__CRASHDB_INIT__ PreventSetUnhandledExceptionFilter: 1 language: de locale: de_DE ======================================== Startup at Fri May 14 18:47:55 2021 ======================================== seed: 1621010875 Requested instance extensions: - VK_KHR_surface - VK_KHR_win32_surface - VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 Requested layers: Create Vulkan instance. Supported depth resolve: { SampleZero | Min | Max } Supperted stencil resolve: { SampleZero | Min | Max } Found device #0: AMD Radeon RX 5700 (id: 29471, vulkan version: 1.2.152, driver version: 8388767 [2.0.159], vendor id: 4098 [AMD]) -> Selected device #0 __CRASHDB_RENDERER__ Vulkan|AMD|AMD Radeon RX 5700|1.2.152 2.0.159|1.2.152|2.0.159| Count: 1 Flags: { Graphics | Compute | Transfer | SparseBinding } Count: 2 Flags: { Compute | Transfer } Count: 2 Flags: { Transfer | SparseBinding } Requested device extensions: - VK_KHR_swapchain - VK_EXT_memory_budget - VK_KHR_create_renderpass2 - VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve - VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 - VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation - VK_KHR_maintenance1 - VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior - VK_EXT_memory_priority Format support: * R8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R8G8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R8G8B8Unorm: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * R8G8B8A8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16Unorm: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * R16G16B16A16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32G32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32G32B32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: {} * R32G32B32A32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * B10G11R11UfloatPack32: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16A16Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16Sfloat: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * D24UnormS8Uint: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * D32SfloatS8Uint: - linear: {} - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * D16UnormS8Uint: - linear: {} - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * D16Unorm: - linear: {} - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } Memory types: * 0 { DeviceLocal }: heap #0 * 1 { HostVisible | HostCoherent }: heap #1 * 2 {}: heap #1 * 3 { DeviceLocal | HostVisible | HostCoherent }: heap #2 * 4 { DeviceLocal }: heap #2 * 5 { HostVisible | HostCoherent | HostCached }: heap #1 * 6 { DeviceLocal | DeviceCoherentAMD | DeviceUncachedAMD }: heap #0 * 7 { HostVisible | HostCoherent | DeviceCoherentAMD | DeviceUncachedAMD }: heap #1 * 8 { DeviceLocal | HostVisible | HostCoherent | DeviceCoherentAMD | DeviceUncachedAMD }: heap #2 * 9 { HostVisible | HostCoherent | HostCached | DeviceCoherentAMD | DeviceUncachedAMD }: heap #1 Memory heaps: * 0 { DeviceLocal | MultiInstance } 7920 MB * 1 {} 16107 MB * 2 { DeviceLocal | MultiInstance } 256 MB Immediate Fifo FifoRelaxed Use present mode: Immediate Swapchain size: 2 (requested 2: 1-16) Sucessfully read pipeline cache C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/62502613/1066780/local/shader_cache/pipelines.cache opened device OpenAL Soft sampling rate: 48000 Hz Build: Build 32019 Windows 64-bit Settings: - numSamples: 2 - textureQuality: 1 Saved settings to C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/62502613/1066780/local/settings.lua Loading from file C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/62502613/1066780/local/save/Osnabrueck 16x16km_2.sav savegame version 296 active mods: urbangames_sandbox/1 unixroot_natural_environment_pro_tpf2/1 snowball_coordinates/1 rtp_roads/1 rtp_trams/1 relozu_Kartenvorlage_Osnabrueck_verylarge/1 angier_tpf2_bridge_type-1/1 angier_tpf2_bridge_type-2/1 angier_tpf2_tunnel_type-1/1 angier_tpf2_tunnel_type-2/1 angier_tpf2_tunnel_type-3/1 angier_tpf2_tunnel_type-4/1 melectro_creek_bridge_eraA/1 melectro_creek_bridge_eraB/1 melectro_creek_bridge_eraC/1 joefried_viadukte_em/1 ritknat_gitterbruecke/1 Breeko_archbridge/2 rusty_iron_bridge/1 eat1963_spitzkehre/2 *1942454351/1 snowball_powerline/1 Lu_invisible_bridge/1 ETH_inv_track/1 eisfeuer_vejlefjordbroen/1 *1997449398/1 vienna_fever_infra_bruecken_bogen/1 *2030394734/1 snowball_fences/1 Autobahn_Baustelle/1 Autobahn_Kreuz/1 Rutel_Brook/1 *2073771981/1 *2246697428/1 sm1_campingplatzgebaeude_asset/1 *1943037883/1 *2010012103/1 *2332025922/1 pera_fachwerk_busch1530/1 Quince99_farmtexture/1 joefried_fortification_em/2 framesfame_feuerwache/1 *2247337489/1 *1951221640/1 elli_foerderband/1 joefried_forstwirtschaft_em/2 green_iron_bridge/1 joefried_industrialpark/2 TPF1_Licaon_Kleingarten/1 bloodyrulez_cobble-textures/1 *1940439857/1 MadHatter_Workshop_Box Girder Bridge from TPF1 with additional textures_!/-1 mt_bodentexturenpaket1/1 mt_bodentexturenpaket2/1 mt_bodentexturenpaket3/1 mt_flowers/1 mt_sexy_vegetation/1 koa_mini_industrie/1 modwerkstatt_regionalbahnhof/1 TPF1_bandion_Reiterhof/1 relozu_car_trailer/1 Spacky_Plazierbare_Felder/1 siri_residential/2 elli_compact_lkw_station/1 ingo_tropic_building_asset/1 pera_rohbauten/1 *2014569888/1 AV_Workshop_CB_Asset_TPF2_Era_C/1 AV_Workshop_CB_Asset_TPF2_Era_B/1 config dict: climate: temperate vehicles: europe nameList: europe environment: temperate difficulty: easy mod params: rtp_trams_1: { easybronko_TPModeSetting = 0, } script load from C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/62502613/1066780/local/save/Osnabrueck 16x16km_2.sav.lua achievements earnable: 0 init version: 296 map seed text: debug mode is active adding archive res/models/models.zip WARNING: The following models were removed because they reference an invalid resource: * Construction/Center_grass.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/material/streets/Mid_grass.mtl * Mini_small_to_medium/Mini_medium_large_connection_standspur_5m.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/material/asset/Autobahn_side1.mtl * bridge/mdhtr_brick_tpf1/pillar_btm_side.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/mesh/bridge/mdhtr_brick_tpf1/pillar_btm_side.msh * bridge/mdhtr_brick_tpf2/pillar_btm_side.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/mesh/bridge/mdhtr_brick_tpf1/pillar_btm_side.msh * bridge/mdhtr_brick_tpf3/pillar_btm_side.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/mesh/bridge/mdhtr_brick_tpf1/pillar_btm_side.msh * bridge/mdhtr_brick_tpf4/pillar_btm_side.