Gran Turismo 5 BGM Mod For Transport Fever 2 Project

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  • Hi everyone.

    I am new here but I want to announce that I am making a new mod for Transport Fever 2 that is to use the menu music from Gran Turismo 5 that is from the Main Menu and the Lounge Music. The mod currently has 18 tracks at present and I have recorded them myself from the actual game and are organic new recordings. Nothing is extracted from the original game, so that will make this new mod legitimate. All 18 tracks are formatted into the .ogg format that the game understands. I am new to making any kind of mods and I have already done the display screen for the mod and I have got the music into the game. However. I have a slight problem because I wish to replace the music tracks in game using a script that will tell the game to ignore the default BGM and play the music from my mod in its place. I have some bugs to iron out but once that is done, It should be ready to be packed and uploaded.

    This is a preview of the splash screen for my upcoming mod.

    All comments, suggestions and advice is appreciated :).

  • Hi there. I always make sure that the original creators are credited for the original work. As I believe these tracks are owned by Sony/Polyphony Digital and are not classed as commercial music. The project mod is an experiment under research and that would be covered by the 1976 Fair Use Act and being a freeware non-commercial mod. I won't be making any money from it and this would tip the project in favour under section 107 of the 1976 Fair Use act.

    That said, it really depends on the way that companies feel about their communities using their content. In most cases and from experience. Most gaming companies favour non-profit creators and I have seen various mods made for other video games that have been made from other video games where the developers and original creators have been credited. Please be assured that this mod is legitimate and complies to all applicable laws :).
