Beiträge von Vitaro

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

    First: Great Job. I love the new one
    Second: I found something.I Build the fish plant what i marked on the Picture.First thing was that a message Plopped in who was standing that the fish plant need a street connection.Then a little bit later my game crashed.I searched for what was happening and again it was the fish plant it was growing up to the next level an when this happening the game crashed.

    O, i see also you have problem with descriptions. Thanks, i'm watch.

    On Steam we just published the new Industry DLC.

    DLC greatly expands core gameplay. New cargoes and cargo chains will force you to make new, sometimes not simple decisions. Introducing new bugs will greatly brighten up your peaceful evenings.
    It's not enough for you? Then completely redesigned Machine factory will challenge you: will you be able to upgrade it to the 5th level? It will show - how good you are in logistics.

    DLC has its own set of settings that you can change using TPFMM

    This DLC is the final part of the New industry mod.

    Main features:

    • More than 20 new cargo,
    • More than 15 new factories,
    • Some basic factories have undergone significant alteration,
    • Mail chain,
    • New waggons (Autorack, Refrigerated boxcar, Hopper wagon),
    • New trucks,
    • New assets for free constructions,
    • and many other.

    Small guide in Russian. If anybody can translate him, it will be very cool :)

    Industry DLC may cause "lazy" production rate. It can be seen when your factories don't want to upgrade beyond level 2. Unfortunately we cannot do anything with it. Not everyone has this problem. If you have it, then you are unlucky =(
    To minimize the problem, it is recommended to play on normal game speed (2x and 4x are not advised). Game developers are familiar with the problem

    If you find some bugs, please report them here (in english).

    Enjoy ;)

    Link for manual download (500 mb)

    Полоса для такси : Taxi lane

    Вход на парковку : parking lot entrance

    Зона высадки : taxi passenger drop-off area (on the Russian don't speak - bus or taxi drop area, mean all vehicles)

    Зона посадки : taxi passenger pick-up area (on the Russian don't speak - bus or taxi drop area, mean all vehicles)

    Автобусная полоса : Bus lanes

    Автобусная остановка : bus stop

    Удаленный вокзал (far station), Автобус(ы) дальнего следования ( long-distance bus(es) ) : long-distance bus stations ( on the Russian don't speak - long-distance bus stations, only if mentioned bus station between cities ( Междугородний автовокзал ) )

    Автовокзал : Bus station (on the roof of building)

    @hugedragonyk you can write me in PM if you have problem with Russian ;)

    Das ist ne Funktion um aus einem Cargo Namen eine Cargo Objekt ID zu erhalten. TPF kann also einen Cargo Typ mit Namen nicht mehr auflösen.
    Wurde da eine Fracht entfernt?

    Then it looks like a cargo was removed from some moded transport.

    I met this with an incorrectly written visual cargo load, but crush game will be already after load game.
    Second variant - very big size for factory when you create new game (42% load game).

    100% only UG can answer.

    i don't see full code but try add "#" symbol

    local Letter = config.Alphabet[#params.RPGFabi_Stationsigns_Buchstabe_1 + 1]

    You calculat how many position in the table params.RPGFabi_Stationsigns_Buchstabe_1 and + 1

    In first you need create this table:

    Zeichnspeicher = { } or local Zeichnspeicher = { }

    and next already add strings into this table

    Zeichnspeicher[#Zeichnspeicher + 1] = Letter

    PS. i see differnt names:
    Zeichnspeicher and Zeichenspeicher
    I hope it's mistake on the forum =)



    Hat dort jemand vllt eine Idee wie mandas ganze löst?

    Use offset more than have road in the mtl file

    for example

    polygon_offset = {
    	factor = -5.0,
    	units = -5.0

    Matconfig for group will not work you need create random matconfig inside this group

    matConfigs = {
    	{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 
    	{ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 
    	{ 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 
    	{ 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 
    	{ 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 
    	{ 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 

    where first number - msh for body

    Big International harbour is finished.
    He content:
    5 trucks terminals,
    2 rail terminals,
    4 water terminals.

    Cargo output:
    Plastic, Chemical, Paper, Machines, Tools, Goods, Clothes, Steel (only two, random)

    Cargo input:
    Auto or Special auto (only one, random),
    Coal, Crude oil, Oil, Cotton, Alcohol, Aluminium (only one, random)

    Maintenance cost will be around 500k per month (need test)

    Restrictions for rail road vehicle - only steam or diesel.

    Visual restrictions for length train - 120 meters, but you can use more bigger =)

    Is there a way to raise the production of the power plant?

    Yes, but we don't do it, because it will be cheat.

    Sorry, now I have a lot of works, the publication is strongly delayed. With a high probability, we will publish the mod in an unfinished form. When i'll have time, we will complete mod.

    Despite the fact that we have very little free time, we are moving forward.

    We finished the "Big warehouse" with a lot of triangles (more than 18k). Now he have 4 lods.

    Also we finished the very big platform (~114m). There will be two small warehouses on it.

    And textures are almost ready for all buildings from port