaded alot of maps on steam to see if i fancy playing them!
    havent downloaded any maps from here,only other mod/scripts but i think alot read here but dont post here aswell

    but Industries are almost always out of balance,

    like 3 oil refineries and 3 x oil well to supply 3x fuel and 3 x plastic, but you actually need 12 oil wells and 6x oil refineries
    to fully supply 3x fuel refinery +3x chemical plants

    So i thought i would make a small Guide for thoee that make maps, all tho i doubt many will actually use this, i hope some will

    Industries are divided into 3 Categories

    6 x Raw Materials ( Grain, Iron ore, Coal, Logs, Crude Oil, Stones) all except Stones are 2:1 ratio further down industriychains

    4 x Temporary Commodity ( Steel, Oil, Planks, Plastic)
    6 x Final Product (Fuel, Machines, Tools, Construction Materials, Food, Goods)

    Production Chains

    Fuel : 2x Oil Well 1x Oil Refinery 1x Fuel Refinery (2:1 ratio -> 1:1 ratio)
    Machines : 2x Forest 1 x Saw Mill 2x Iron ore mine 2x Coal mine 1x Steel Mill 1x Machines Factory (2:1 / 2+2:1 -> 1+1:1 )
    Tools : 2x Forest 1x Saw Mill 1x Tools Factory (2:1 -> 1:1 ratio)
    Construction Materials : 1x Stone Quarry 1x Construction Materials Plant (1:1 ratio)
    Food Processing : 4x Grain Farm 1x Food Processing Plant (2:1 ratio)
    Goods : 2x Oil Well 1x Oil Refinery 1x Chemical plant 2x Coal mine 2 x Iron Ore mine 1 x Steel Mill 1 x Goods Factory (2:1 -> 1:1 / 2+2:1 -> 1:1 -> 1+1:1 Ratio)

    Example Goods you there need following
    2x oil Wells 2:1 ->
    1x oil refinery 1:1 ->
    1x Chemical plant

    2x Coal Mine 2:1 ->
    2x Iron ore mine 2:1 ->
    1x Steel Mill

    1x Goods factory 1+1:1

    Example for production of Goods + Machines you would need the following

    Raw materials : 4x Iron ore mine, 4x Coal mine, 2x Forest, 2x Oil well (2:1ratio)
    Temporary Commodity : 2x Steel Mill (2:2 ratio), 1x Oil Refinery -> 1x Chemical plant, 1x Saw Mill, (1:1ratio)
    Final Product : 1x Goods factory 1x Machine Factory (1+1:1 Ratio)"Steel/Planks + Steel/Plastic"

    Made a spreadsheet where you can plot in number of final product plants you want and it should calculate number of Raw material/Temporary Commodity/Final plants you need to place to have balanced industries…2OvWX5s_f5_WSYN8azmmPWgY0
    Hope this makes sense if not plz comment

    p.s my first post here on, hope its ok its only only english, i can read german well but not good at writing in it sorry

    Updated Food with correct ratio also in the sheet

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Quttu ()
