Early Australian Steam Engines

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  • Hi my name is Leigh and an absolute train fever fan.

    Most of the fine and spectacular models being modded are of early/late German (central European) engines.

    Even though most are from Europe and a few from the americas, There are no models from the Asian or the Oceanic regions, If i was to provide as much material as possible for one of the excellent modders out there of this site to gain the inspiration needed, could someone take up the gauntlet to provide one early and one late period Australian steam locomotive I can get pictures and some original dimensions (if needed) for some early locomotives. There is no need to worry about rolling stock as much was of early english/american at the beginning, which is already available. If no one wishes to take up the gauntlet could they provide infomation on a decent (but free) 3d modding program and ill begin my first baby steps into modding myself tyvm Leigh.

  • Hi Leigh,

    I'm sure that one of the modders can help you. There ara a few simple rules for a mod request here.
    Thus they are in German I'll do a short translation.

    - mod requests can be posted in Modding -> Modanfragen (mod requests) so you're in the right place.
    - write in the headline which train/tram/whatever you would like to have modded (e. g. DB BR 420, whatever is the name of your favourite model).
    - put in your request as much information as you can. Links to photos, technical drawings, datasheets and so on
    - do not post any pictures, drawings etc. into your request which are not of your origin
    - double posts are not allowed
    - be kind to the modders, they do this for fun ;)
    - German language ist not required, feel free to write in English

    Grüsse aus der Schbätzles-Diaspora,
    - petrolhead -

    nachts isch kälter wie draussen... :P

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von petrolhead ()
