Tunnel parameters

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  • Apprently the Tunnels are as unflexible in Tpf2 as they are in Tpf1.

    The general shape of the tunnel is hardcoded and only depends on the width of the Tracks /Streets , as Elli said.

    You are only able to change the texture ( if i remember correctly in the tracks / streets lua?) of the tunnel wall.

    The portal on the other Hand can be changed completely. Youre able to create youre own one if you like to. But the tunnel itself wont adjust in any way to youre own model for the portal.

    The only workaround for this ive found so far, would be a Tunnel with a transparent texture so you can use assets to change its shape.

    And since tracks allow custom models, you can use that too, to create custom tunnel shapes.

    But these are just workarounds and it would be great, if the game would give us more freedom for the tunnels.

  • You are only able to change the texture ( if i remember correctly in the tracks / streets lua?) of the tunnel wall.

    How would someone go about changing the textures of the tunnel wall?

    I have some track mods and some of them have a better texture for tunnel walls than default that i'd like to apply to the other tracks.

    Figured out the answer. You must edit the Tunnel Wall line in the .LUA file of the track mod. If you set it to null you can get rid of tunnel walls and use assets like Randomx7 suggested. You can also set it to the name of other tunnel textures from other track mods you may have downloaded. Really useful!
