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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • Also insgesamt sieht das da echt toll, aus was du zauberst. Die Geländer und das Metall sehen sehr gut aus. Wenn du es schaffst, evtl. noch etwas Regelmäßigkeit aus den Steinen nehmen. (Die großen Steine ergeben ein zu regelmäßiges Muster). Keine Ahnung, wie aufwändig das ist.

  • Da dies mein selbst gesetztes Ziel für diese Mod war (szs eine Übung, wie man sowas selbst erstellt): Ja, es müssen selbst erstellte sein ;) Googlen kann jeder :P Das wird beim Geländer wohl auch nochmal ein Spaß. Hab jetzt verschiedene Dinge rausgebacken, aber einfach wirds nich. Am besten sieht combined aus, aber da is eben auch Schattenwurf usw mit drin. Ungut für ne Textur. Hab diverse Dinge mal gespeichert, wird sich schon was ergeben :D

    Aber ich nutze die Chance gleich mal zu einer Frage: How do such bridges look at the top? The part that was white in the last scene. I simply put the stone-texture on it in this example. Is this as simple? ^^

  • How do such bridges look at the top? The part that was white in the last scene. I simply put the stone-texture on it in this example. Is this as simple? ^^

    Nope. I think you need a different stone texture it can use the same color patterns but it needs a different structure. Probably smaller stones and much more dirt or gravel on top of it. But thats just my guess.
    Guessing from your picture it could also be a renovated bridge in this case i would put large concrete parts on top of it.

  • be a renovated bridge

    mehehe, you dont want to see my reference xD

    Seems i'm just to dumb to work "unpropperly". I'm unable to make nice dirt for my textures and an old bridge looks like an egyptian pyramide xD Well. all in all i think i will start research of how a bridge is build. The textures can be chaged later too, but i want to see it ingame for now :P The modell you see here is in basics TF-ready. It has a base (the part that is a bt wider), it has a top (the arcs) and a pillar to get repeated (the straigt part inbetween). These parts have to be cut again as far as i know, so that a dynamically depth of the bridge can be done. So the sides and the front have to be seperated. Whats missing so far are the end-parts for the lenght (3rd dimension). And the worst part for me will be: Finding out, how to position each single part >< If you import a vanilla bridge, all parts are almost in the same spot. Here i will have to investigate, where the origins have to bee *hmm* And at the end im not sure, how the textures will look like, when the parts of the bridge get streched, or however this works in detail ><

  • Well, so over the day i did a bit here and there. Actually i think i have the pillar-part TF-ready. At least theoretically ^^ As I found out, the pillars are seperated in different parts (think i said it once before). Bit its a bit diffrent from what i thought its done ^^ We have three parts from top to bottom. The top-part makes the most problems so far, coz i dont know how it fits with the ceiling/railing part. At least it all seems to be in portions of 2m widht. Each part of those three "levels" is devided in two segments again. A "cap" for the sides and a repeatable part to fill the gaps, when the bridge grows in tracks-count. Also the mid-part ("2nd level") is repeated in height as the bridge grows. All these parts are 2m width. The side-segments for each level also have these 2m plus what you think the end-part should take on space. Hard to describe in english >< Also the relations/origins of each part are clear so far. The bottom and mid level parts have the origin at the bottom, the top level part at the road/tracks level. The repeatable segments are centered in y direction (width), the end/side segments have this 2m-part at the right and the end-part at the left from the origin. Now i need the railing part too :/

    At least it was a lot of re-mapping so everything will fit. Again: theoretically. I have no clue, how TF builds the bridges dynamically and atm im to lazy to start the game lol.

    Edit: I build a second pic ^^ So you can see it better *hope* the blue part is the "railing" stuff and uninteresting so far (havent adopted it). The red dots are the "origins", here they are shown at the sides, so you can better see the relation in width. Normally they are centered (x-coord). But so you can see, that the bottom and mid parts have the origin at bottom and the repeatable parts centered in y direction and the end/side parts have it whre the 2m-part and the end-part meet together ^^ For the top-parts its the same, only that they have their origins at the top (where the road/tracks would be).

