__CRASHDB_INIT__ PreventSetUnhandledExceptionFilter: 1 language: de locale: de_DE ======================================== Startup at Thu Jul 8 19:58:02 2021 ======================================== seed: 1625767082 selectStreetBuilder not found selectTrackBuilder not found Requested instance extensions: - VK_KHR_surface - VK_KHR_win32_surface - VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 Requested layers: Create Vulkan instance. Supported depth resolve: { SampleZero | Min | Max } Supperted stencil resolve: { SampleZero | Min | Max } Found device #0: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series (id: 26544, vulkan version: 1.2.133, driver version: 8388745 [2.0.137], vendor id: 4098 [AMD]) -> Selected device #0 __CRASHDB_RENDERER__ Vulkan|AMD|AMD Radeon R9 200 Series|1.2.133 2.0.137|1.2.133|2.0.137| Count: 1 Flags: { Graphics | Compute | Transfer | SparseBinding } Count: 2 Flags: { Compute | Transfer | SparseBinding } Count: 2 Flags: { Transfer | SparseBinding } Requested device extensions: - VK_KHR_swapchain - VK_EXT_memory_budget - VK_KHR_create_renderpass2 - VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve - VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 - VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation - VK_KHR_maintenance1 - VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior - VK_EXT_memory_priority Format support: * R8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R8G8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R8G8B8Unorm: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * R8G8B8A8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16Unorm: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * R16G16B16A16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | StorageImageAtomic | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | StorageImageAtomic | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32G32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | StorageImageAtomic | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | StorageImageAtomic | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32G32B32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: {} * R32G32B32A32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * B10G11R11UfloatPack32: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | StorageImageAtomic | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | StorageImageAtomic | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16A16Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | StorageImageAtomic | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | StorageImageAtomic | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16Sfloat: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * D24UnormS8Uint: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * D32SfloatS8Uint: - linear: {} - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * D16UnormS8Uint: - linear: {} - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * D16Unorm: - linear: {} - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } Memory types: * 0 { DeviceLocal }: heap #0 * 1 { HostVisible | HostCoherent }: heap #1 * 2 { DeviceLocal | HostVisible | HostCoherent }: heap #2 * 3 { HostVisible | HostCoherent | HostCached }: heap #1 Memory heaps: * 0 { DeviceLocal | MultiInstance } 3840 MB * 1 {} 7915 MB * 2 { DeviceLocal | MultiInstance } 256 MB Immediate Fifo FifoRelaxed Use present mode: Fifo Swapchain size: 2 (requested 2: 1-16) Sucessfully read pipeline cache C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/1089464336/1066780/local/shader_cache/pipelines.cache opened device OpenAL Soft sampling rate: 48000 Hz Build: Build 33824 Windows 64-bit eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/sd70m_emd_gp38-2_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v1_20.lua] (Version 1.19) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.modutils' [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal/modutils.lua] (Version 1.3) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) Loaded 614 of 614 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 1346.28 ms Settings: - numSamples: 4 - textureQuality: 1 - terrainTextureResolution: 1 Loaded 4 of 614 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 193.598 ms Loaded 4 of 614 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 199.247 ms Loaded 4 of 614 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 200.92 ms eatglobal: init [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v1_20.lua] (Version 1.19) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.modutils' [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal/modutils.lua] (Version 1.3) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.usersettings' [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal/usersettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.mod' [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal/mod.lua] (Version 1.0) eatglobal: init [mods/maikc_baureihe_155_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/maikc_stadler_rs1_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v1_20.lua] (Version 1.19) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.modutils' [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal/modutils.lua] (Version 1.3) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.usersettings' [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal/usersettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.mod' [mods/grimes_v200_1/res/scripts/eatglobal/mod.lua] (Version 1.0) eatglobal: init [mods/maikc_baureihe_155_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/maikc_stadler_rs1_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) Loaded 4 of 614 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 198.231 ms Loaded 4 of 614 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 198.717 ms Loading from file C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/1089464336/1066780/local/save/Mod Test.sav savegame version 296 active mods: urbangames_vehicles_no_end_year/1 (0) (Fahrzeuge: kein Endjahr) urbangames_sandbox/1 (0) (Sandkastenmodus) urbangames_no_costs/1 (0) (No costs) ldkmef_german_stations/1 (0) (Deutsche Bahnhöfe) config dict: climate: temperate vehicles: all nameList: europe environment: temperate difficulty: easy mod params: ldkmef_german_stations_1: { autoage = 1, automarkings = 0, customTrains = 1, endyear = 0, region = 0, retrofit = 1, } script load from C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/1089464336/1066780/local/save/Mod Test.sav.lua achievements earnable: 0 init version: 296 map seed text: a2Rs debug mode is active adding archive res/models/models.zip ModelRep: 8518.3 ms Error: Group 'Km Db-Assets Fahrkartenautomat' has 4 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 3 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 3 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. No resources are missing! Shader reload took : 6.829 ms prepare material ubo's: 352.384 ms Using 200 UBOs, total 0 bytes Texture load error: file name empty Resource 'usa/dirt.lua' not found! Initial material index generation: 758.313 ms Texture load error: file name empty C:\build\tpf2\src\Lib/ecs/Engine.h:275: int __cdecl ecs::Engine::GetComponentDataIndex(const class ecs::Entity &,int) const: Assertion `it != components.end()' failed. Attempting to write crash save to "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/1089464336/1066780/local/save/crash_Mod Test_2021-07-08_19-59-53.sav" available disk space: 372 MB Uncaught exception while in class UI::CSelector Exception type: Fatal error Details: Error message: Assertion `it != components.end()' failed. Minidump: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/1089464336/1066780/local/crash_dump/915a4b91-12de-467d-9338-fbf2ca638f0a.dmp In file: C:\build\tpf2\src\Lib/ecs/Engine.h:275 In function: int __cdecl ecs::Engine::GetComponentDataIndex(const class ecs::Entity &,int) const __CRASHDB_CRASH__ struct AssertException: C:\build\tpf2\src\Lib/ecs/Engine.h:275: int __cdecl ecs::Engine::GetComponentDataIndex(const class ecs::Entity &,int) const: Assertion `it != components.end()' failed. Exception type: Fatal error Details: Error message: Assertion `it != components.end()' failed. Minidump: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/1089464336/1066780/local/crash_dump/915a4b91-12de-467d-9338-fbf2ca638f0a.dmp In file: C:\build\tpf2\src\Lib/ecs/Engine.h:275 In function: int __cdecl ecs::Engine::GetComponentDataIndex(const class ecs::Entity &,int) const Goodbye. ======================================== Shutdown at Thu Jul 8 19:59:55 2021 ========================================