Beiträge von Spanky McGilligan

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    Ah. So those who said it likely assumed it worked the same as TPF1. I never played TPF1 myself. TPF2 is what got me hooked.

    The reason I didn't question it was likely because I thought it made sense realistically. If you transfer to a depot in the middle of nowhere in the opposite direction, who is paying for the goods?

    But then there is the fact that there may be more than one industry to deliver to on the map, so how would it know which one is your target?

    So yeah, gameplay > realism comes into play at some point.

    Passengers also don't mind backtracking if it means they can get on a high speed transport, since they're based on time overall. Hence even if you have an isolated town on water with no roads, the people won't even board a non-hovercraft boat if the destination is too far away. That's one of the things I'm not fond of in the game since I like using passenger boats. Even if you're using a boat line to transfer from an far island, you could be missing out on a number of passengers simply because the slow boat like Klondike increases the time too much even if it lands at a town with a high speed train to get to a farther city.

    I guess that's were planes would come in. But... eh. XD

    Aye, that's basically what I was trying to say but less aptly. I was just noting how that one detail was always wrong and I just believe it at face value because people said it.

    I'm also aware passengers are looking for time efficiency so this only really works with goods.

    I'm noting how good it feels to be able to transfer the goods to a city hub for transport rather than what I always did based on what I was told and made a line directly from industry to industry. It just feels more realistic and organized.

    Another thing I do for Truck optimization is start with the trucks that have larger capacity for specific goods, and then replace them with the "All cargo" trucks with a lower capacity and running cost, but same speed and power as the other truck, to lower the rate down to as close to the round number as possible, with the goal of having the trucks stopped for as little time as possible at the depot.

    I partially blame myself for not testing, but I just made a huge discovery that will change the way I play this game for the better. This may have been obvious to many, but I was specifically told it didn't work this way previously, so there will be others that may benefit from this being said aloud.

    I was previously told that profit was based on the delivery of good or passengers to the final destination, such as Logs to a Saw Mill, that it is based on a straight line from one to the other, and that transfers from one delivery method to another that aren't on at least in that straight line to some degree will only lose profit to the final destination. Most of that is true, but it turns out the last part is completely false.

    I like to have rail stations at cities and towns. I'm not a fan of having them out at industry buildings. So I have trucks deliver from the industries to the rail station at the town.

    I'm playing a Very Hard map and had a nice rail line opportunity where one city was by a Forest and Tools Factory and another was by a Saw Mill. So the train could deliver both ways.

    The issue was the Forest was in between the two cities, so backtracking towards the first city was necessary. So I did that because I hoped the profit from the two way train would offset it.

    Sure enough, comparing to other lines, there was no money loss on any of the lines.

    So I did a little test with some trucks in a test map and, indeed, if you have two industries beside each other and send trucks out to deliver to and from a depot out in the middle of nowhere, they will earn the same amount as a line delivering directly from one industry to another.

    Again, this may have been obvious to many, but not everyone. And I'm both happy and frustrated knowing that I can and could have been playing exactly how I wanted to the entire time. Because it really has been a frustrating few years playing this game in generated maps trying to utilize Truck > Rail/Ship lines thinking that they all had to be one straight line. ;(

    Oh well. I can go forward much happier now. I hope this information helps someone.

    Yep! Looks like passengers do count as cargo in terms of that fix. I had to let my game run for a bit as they sorted themselves out but they eventually did! What I'm seeing in the Destinations lines up more with what I expected to see and the passengers in the mid-way station aren't piling out and going back in. Unless something else springs up I'm willing to say the issue is fixed. Thank you based guertlms !

    Bit of a visual example since I've been in a test map trying to figure it out.

    I have 2 cities on opposite ends of the map with train stations. And I have a station in the middle of a blank map with nothing attached to it.

    The Line is as described above with the middle station being stopped at twice.

    Even though there are no places for passengers to go, they are still getting off at the middle station and getting back on with many getting left behind, apparently treating the middle station as a transfer point.

    I'm starting to think this is just a big bug.

