NEED MODELER: At grade passenger crossing * scripting done.

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  • So for a long time when creating stuff in TPF2 I get really irritated that there must be an underpass to reach other platforms. this is just not how many stations operate and such I'm looking at creating a 'At grade passenger crossing' module

    Before I embark on this I wanted to know what had been learnt already about creating modules and what you think is possible.

    I was thinking of having the module a track module that would not act as a platform track. This way you could configure trains to stop at one end of a station. And at a later date a dropped curve could be added to platforms, though not important at first with the low platforms tpf2 uses. The biggest challenge would be making sure pedestrians would not walk through trains, so I would like it to be a bit of a level crossing module. All very difficult stuff. Not sure I will event do this but I wanted to guage if other attempts have been made.

  • Agunter999

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