I have a mod that is supposed to fix a deleted mods chaos and I cant seem to get it to work

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  • The "bridge pack mod" got deleted and I found a mod that would, Pardon the pun, bridge the gap left by that mod allowing you to delete the bridges that were affected by the mods deletion so that save files could be recovered. but I cannot get the mod to work. I have it in the Transport Fever 2 user data mod folder like it should be. the .zip is unpacked but I cannot find it in game so I can salvage a save file I put several dozen hours on. I am not great with computers but I'm not completely a moron and i have not been able to find anything online that makes sense of how to get the mod to work. There are many tutorials on how to get mods into the folder but not to get the mods actually working in a save game. It wold mean allot if anyone could help me save a save file I have put allot of work into playing and recording.

    I have included the mod I am trying to install transportfever.net/wsc/attachment/143845/


    • 1989863072.zip

      (819,02 kB, 110 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )