[Script] Cost modification script

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  • Hi all, just a small alternative to the cost mod, a lua script one can excecute in the res folder. It is not meant as a competition to the cost mod which is surely better written, it just is different and sacrifices user-friendliness for flexibility.

    What it does is rename all the relevant *.mdl and *.lua tu *-bkp.mdl and *-bkp.lua and copies them line for line back into the original, except for the relevent lines which are modified. It is not bug-proof at all and you might have to redownload the originals using steam, so beware.

    It defines first a category matrix, which can be freely defined for any files in the same folder:

    Cat[i] = {<Category name>, <path>, <extension>, <list of instances in the category>}

    A change matrix is then define:

    Changes[i] = {<Category Name>, <Varname 1> , <multiplied by>, <divided by>, <Varname 2> , <multiplied by>, <divided by>, ...}

    So for each category it changes any line which has:

    <Varname> = X<punctuation>   ----> <Varname> = X*mult/div<punctuation>

    The advantage of this is that you can add any mod in the list in the Cat matrix.

    Feel free to reuse this if you need to, I just did this for myself and am sharing this for anyone who is interested.

    Usual disclaimers apply, even more so since the source code is visible.

    easiest way to execute it is to find lua52.dll and lua52.exe on the web, save them in the res folder with the script, edit the script with your own values and drag the script over lua52.exe

    Have fun!

    PS: the script as is does nothing because all modifier values are set to 1
    PS_II: .lua uploading is not allowed so I uploaded a .lua.txt

    PS_III: There it is the right version now

    Edit: Fixed the double instances by creating a res/backups/

    This works now for me, apologies if anybody messed up their game files because of earlier version.

  • Hello, can I place wildcard into string instead of "list of instances in the category" (for check all files in this dir)?
    Cat[i] = {<Category name>, <path>, <extension>, <list of instances in the category>}
    So I want to achieve select all files in a directory.
    it I can to do?
