Steam locomotive offtrack in turn. Help!

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  • Hello folks,

    I'm just trying to figure something out. I have animated steam locomotives and while testing them. When this locomotive comes into a curve the engine portion shifts to be off track along with the wheels.

    I modeled and animated the locomotive in blender. Does anyone have any ideas of what the issue could be? I've been at this for several days now. Wanted to see anyone else had any insight or ran into this issue and solved it.

    When looking straight overhead down over the engine on a straight away it is lined up perfectly over the tracks. This only occurs in curves.

  • What is the general setup of the mod? I assume the forward two wheels are mounted on one individual pivoting bogie while the rear two (driven) wheels are attached to the main body - this would seem sensible to me.

    One thing applies though. A locomotive has its axles aligned to a straight track, as You mentioned. TPF2 does not allow for lateral axle movement in case of turns, so the middle axes will have to lose alignment with curved tracks; this is a geometric issue and not a bug.
