Convert TPF2 mod into TPF1

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  • This would likely be a niche rather than a mainstream issue: firstly, there are still way more mods out for TPF1 than for 2, and secondly, the majority of players already seems to run 2. So the need for such a converter does not exactly seem highly pressing...

    That said, if You like to try Your hand at this, it ought to be feasible. Basically, 1 and 2 models share much of their basic structure; there are differences though in what data is located in what file. 1 models generally use the .msh files more heavily than their 2 counterparts; in 2, the animations are expressed in form of transformation matrices and outsourced to .ani files, and the .mdl files carry much more data than in the older variant.

    So while it certainly is possible, there would be quite a lot of copying and typing involved, and if you were to build a script for this job, there would still be some manual labour involved in removing some details that are unsupported in 1.

  • sadly some cool models only run in 2; which still is lacking of performance and is still buggy....

    so as long as this isnt fixed I guess a lot of guys prefer to play 1 instead.

    its just very sad that modders seem to forget this circumstence ...

    MfG, die Licaon

  • To answer the question. Yes it possible to make a tpf1 Mod from a Tpf2 Mod. You have to do it by hand, each single file needs adjustments except textures. I have done it with one vanilla Mod it's just a bunch of work.

  • Cheers guys.. and yes currently I am fed up with the lag I have, no issues with fps but vehicles are proper lagging and it really bothers me, so I thought why not move some newer mods to TPF1 if thats possible, but unfortuntelly I am no expert in these>:D

  • Consider that none of us were from the start :) you´ll just need to be acquainted with the mods structures both in 1 and in 2, and from there on it is mostly copy-and paste work. It´ll probably be not unwise to use one of each relevant 1 file types as template. Copying animations will probably the greatest hurdle to overcome...
