Need help with Train End Indicator DE/AT in my own mod

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  • Hello, I am making a mod in Transport Fever 1 that adds a train end signal to the vanilla cargo wagons, using the files from the Train End Indicator DE/AT mod by Trunky. I want the signal only a appear in-game on the rear wagon of the train using backForwardParts/backBackwardParts. For some reason the signals are appearing on every wagon in the read, instead of only the rear wagon. Does anyone have a suggestion to fix this problem? I have used the following code in the .mdl file:

    I hope that someone is able to help me!

    (Another question, is this place the right place for questions like this?)

    The mentioned Train End Indicator mod is found here:…1665686556&searchtext=end

    (other question, is this the right place for a question like this?)Train End Indicator DE/ATTrain End Indicator DE/AT

  • You have 3 lods but only one axles entry, means that your axles for lod_1 and lod_0 won't work. And you have the lanterns in the 3rd mesh and this mesh has only 6 entries but you have used 12+13. Even if you had correctly used 5 + 6 it would not work because it is for the wrong lod

  • MaikC It probably won't work for another reason as well:

    As far as I'm concerned, you need one more pair of curly brackets around the content of configs = { },.

    Also, as MaikC already mentioned, the game doesn't use incremental counting throughout the *mdl, but starts over counting in every new LOD.

    The right configs entry therefore should be: (at least in theory, couldn't test it of course :P )

    Edit: Added modified file


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    Feluno bastelt

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Feluno ()

  • Just a longer explanationof how that works:


    Feluno ;)

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    Feluno bastelt
