GO-TO command

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  • I am wondering if it is possible to send a vehicle to a certain point via a go-to command.

    For example, I do not want my train to flip on end of line but rather move back in reverse very slow, go to a reverse loop and then continue forward to next station. I am thinking of an invisible station perhaps, of zero length.

    Please take a look:

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  • I implemented a goto command (sort of) using a 2nd station to allow the train to reverse direction before going to next city.
    First, I do not want the train to flip as is the current mode of operation in the game which is very unrealistic. Second, I do not want the train going in reverse to the next city.
    So I was thinking of having a goto command just to send the train to the reverse loop and change direction to continue forward. What is shown here in the video is quite satisfactory to me in the mean time.
    Thanks for watching.

  • It is a better solution using Spitzkehre +++. The station can be as small as 5 meters. What I don't like is the fact that the train is dropping/picking up passengers which they pay the fare but the station is overcrowded with just 7 passengers. The nice thing is that the reverse loop is just as long as the train and no more. So for now, we do not have the GOTO command. I tried using waypoints and the games is not smart enough to follow around the reverse loop.

  • Nope, I tried first without road and the train downloaded passengers anyways. it was a while after I added the road just for nothing.

    I continue my map adding a normal station to the reverse loop hoping some day we will have a goto command. I will see in a couple of years how the town develops with two stations, looks very promising.

