Road vehicle axle/wheels turn on z-axle

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  • Hello Forum,

    Recently I've got myself TransportFever2 and I'm now trying to get some models into the game. I have no experience with game mods but do have quite a few 3Dmodels which I can export from 3DstudioVIZ4 only to .stl files, these however I can convert to .dxf files via Blender. At the moment I haven't got materials for the models (I'll need to gain some knowledge on that still), so the Blender plugin didn't except my attempts yet, but using the dxf import on the ModelEditor does seem to do the trick for the moment.

    I managed to create a car model asset and also got it available in my RoadDepot. So far I've done 2 models of an Audi A4 and an Audi A6 and both look good, except this one thing I can't get fixed and that is the wheels rotating on the Z axle while driving and not the Y axle. I've tried changing the orientation of the imported meshes as well as moving them in the mdl file. Moving the pivot of the model had no effect and moving in the mdl file seemed to deform the meshes more then rotate them.

    In the ModelEditor the debug mode does show odly, see attached.

    I did move the axle and wheels from a corvette mod on the A4, then debug axles are shown what I guess is normal a lot shorter, and those wheels do work.

    Does anybody have a clue what is going wrong and how I could fix the issue?


    attached a few screenshots of both models in the game and in the modeleditor

  • Wheels and axles always rotate around their own y axis. In the model editor that is the green one. It seems that your model has some rotated meshes before the import. Maybe you have to flip axis in some fbx import options or apply rotation before exporting to "bake" the rotation into the meshes instead of rotating them by script values.

  • Thank you Yoshi!

    It was quite a search but eventually got the axles lined up with changing the pivots in the original .max file.

    So now the A6 has properly turning wheels. :)

    Next step to get the lod0 level in (lod1 is now used also on lod0) to get the quality up, maybe add a taxi sign and then getting familiar with materials config.

