Boeing 757-200 Repaints for TpF2

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  • Since I have no clue as to how to paint a vehicle (I did try to use GIMP and Blender, but didn't understand much of the latter) I am hoping that someone who has the skills is interested in repainting the UG 757-200 into Icelandair's colours.

    There has been several 757-200F repaints, but not many for the passenger version oddly enough since it is/was a widely used aircraft in most parts of the world.

    Up here in the Northern corner of Europe the Boeing 757 has mainly been used by Icelandair even for long haul flights to the US and Canada which is why I would like to be able to use that in TpF2 as well.

    Other operators of the 757-200 I believe are/were American Airlines, British Airways, Continental and Icelandair among others.

    Technical specs and modelfiles should be the same as UGs 757-200, so I suppose I don't need to add those.

    Photos for inspiration/guidance:

    American Airlines

    British Airways



    US Airways
