What exactly do the town config values do?

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  • Inside the base config file there is a section with:

    From what I've witness through multiple tests, these seem to affect towns that are generated via Free Game and in the Map Editor when you use the town generation tool.

    A couple of them seem easy enough and have clear, instant results in the game.

    Such as maxNumberPerArea which generates a number of towns based its value times areas of the map... and then an additional bit in the equation that I don't know.

    Then that value is further divided based on the Number of Towns setting when making a free game.

    allowInRoughTerrain also comes as advertised.

    I thought that initialMinSize and initialMaxSize were obvious too, but many town generation tests didn't seem to have any consistent result. Nothing obvious changed depending on those values, initialSizeExponent, or sizeFactor regardless of what kind of adjustment combination I tried.

    Is there any documentation that says what these actually do? I haven't been able to find anything on it at all aside from basic guesses that ended up being incorrect.

  • Apparently some of them are new for TpF2 based on some posts I've seen discussing TpF1's version of these factors. I may have to do some longer term experiments to see if they have long term effects. It'll be a good way to get my feet wet coming into this games modding ways from my previous ventures.
