Is there a way to change a property of a CONSTRUCTION entity?

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  • Hi!

    I built a lot of houses with an old mod. Many houses have a huge personCapacity without cars.

    I plan to run a script that reduces the personCapacity to 1 or 0 if the BASE_EDGE property is empty.

    Is there a way to change the property of a CONSTRUCTION entity?

    Thank you in advance for your answer!

  • All right! And how can I upgrade? Is there an example of that?

    Should I read the constructs to an array and update them in a cycle?

    I can read the constructions. But I'm not sure how I can update them. :/

  • I tried but got an error. :(

  • Only the script thread is allowed to modify the entity system and sendCommand (or better say, the Command will be later executed)

    I cannot sync to UG lua threads, so it's a bit tricky for crowded lua threads

    And if you don't report bugs, they won't be solved...

  • If I run this code in the Script Thread, I get the information about a construction.

    commonapi.dmp (game.interface.getEntity(8546))

    If i run this than i don't get any error:

    local building = commonapi.dmp (game.interface.getEntity(8546))

    But i can't read or print the "building" variable. I got this error when i try it:

    [string "building"]:1: syntax error near <eof>

    I don't know that this varieble has values or not.

    I tried this also but I got an error:

    commonapi.dmp (game.interface.upgradeConstruction(, building.fileName, building.params))
    Console::Execute: [string "commonapi.dmp (game.interface.upgradeConstruc..."]:1: attempt to index global 'building' (a nil value)

    I don't know that how should i use the commonApi.

    Could anyone write an example of a code that upgrades a construction? Please!

    I think after that I can finished it.

  • commonapi.dmp won't return anything, it dumps data, nothing more.

    local building = game.interface.getEntity(8546)


    local result = game.interface.upgradeConstruction(, building.fileName, building.params)


    Note: as the script thread is run a lot, a one liner is likely to have higher success rate:

    local building = game.interface.getEntity(8546); game.interface.upgradeConstruction(, building.fileName, building.params)

  • First of all thank you for your help!

    I tried this in the commonApi Script Thread:

    local building = game.interface.getEntity(8546); game.interface.upgradeConstruction(, building.fileName, building.params)

    I got this:

    Second attempt:

  • Well it looks like some internal state broke, likely the upgradeConstruction doesn't like your params.

    Sample, you aren't allowed to pass a seed in param.

    Update von Konstruktionen - SimpleProposal

    Please note: That isn't commonapi script thread, it's a TPF2 lua state.

    That is the lua state used by all config/game_script/*.lua non ui related callbacks = Engine State described by UG

    GUI Thread = GUI State as described by UG

    There are two states created and handled by CommonAPI itself, the CommonAPI Main LUA => used by the CommonAPI UI Overlay

    CommonAPI Game Env => used as bridge between UG and CommonAPI World, mostly unused

    CommonAPI2 injects commands to the LUA States, but I have no control on them, so if it's running currently, it may crash badly or it's internal state goes out of control.

    Yes, that it's not nice, and I know it should be better. But until the modding Update, neither TPF1 nor TPF2 had any access to a console at all.

  • This code is the winner:

    local building = game.interface.getEntity(8546); building.params.seed = nil; game.interface.upgradeConstruction(, building.fileName, building.params)

    Thank you for your help!!
