Hello guys. I want to show you an italian high speed train called "Pendolino". There are different models with the same shape, they are practically identical and are called ETR460, ETR470 and ETR480. That's the project if you decide to make the 3D model for Transport Fever 2:
[Blocked Image: https://digilander.libero.it/ETR500Y/disegni/ETR460.jpg]
This train is used in different liveries that can be:
ETR460 Frecciabianca:
[Blocked Image: https://i.ibb.co/jgvXQzv/Cattura1.png]">
ETR470 Frecciabianca:
These two trains are completely identical but they have a different livery on the front part.
ETR 485 Frecciargento (High Speed Train called in the past "ETR 480"):
[Blocked Image: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IBRcElBM9F0/maxresdefault.jpg]
[Blocked Image: https://i.ibb.co/qxPpNNf/Cattura1.png]
[Blocked Image: https://i.ibb.co/ZNfKgcK/Cattura2.png]>
I hope that some modders can make a pack of ETR460, 470 and 485 (they are identical) with these three different liveries. Remember that only ETR485 is a high speed train today and travels at a max speed of 250 km/h. Hoping that someone can kindly make them, I wish you a happy new year!