Any idea why everything seems accelerated despite not in fast forward mode

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  • Hi folks,

    I just started a new game and I found in that game, despite I am playing with normal speed, everything is moving so fast as if they are accelerated to 2x/4x time. I am fairly confident to say that because in my previous game (another map) the same vehicle moves significantly slower under the same game speed settings (Take pedestrians for example, they now take 5s from the station gate to the platform).The old game also started with the slower,more normal speed. Any idea why?

  • The game seems to move slower if youre Computer cant keep up with the Simulation. It might be possible that youre old map had to many lines / sims / vehicles and moved slower because of that.

    And since youre starting with a fresh new world, youre just experiencing the game at its normal speed, instead of a slower one :)