    In my latest scenario I'm working a game where it's based mostly around passenger transport and I'm running into an annoying situation that hadn't been noticeable until now.


    I have a train that goes to 3 stations. Station A > Station B > Station C > Station B > Station A. Repeat.

    So it stops at Station B twice in the circle, once each direction.

    At Station A it will show a 50-50 split between passengers heading to B and C. But when the train stops at B most of the passengers that unload get right back on. Logically, any passenger that is heading to C would just stay on the train, but it seems like a large number of passengers are getting off a B and transferring on to the same train to continue to C. This wouldn't big that big of a problem but what ends up happening is, even though there are plenty of open seats left, passengers get left behind on the platform for some reason.

    I've also seen this happen sometimes with cargo at a mid-way station where it will dump all the cargo on the platform and pick it back up, but that has been rare since one of the game updates.

    Anyone have any workaround or solution to this passenger situation? I've tried a number of things that didn't work and I don't want to have to have different lines running from each individual town.

    Having the train wait to fill with a 1 min time limit does help but also not ideal since it can end up sitting there for a long period of time as single passengers board.

    I don't know exactly from what you want an icon, but the model editor has a screenshot function.

    Ah, okay, that's probably it then. I'm making road constructions (i.e. like the roundabout, t-intersection, etc.) and want an image of the construction so people know what they're selecting. The images they have are transparent except for the roads themselves.

    What I was doing was taking a screenshot and erasing all the grass, extra environment, etc. in an image editing program and exporting the .tga.

    It's not the worst thing but it becomes annoying after a while.

    Ah, alright. At least I can stop figuratively banging my head against that wall trying to figure it out. I can do it with the Availability section, and have been as part of Plan B. It just means that there will be... definitely more than 1 .con file. :D

    Thanks for clearing the topic up.

    Welp, unfortunately now that I know it exists everything I'm working on can be made better by implementing it in some way. Not necessarily the game time, but the options in general.

    Equally unfortunate, I'm still having a hard time figuring out how to get started on it and don't think I'll be able to wait until the modding wiki arrives. Cursed programmers addiction.

    So I'm hoping someone can help me get started. Even just something simple so I can see how it all interconnects. I should be able to expand from there.

    Using the original posts in-game year as an example:

    Say you have a construction item. Inside the .con there is an updateFN which triggers when something gets changed in the Settings. What would I need to do in order to access the in-game year and put it into a variable inside updateFN whenever updateFN gets triggered?

    I think that link will give me what I need, assuming an online translator will get the necessary details across. I've only been in the English section of the Lexicon where the Game Script page isn't present.

    Basically, I was making something where inside updateFN it checks what the current year is and then an assortment of "if" statements do what they do with that information.

    I moved on to a different project, but this is good to have for when/if I transition back. At least I know it's possible. The devs say they're releasing a modding wiki with the next game update so maybe I'll wait and see if they have some instructions of their own for non-bilingual folks such as I.

    Thanks for the extra details!

    Is there a way to call the game time/year inside a mod file?

    The only thing I've found in the game files is


    but it crashes the game and reports that "interface" is a nil value.

    I haven't been able to trace the line back to a source either.

    Anyone have any tips?


    I have something I'm working on and the setting section is starting to become a bit crowded. Does anyone have a method to only display certain parameters depending on what the previous parameter is?

    Random example: You have a COMBOBOX with the options Fish and Cheese. If you choose Fish, another COMBOBOX below it lists types of fish. Selecting Cheese will list types of cheese in the lower COMBOBOX instead.

    I've tried a few things that achieved no results and can't find anything in the files that does something similar.


    Okay I think I get the miscommunication.

    Yes the mouse wheel does do larger jumps, but what I'm talking about it how each 1 step in the slider is 10 degrees. When you L-click and drag on the slider, even going with the most delicate of dragging, the smallest degree you increase/decrease by is 10 degrees.

    If you can show me that that you can go up by 1 degree per 1 step then I will bow to your superior settings knowledge, but all signs point to it being 10 per step minimum.