"Museum line" achievement

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  • I'm a bit confused on how this achievement is supposed to work. Do you need to have the vehicles all active on the line at the same time or just have 1 of each vehicle active on the line at some point in time?

    I'm trying to complete everything while playing normally, such as having actual lines serving a purpose instead of having a line off to the side in the middle of nowhere that I can just pile the vehicles up on, and it's becoming a bit of a nuisance having everything pile up behind a 18km/h wagon.

  • Aah... a simple yet clever solution. I was aiming to see if I could just sell them after putting them in the line for a bit, but this also works. Thanks!

    In my case I'll be using them all as they release with the times, but I'll make sure to return 1 to the depot before selling/replacing the rest.
