calculating edge vectors

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  • Building a track in the game is easy... but when it comes to building a shape of tracks in a construction (.con file) with edgeList I'm lost. That is why I create curves in Blender. This is very time consuming, so why not using the possibility to make track directly in the construction. The only thing I can do is straight tracks. Curved need proper vectors and I don't know how to calculate them. Looking in the WIKI givs nothing.

    Here is what I have

    I need a 45° bend.

    I have the starting and ending position, but how to get the vectors?

    Is there a formula that I can use?

    edges[#edges + 1] = { { 100.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { ???, ???, 0.0 } }

    edges[#edges + 1] = { { 130.0, 20.0, 0.0 }, { ???, ???, 0.0 } }

    result.edgeLists = {


    type = "TRACK",

    params = { type = "standard.lua" },

    edges = edges,

    snapNodes = snapTrack



  • You will need some knowledge about Hermite/Bezier splines. Perhaps you download my "track builder" mod* and have a look at scripts/wktb_geoutil.lua. The functions that you need for constructing, rotating and placing curves are





    I always construct a curve from the zero point and then shift and turn it with geo.rotTranslEdge to the place I want to have it. Mostly this is the end of the preceding edge. ;)

    The variables used are:

    r: radius

    radiant: angle in rad

    curved: -1 left, 1 right

    zEnd: end height

    mConn: end slope of preceding edge

    mEnd: slope of the end of current edge

    pConn: end point of preceding edge

    tConn: end tangent point of preceding edge

    Sometimes I use different names for the points:

    p0 / pStart: start point

    p1 / pEnd: end point

    t0 / tStart: left tangent point

    t1 / tEnd: right tangent point

    A special feature of my curves is to build them in at least two parts. This was necessary beacause TPF crashed when building an intersection with a segment only from one edge. I have not yet tested if this issue still exists.

    The basics for handling Hermite and Bezier splines you can find here:

    Kurven konstruieren

    Punkte, Vektoren, Koordinaten in Lua programmieren

    I intended to continue this to make a tutorial from it, but I didn't yet finde the time. :(:rolleyes: It is not a simple stuff, so if you have questions perhaps we can start a conversation - or for simpler things I'll try to post the answer here.

    *) Latest version, former versions use a more complicated algorithm.

    **) You can leave out the last argument in the lines 74 and 93, it was originally thought for another purpose, but p0 will always be {0,0,0}, so this is not necessary.

    ... don't know much trigonometry ... don't know much about algebra ... don't know what a slide rule is for ...

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von WernerK () aus folgendem Grund: Wichtiger Zusatzhinweis
