Mega map size limits

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  • I have been rebuilding my map from TransportFever one BlackDiamond, and found TransportFever 2 will not allow me to build the landscape as huge as it was. The mega-sized map editor only allows maps to be built to a certain size? Is there a way to get the over-sized maps as large as we could build in TransportFever one?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Lowell ()

  • I am making mega-sized maps for TransportFever2... of course it's set for extended size maps. In TransportFever one my BlackDiamond map is a 6k by 4k map. In TransportFever Two max mega size is 5k by 5k. It squishes my heightmaps to fit their "downsized" game map editor. Why did they downsize the mega sized map building? I made 8k maps in version one of this game, if this one is improved... Why did they downsize the mega map sizes? My question is, why can we not edit the size because the editor will not go by the heightmap image anymore.

  • I rebuilt my old BlackDiamond map as a 1.1 it plays okay but lacks the extra long distance I like. To me I like long distances from cities and industries, plus trains get to their max speed on huge maps. The old black diamond map in transport fever one was 6k x 3k, it runs pretty good, a couple of my 8k maps had some issues when full. My guess is for stability they maxed the game out at 5k maps. I still prefer the larger sizes. Transport fever one went by the size of the saved heightmap image, this editor has preset sizes. To the developer's I would like to have the game editor add the extra sizes back please...LoL Otherwise the editor works pretty good, although I see tons of maps being published without trees and landscaping, guess many have not figured how to use that properly, so the developers might want to make that part more user-friendly...myself it's fine but I want bigger maps please. For now I guess I will publish my maps at max size allowed and make adjustments as needed.