  • And we go on with the railing. Was able to bring me to start TF to have a look at how TF dynamically creates bridges... yeah, difficult. Bridges need space, to build them you most often are zoomed out and zooming in is not easy. The next problem is, that it seems to "jump" around. First idea was, that he simply adds complete parts without stretching them at all. That would explain all this jumping. The next observation was, that he seems to fill the pillar-ends with railing-start segments. and between 2 pillars he sets a railing-repeat segment, but only one. Perhaps this determines the maximum pillar-distance? I'll have a look at this 8o

    Another nice observation: I dont need to care about the top of the bridge. Which texture is used "under the tracks" - there is no Mesh. I'm sure, this whole gap will get filled by the street/tracks. But i have another Problem *think* As you see in the pic, there is no side-wall for the space between the pillars. Thats not the huge problem, but what will i do with this damn pillar-Mesh? 2 faces in same location means z-fighting :/ I could try to cut of the pillar-part, but there is this lil stine-line coming out the pillar >< i think its not possible to map this so it fits nicely :/ well, i will try a bit...

  • And the spam goes on... xD

    Finally got it remapped so it looks surprisingly ok. Dont want to know how often i remaped this whole thing >< Well, the next gap occured and here i have no clue how to solve it ^^ At least - no, a look at the clock says simply no >< Ok, then tomorrow i will try a first export. This will be funny <X

  • Yay, I hope this is the final version (besides the textures). The base needed to be a bit higher as it seems, so I did this. And ofc I had to remap it then >< Then I remembered that I havent looked at the repeatability of the repeatable mid-segment of the pillars edge. The texture fitted well with the top and base, but what, when two mid-segments follow each other? For sure it looked horrible... So I remaped the middle part, and then i had to remap the base-part again xD What a luck I mentioned this repeatability at the other segments before *huh*. Ok, so now lets try to export this baby. Then the mdl "Schubserei" (pushing? ^^ ) will start *happy* xD

    Edit: Aaaaarrrrrgghhhhh - I need to reconfigure the materials to Blender-Render >< I hate this part ^^

  • Maybe I'm too much of an engineer and too little of an artist but I think statically the middle segment between the pillars won't hold. Only arch from pillar to pillar is stable.
    German: Ich denke die Brücke würde in der Realität instabil sein. Nur wenn der Halbbogen von Pfeiler zu Pfeiler durchgeht funktioniert es statisch. Soll keine Kritik sein, nur eine Anmerkung, da ich denke, dass du auf Realismus Wert legst.

  • Yaeh, but until now i didnt had any idea, how this bridge will look like ingame ^^ BUT! I made it :D Well, needed to restart several times so all the pathes are correct, but this is how it looks so far:

    I'm pretty sure the instability of the arcs... arches? Bögen? ^^ Ah, arches seems to be correct. What did i wanted to say? Ah yeah, the instability is not my main problem :P

    I have to relocate some of the repeatable segments and there are gaps in the ceiling... Now the fun starts *meh*

    Edit: Well, the missing segments are solved (that was fast):

    But i dont like the look when I'm serious :/ One-Track, yeah. But two?

    This simply looks like a huge wall >< perhaps I shall rotate te arches so the pillars bevom gaps with arches at the top? Oh god, all this work again xD And as you can see in the last pic, there is one small location-bug again. And the mentioned z-fighting problem is visible too :(

  • Ok, some Routes in ATS later i tested some things. I fixed the broken railing (wrong meshes in the segment-mdl's -> A-mesh in segment-B and vice versa ^^ ) and yeah, i broke it again (the handrail of the start/end- segment is now 1m to the center). I hoped to find out, where start/end segments are used and where "repeat" segments. See the pic ^^ Start/end is used left and right of the pillars and at the end and at the start of the bridge. So my idea to add those segments a nice erm... Wall to the ground - istrashed :/ Also i tried to stretch the bounding-box of the bridge-segment between the pillars from 4m lenght to 8m. Yay - wide pillars! ^^

    Meh, no wide pillars >< Seems the space is hard coded and make the mesh in between bigger lets TF simply swages it ingame together so yeah, its senseless >< Also i found out, why the sides dont fit with my pillars:

    Kay, that makes it clear i think >< So i will start to redisign my sexy pillars.

  • Siehe das erste Bild des letzten Posts. Da hab ich mal die Bounding-Box verdoppelt und TF schiebt dann das ganze Segment einfach nur zusammen. Also an der Breite kann man nix machen :/ Hab aber grad schon ne andere schicke Idee, mal schauen obs was wird. Bin gerade an den Pfeilern dran erstmal :D