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/mesh/bridge/mdhtr_brick_tpf1/pillar_btm_side.msh * bridge/mdhtr_brick_tpf5/pillar_btm_side.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/mesh/bridge/mdhtr_brick_tpf1/pillar_btm_side.msh mesh: asset/domtrain_altstadtleuchte.msh mesh: asset/domtrain_kofferleuchte-d.msh mesh: asset/domtrain_kofferleuchte.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ig_C/rk_gitter_ig_C2.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ig_C/rk_gitter_ig_C1.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ig_C/rk_gitter_ig_C0.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ig_D/rk_gitter_ig_D2.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ig_D/rk_gitter_ig_D1.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ig_D/rk_gitter_ig_D0.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ig_E/rk_gitter_ig_E2.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ig_E/rk_gitter_ig_E1.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ig_E/rk_gitter_ig_E0.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ig_E/rk_gitter_ig_EB2.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ig_E/rk_gitter_ig_EB1.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ig_E/rk_gitter_ig_EB0.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ig_F/rk_gitter_ig_F2.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ig_F/rk_gitter_ig_F1.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ig_F/rk_gitter_ig_F0.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ik_C/rk_gitter_ik_C2.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ik_C/rk_gitter_ik_C1.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ik_C/rk_gitter_ik_C0.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ik_E/rk_gitter_ik_E2.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ik_E/rk_gitter_ik_E1.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ik_E/rk_gitter_ik_E0.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ik_E/rk_gitter_ik_EB2.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ik_E/rk_gitter_ik_EB1.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ik_E/rk_gitter_ik_EB0.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ik_H/rk_gitter_ik_H2.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ik_H/rk_gitter_ik_H1.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_ik_H/rk_gitter_ik_H0.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_im_E/rk_gitter_im_E2.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_im_E/rk_gitter_im_E1.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_im_E/rk_gitter_im_E0.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_im_E/rk_gitter_im_EB2.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_im_E/rk_gitter_im_EB1.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_im_E/rk_gitter_im_EB0.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_im_F/rk_gitter_im_F2.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_im_F/rk_gitter_im_F1.msh mesh: asset/gitterbruecke_im_F/rk_gitter_im_F0.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V1_L1.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V1_L0.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V3_L0.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V4_L1.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V4_L0.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V5_L1.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V5_L0.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V2_L1.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V2_L0.msh mesh: bridge/rail/archbridge/pillar.msh mesh: bridge/rail/archbridge/pillar.msh mesh: bridge/rail/gitterbruecke_ik_A/rk_gitter_ik_A2.msh mesh: bridge/rail/gitterbruecke_ik_A/rk_gitter_ik_A1.msh mesh: bridge/rail/gitterbruecke_ik_A/rk_gitter_ik_A0.msh mesh: bridge/rail/gitterbruecke_il_A/rk_gitter_il_A2.msh mesh: bridge/rail/gitterbruecke_il_A/rk_gitter_il_A1.msh mesh: bridge/rail/gitterbruecke_il_A/rk_gitter_il_A0.msh mesh: bridge/rail/gitterbruecke_il_B/rk_gitter_il_B2.msh mesh: bridge/rail/gitterbruecke_il_B/rk_gitter_il_B1.msh mesh: bridge/rail/gitterbruecke_il_B/rk_gitter_il_B0.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_1x1_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_1x1_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_1x1_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_1x1_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_1x1_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_1x1_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_1x1_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_1x1_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_1x1_02_03.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_1x1_02_03.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_1x1_03_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_1x1_03_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_1x1_03_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_1x1_03_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_2x1_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_2x1_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_2x1_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_2x1_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_2x1_01_03.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_2x1_01_03.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_2x2_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_2x2_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_2x2_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_2x2_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_2x2_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_2x2_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_2x2_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_2x2_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_2x3_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_2x3_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_2x3_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_2x3_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_2x3_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_2x3_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_2x3_03_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_2x3_03_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_2x3_03_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_2x3_03_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_2x3_04_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_2x3_04_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_1_2x3_04_