Animations in creating mods

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  • Dear DH-106

    I moved here as you requested. I put here the .mdl files that can't get the rudder of my new ship moving:


    Maybe you'il help me find out why the rudder doesn't work. Thank you so much. (I highlighted the rudder controls in red). Greetings:love:

  • As far as I can see it, there are two issues here.

    In lines 493-495, You have this code:

    rudder = {
    ids = { 5, },

    This declares the 5th part of Your .mdl the rudder. A quick count seems to show that this refers to the part that is referred to starting in line 271: mesh = "fbx_import/Elica_FL.msh". Now, my Italian is rather rusty, but "elica" seems to be the propeller - this is supported by the "drive" animation that is used by this part.

    Also, what a rudder needs is a definition of how far it will deflect when steering. With the information missing, the rudder will not move at all. If You amend the above block to read:

     rudder = {
    ids = { 5, },
    maxAngle = 30,

    ...the rudder will have a freedom to move 30° to each side. You´ll need to check whether this looks good and realistic and adjust the entry then as needed - with my aircraft, I use substantially less than that.

    Looking over the .mdl, I do not see a part that looks like a rudder. So just to be safe: what You need is an individual mesh for the rudder with its origin on its intended axis and adjusted so the intended axis of rotation is parallel to the Z axis. Then add it to the .mdl and declare it the rudder in the above way and with its maximum angle defined. Then the game will take care of the rest.

    The "id = { 5,}" does strictly refer to the 5th part listed in the LOD - naming or other things are not relevant for the game here.

    Good luck!

  • You can mark the code block and define it as "code"

    Unfortunately a bit pointless, the forum does not speak lua. In any case, it doesn't get any more legible.

    francelongo_1960 You should name the material / folder unique, otherwise there will only be problems.

  • Hi DH-106. I introduced this line with 30 degree angular limitation but unfortunately the rudder still doesn't work. There is a single mesh that is the rudder intended to rotate in an axis parallel to the z-axis as you can see in the code is indicated in line 34: "Timone_FL.msh" and its axis of rotation passes from the point X=-32.652 Y=0 as indicated in the transf matrix of line 36.

  • Assuming that above the entire .mdl is shown:

    The part You refer to is not part number 5, but part number 2 in the .mdl. It does not matter what is written in the block under "partNumber"; the parts are just counted one by one down the .mdl. So "BezierCurve.001_lod0.msh" is number 1, "Timone_FL.msh" is number 2 and so on.

    If You, therefore, exchange "id = { 5, }" with "id = { 2, }", it ought to work.

    Let me also repeat MaikCs advice here: the materials and parts ought to have unique names. It is very probable that there are multiple materials by the name of "material.mtl" and also more parts by the names You used in the game. This will cause the game to mix those up and use either Your material for other mods or other materials for Your ship, and both will not look good. Renaming those to something unique would very much be worth the while...

  • Hi DH-106. But you're a dragon! That's exactly why the rudder didn't work! You had to put two and not five! Show: now the rudder turns. Thank you very much. There are no repetitions of terminology. For now, there's really only one material. I haven't started textures yet. If I need help with those, I'il look for you again! Thanks again (I was very sure you would find the problem!).
