E6 Series Shinkansen

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  • Basically, Angier (the guy who makes most of the Shinkansen mods) moved onto TPF2, and I have a Japan save with all the Shinkansens (excluding Hokuriku, Joetsu and Yamanashi) and I really want an E6 Series for my world, because:

    1. Not many Japanese mods are made for TPF1 (or at least in comparison to all the other countries)

    2. Angier (moving onto TPF2) means he doesn't do TPF1 mods anymore

    3. I don't know how to mod.

    It'd be great if this was possible, if not an E6 series Shinkansen though, an E7 Series or E4 Series Shinkansen would do me wonders. Thank you, if anybody actually takes this idea on board.




  • MaikC

    Hat das Label unvollständig hinzugefügt
  • I can understand really good what you mean, but unfortunately not only angier023 moved on to the sequel, but also nearly all the other modders as well. I think I am one of the only ones still creating mods for TpF1.

    Unfortunately I have too many own projects and too few time to start a megaproject like this myself.

    For you though, there are two options now:

    1. Wait anyways
    2. Try to build your own model

    I know the struggle of starting to create mods for Transport Fever and to this day I am thankful that I could annoy DH-106 with every question I had. Therefore I'd be more than willing to pass on what I know and also help as best as I can to create new models for this wonderful game that is TpF1.

    If you want, you can ask me anything about modding and I will help you as best as I can. ^^

    Just PM me.

    (I can't really show much reference now, but trust me, I've still collected quite some knowledge about the game. Also, reference will be coming soon ;))

  • Thanks, I have also however moved to TPF2 as well, and I actually started making repaints (I never thought I'd be able to). After I finish my current project, I'm considering making models, but I haven't tried it so it will be relatively hard.
