Does the scale of a mesh matter? (MDL file) (solved)

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  • Hello,

    I'm having blender (2.8) export FBX files into the ModelEditor at a scale of 100. While I've tested many exporting options (links to guides), my mdl files always scales to 100.

    My question: Does it matter that it scales to 100, even if the 3D model is the correct size in the model viewer?

    My Example:

    children = {


    materials = { "vehicle/waggon/Mod_Test_2/Material.mtl", },

    mesh = "vehicle/waggon/Mod_Test_2/Cube_lod0.msh",

    name = "Cube",

    transf = { 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -100, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, },


    Most other mods I've seen:

    transf = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, },

    transf = { [X Scale], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, [Y Scale], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, [Z Scale], 0.0, [X Position], [Y Position], [Z Position], 1.0, },

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    Links to tutorials that I'm using:


    Exporting from blender:

    -Tried meters and centimeters

    -Tried scaling 100 down to .01

    -Tried unit-less

  • Also, a scaled part might show some issues with keyframe animations.

    If you prefer to build parts on a different scale, it will spare you various issues if You rescale them before animating and exporting them. To reset a parts scale to 1-1-1 in Blender; just enter Object mode and select Object-Apply-Scale; this will simply tell Blender that the object in its present condition is the new unscaled one. Be aware though that you will get position shifts if you already have placed keyframes on the object.

  • A scale of 100 might lead to the Normalmap being 100 times more intense.

    At least I had such an issue back in TPF1 times.

    This is good to know and to prepare for.

    Also, a scaled part might show some issues with keyframe animations.

    If you prefer to build parts on a different scale, it will spare you various issues if You rescale them before animating and exporting them. To reset a parts scale to 1-1-1 in Blender; just enter Object mode and select Object-Apply-Scale; this will simply tell Blender that the object in its present condition is the new unscaled one. Be aware though that you will get position shifts if you already have placed keyframes on the object.

    I had no idea that you could apply scale to your object. Thank you.

    The is a guide on steam for exporting from Blender 2.8 without this scaling issue.…iledetails/?id=1970798355

    I followed this guide and this time I noticed that the model editor is scaling my FBX. I've attached an image showing my scale in blender, FBX export, model editor and the mdl file (transf).

    Have you ever seen the ModelEditor scale an object by 0.01?

  • As far as I know you have to check !EXERIMENTAL! Apply Transform

    Thank you so much! This fixed it.

    With your help I found a video on what experimental does to the model.

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    I appreciate all the help and quick responses.

  • Exergy

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