failing at creating a basic mod

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  • Hi,

    I'm trying to create a basic mod for assing more line colors to the game. I have the GOG version and unfortunately there's no mod for us of this kind. What I did was download one of the scrip mods of this site and looked at the folder and file structure. Created a new folder, created a mod.lua and scripts,lua files inside it, and them looked at the code structure in the original mod and coded mine.

    Well, my mod appear in the list of mods to load, but it appear this way: "mod_line_colors***" and it has !!! before the activation switch. Also it do not load in the game, but give no errors when activated.

    The 2 files are attached in the post. If anyone can point me what I did wrong, thanks. I only want to change my available colors for lines, if I need to learn a new code language, no bother, right now I only want to play, later I will study it. Thanks. =)


    • mod.lua

      (4,28 kB, 181 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
    • strings.lua

      (154 Byte, 169 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
  • No, renamed it an now it appear without the *** and the !!! in the name. But I think I still made something wrong in the code. There's no change in the available colors for my lines.

    But no problem, I will look in the logic of the code for this game more and try to fix it.

    TYVM. I will update there later if I had success or not. =)
