How create a "Ferry Port" for TF2

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  • Good morning to all fans. I'm the one who did the beta version of the Iginia ferry (available here in this forum). After releasing the final version (but I would like to begin and prepare for that) I wish to create a "ferry port" suitable for it that has at least the following characteristics (to make the ferry MOD "Iginia" similar to the service carried out at the Strait of Messina by the real ships):

    1) The ship lands at the bow port and starts again (at least for a few moments before reversing the direction) to reverse;

    2) The port is therefore adequate in shape to accommodate the forward ship and on the opposite side there is one (or more) railway connection(s);

    3) From the rail connection(s) a train may arrive;

    4) This train in the absence of the ferry must wait for its arrival;

    5) If the ferry is present, the train will be boarded in the ferry;

    6) Embarkation must take place at least from the point of view of storing the elements constituting the train taken in their correct order storing those inside string varibles owned by the ship itself;

    7) The train could also be actually displayed inside the ferry (divided into 4 pieces, corresponding to the tracks of the ferry);

    "8") When the ferry arrives at the same port on the opposite side of the sea, the newly transported train must be reassembled and restarted prosecuting its way;

    9) If there was a train waiting after the previous train was unloaded this waiting train must in turn be loaded onto the ship to be brought back and so on (of course in port present on the opposite shore must be -possibly- the same MOD as the "ferry port", so that pairs of ferry ports can be connected to each other via normal "lines", example city-1 / ferry port-1 / ferry port-2 / city-2);

    I would be very grateful if any of you could give me some "starting" info to begin this realization. Regards. Francesco.

  • What you're proposing is perhaps possible, but it will be very complex to implement.

    For starters, if a vehicle carrying freight is destroyed, the freight will be lost. This means that the train will have to be allowed to "arrive" at the station and unload before it is destroyed.

    When the cargo is unloaded from the train, we would hope to see it all loaded onto the ferry. The vagaries of the TpF pathing system might, however, result in some of the freight looking to catch another train to somewhere unintended.

    Similarly, when the ferry docks, it will have to transfer unload its cargo. Again, we would hope to see it all transfer the the correct platform at the adjacent train station, but there would also be no guaranties here.

    As the game stands right now, you can't buy a vehicle if you are overdrawn at the bank. One would have to determine if this limitation also exists with vehicles created programmatically. It might pose a problem if it does. In any event, one would need to ensure that the process of transferring a vehicle on and then off of the ferry did not result in gains or losses simply as a result of the destruction and recreation of vehicles.

    The final question that crosses my mind right now is getting the trains to stop, and wait for the ferry to dock. I would hate to have to monitor every train on every update callback.

    I'm not saying that anything here is impossible, as I'm fairly certain it can all be done (with the possible exception of overcoming potential freight misdirection.)

    The amount of work involved will be substantial.