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_1_2x3_04_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_1x1_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_1x1_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_1x1_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_1x1_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_1x1_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_1x1_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_1x1_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_1x1_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x1_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x1_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x1_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x1_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x1_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x1_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x1_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x1_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x1_03_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x1_03_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x1_03_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x1_03_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x2_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x2_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x2_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x2_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x2_03_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x2_03_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x2_03_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x2_03_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x3_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x3_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x3_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x3_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x3_03_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x3_03_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x3_03_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x3_03_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x3_04_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x3_04_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_2_2x3_04_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_2_2x3_04_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_3_1x1_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_3_1x1_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_3_1x1_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_3_1x1_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_3_2x2_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_3_2x2_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_3_3x2_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_3_3x2_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_1x1_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_1x1_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_1x1_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_1x1_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_1x1_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_1x1_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_1x1_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_1x1_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_2x1_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_2x1_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_2x1_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_2x1_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_2x1_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_2x1_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_2x1_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_2x1_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_2x2_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_2x2_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_2x2_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_2x2_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_2x2_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_2x2_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_2x2_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_2x2_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_2x3_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_2x3_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_2x3_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_2x3_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_3x3_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_3x3_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_3x3_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_3x3_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_3x3_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_3x3_02_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_3x3_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_3x3_02_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_3x4_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_3x4_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_4x4_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_4x4_01_01.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_1_res_4_4x4_01_02.msh mesh: building/era_c/tpf1_lod_0_res_4_4x4_01_02.msh ModelRep: 13974.6 ms Error: Group 'Km Db-Assets Fahrkartenautomat' has 4 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 3 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 3 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. No resources are missing! Shader reload took : 10.089 ms prepare material ubo's: 611.083 ms Using 208 UBOs, total 0 bytes Texture load error: file name empty Initial material index generation: 12813.5 ms Texture load error: file name empty error loading dds file: res/textures/unknown_texture.dds Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/unknown_texture.dds Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/unsichtbar.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/asset/snowball_powerline_off.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/ETH_invisible_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/ETH_invisible_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/compact_lkw_station/invisiblestreet.tga MinidumpCallback: dumpPath "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/62502613/1066780/local/crash_dump/", minidumpId "decd1896-c019-43e3-82b5-f8e252968f27", succeeded 1 local time is Fri May 14 18:50:23 2021 An error just occurred. Uncaught exception while in class UI::CSelector