user data folder: D:/Steam Ordner/Steam/userdata/46530798/1066780/local/ __CRASHDB_INIT__ PreventSetUnhandledExceptionFilter: 1 language: de locale: de_DE ======================================== Startup at Sun May 8 07:59:11 2022 ======================================== seed: 1651989551 Requested instance extensions: - VK_KHR_surface - VK_KHR_win32_surface - VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 Requested layers: Create Vulkan instance. Supported depth resolve: { SampleZero | Average | Min | Max } Supperted stencil resolve: { SampleZero | Min | Max } Found device #0: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB (id: 7043, vulkan version: 1.2.142, driver version: 1913765888 [456.71.0.0], vendor id: 4318 [Nvidia]) -> Selected device #0 __CRASHDB_RENDERER__ Vulkan|Nvidia|GeForce GTX 1060 6GB|1.2.142 456.71.0.0|1.2.142|456.71.0.0| Count: 16 Flags: { Graphics | Compute | Transfer | SparseBinding } Count: 2 Flags: { Transfer | SparseBinding } Count: 8 Flags: { Compute | Transfer | SparseBinding } Optional extension not found: 'VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior' Requested device extensions: - VK_KHR_swapchain - VK_EXT_memory_budget - VK_KHR_create_renderpass2 - VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve - VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 - VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation - VK_KHR_maintenance1 - VK_EXT_memory_priority Format support: * R8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R8G8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R8G8B8Unorm: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * R8G8B8A8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16Unorm: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * R16G16B16A16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | StorageImageAtomic | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32G32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32G32B32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: {} * R32G32B32A32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * B10G11R11UfloatPack32: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16A16Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16Sfloat: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * D24UnormS8Uint: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * D32SfloatS8Uint: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * D16UnormS8Uint: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * D16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } Memory types: * 0 {}: heap #1 * 1 {}: heap #1 * 2 {}: heap #1 * 3 {}: heap #1 * 4 {}: heap #1 * 5 {}: heap #1 * 6 {}: heap #1 * 7 { DeviceLocal }: heap #0 * 8 { HostVisible | HostCoherent }: heap #1 * 9 { HostVisible | HostCoherent | HostCached }: heap #1 * 10 { DeviceLocal | HostVisible | HostCoherent }: heap #2 Memory heaps: * 0 { DeviceLocal } 6052 MB * 1 {} 16347 MB * 2 { DeviceLocal } 246 MB Fifo FifoRelaxed Mailbox Immediate Use present mode: Fifo Swapchain size: 2 (requested 2: 2-8) Sucessfully read pipeline cache D:/Steam Ordner/Steam/userdata/46530798/1066780/local/shader_cache/pipelines.cache opened device OpenAL Soft sampling rate: 48000 Hz Build: Build 34983 Windows 64-bit eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2032269685/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) Loaded 465 of 465 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 791.615 ms Settings: - numSamples: 4 - textureQuality: 1 - terrainTextureResolution: 1 Loaded 0 of 465 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 88.924 ms Loaded 0 of 465 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 86.671 ms Loaded 0 of 465 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 84.729 ms Loading from file D:/Steam Ordner/Steam/userdata/46530798/1066780/local/save/Kassel.sav savegame version 307 active mods: urbangames_vehicles_no_end_year/1 (0) (Fahrzeuge: kein Endjahr) urbangames_sandbox/1 (0) (Sandkastenmodus) *1936185885/1 (1) ((UEP_202)_Ende_des_Fahrleitungsterminals) *1955413702/1 (1) ((UEP_205)_Schalldichte_Wand) *1939805466/1 (0) (Angier Bridge Type-1) *1963372599/1 (0) (Angier Bridge Type-2) *1935576711/1 (0) (Angier Track Type-1) *1935405213/1 (0) (Angier Tunnel Type-1) *1935405563/1 (0) (Angier Tunnel Type-3) *1937340796/1 (0) (asset bus) *1937340978/1 (0) (asset car) *1945239451/1 (1) (Besserer UG Bahnübergang) *1965993550/1 (2) (Better Roundabout) *1933027420/1 (5) (Bimdzf) *1950682036/1 (1) (Bombardier Traxx 1) PeRa_Dammwaende/2 (1) (Brückenköpfe, Dammwände, Schallschutzwände, Mauern, Zäune) *1945347699/1 (0) (DB BR 101) *1984930046/1 (1) (DB BR 111) *1948213106/1 (3) (DB BR 145 / 146.0) *1944818737/1 (0) (DB Doppelstockwagen) *1984933237/1 (0) (DB Schnellzugwagen modern, ex IC 79) *1978147642/1 (6) (Depot + Asset Badischer Bahnhof Basel) mt_stw_th/1 (0) (Deutsche Stellwerke 1975) breeko_dresden_hbf/2 (1) (Dresden Hauptbahnhof) joefried_fortification_em/2 (0) (Festungsbau, Mauern / fortification, wall) *1908125302/1 (0) (Frühe Lichtsignale DRG/DB) modwerkstatt_ice4/1 (0) (ICE 4 der Deutschen Bahn) joefried_industrialpark/2 (2) (Industrial park Industriepark) *1956333378/1 (0) (Güterwagen Drehgestell Set) *1960523785/1 (1) (Kesselwagen Zacns/Zans 95m³) br189_ks_signal/4 (0) (Ks-Signalsystem) br189_ks-signal-zusatz/2 (0) (KS-Signalsystem Zusatz) Lu_ks_signal_bruecke/4 (0) (Ks-Signalsystem_Bruecke) *1904300418/1 (0) (MAN SL 202) *1933747406/1 (4) (Marcs Straßen- und Trampaket) *1976935178/1 (1) (Modular Station Roof) *1957064125/1 (6) (NL Modular Station) *1936297169/1 (0) (ÖBB Gleisfeld- und Bahnsteiglampen) *1953998936/1 (1) (S-Bahnen BR 423/422/430) *1951592822/1 (0) (Schallschutzwand + Gleisfeldleuchten (UG)) *1936923456/1 (0) (Schiebewandwagen Hbbins 306 DB) *1924672173/1 (3) (Shader Enhancement) *1941107383/1 (7) (Siemens Avenio T München) *1936251064/1 (7) (Siemens C2 Inspiro (U-Bahn München)) modwerkstatt_signalbruecken/1 (0) (Signalbrücken DB) *1966094307/1 (1) (Signaltafeln der deutschen Bahnen) *1941680828/1 (3) (Silberlinge/n-Wagen Repaintmod) *1920437817/1 (1) (Spitzkehre +++ (ehemals Depot mit Prellbock)) *1933771988/1 (1) (Stadtbushaltestellen) eisfeuer_urban_busstops/1 (1) (Stadtbushaltestellen) *1958492210/1 (1) (Taoos-y 894) *1934954666/1 (8) (Train Sound Mod) *1981984610/1 (4) (Tunnel Repainter) *1957631242/1 (8) (Zäune) maikc_lokschuppen/2 (2) (Zweiständiger Lokschuppen 1875) *1942103484/1 (1) ((UEP_201)_Tankstelle_Serie) hugedragonyk_uep2_03_truck_sales_shop_series/1 (1) ((UEP_203)_LKW_Verkaufsshop_Serie) *1997127328/1 (1) ((UEP_213)_Neue_Tiefgarage) *1962843709/1 (4) (40 Tonnen LKW Set) *2021073822/1 (3) (Advanced Camera Views) *2009553981/1 (1) (Alstom Coradia A TER) *1995090139/1 (0) (Alstom Coradia Continental BR 1440) *1935405414/1 (0) (Angier Tunnel Type-2) *1935405698/1 (0) (Angier Tunnel Type-4) *1938479712/1 (2) (Animals asset) *2013681769/1 (0) (asset car with colors) *1991135940/1 (2) (Asset Mega Pack) *2003711057/1 (2) (Asset Mega Pack - Collision Enabled) *2018790123/1 (0) (asset ship) *1937341581/1 (0) (asset truck) *2011529146/1 (651) (Bahnstations Mod pack) joefried_bue_zubehoer/2 (1) (Bahnübergänge / level crossing) melectro_crane/1 (0) (Baustelle) *1942170276/1 (0) (Better roads) *1958245653/1 (0) (BK Wildtraenke by BluRail) *1952075958/1 (1) (Bombardier Traxx 2) *1938570185/1 (442) (British Signal Box) joefried_viadukte_em/1 (0) (Brücken- & Dammbau bridge & dam construction) *1936342398/1 (51) (Cargo Asset Set) *1951519174/1 (0) (Cargo Wagons assets) *2010012103/1 (5) (Compact Tunnel Entry) *1963592311/1 (11) (Connum's German Traffic Assets) *2045961921/1 (0) (cover for track) modwerkstatt_br101/1 (0) (DB BR 101) *2037686964/1 (0) (DB BR 182) rheingold_db_gleisset_mod/1 (1) (DB Gleisset) *1992259242/1 (0) (DB V 90 | BR 290 / 291 / 294 / 295 / 296) *1935462467/1 (1) (Diesel locomotive) modwerkstatt_dieseltankstellen/1 (0) (Dieseltankstellen) *1935555393/1 (0) (Electric locomotive) *1968514713/1 (0) (ext.roads - footpaths standalone) *2038449819/1 (0) (extended NL overpass (addon)) *1940019047/1 (7) (Field Plopper) *1955059382/1 (2) (Flower Plopper) *1951221640/1 (0) (Flowers) *1935840047/1 (2) (Förster) archbridge/2 (0) (Große Stahlbogenbrücke) *1976229747/1 (0) (Ground_Assets) *1960815346/1 (1) (Hecken und Straßen Paket) *2022089812/1 (1) (Hess SwissHybrid und LighTram) *2022982674/1 (0) (high entrance station module) SirBier_Hofer/1 (6) (Hofer / Aldi Süd) SirBier_Hofertafel/1 (0) (Hofer Werbetafel) siri_kirchen/2 (4) (Kirchenpaket) Licaon_Kleingarten/1 (1) (Kleingarten-Assets) *1937709194/1 (0) (Landstraßen ohne Gehwege) SirBier_Lidl/1 (0) (LIDL) *2027024335/1 (0) (Mercedes-Benz Tourismo (MA BB 1400) ) *2027029902/1 (0) (Mercedes-Benz Tourismo 2 Axle Optimized Capacity ) *1999275170/1 (0) (Mercedes-Benz Tourismo M) *1999279458/1 (0) (Mercedes-Benz Tourismo M (Optimized Capacity)) *1964040388/1 (1) (Metronom) *1976947639/1 (51) (Moderner Deutscher beschrankter Bahnübergang) *1978175566/1 (3) (Modernes Depot) *1991858933/1 (0) (Modular Station Roof (Modern)) *1927330004/1 (0) (More Line Colors by LINX) mt_dbs_lager/1 (0) (mt_dbs_lager) mt_modernes_stw/1 (0) (mt_modernes_stw) *1937478379/1 (0) (Multiple Unit assets) old_track/1 (2) (Old Track) *1965506044/1 (4) (Parallelism) *1939256367/1 (0) (PassWagons assets) *1960597274/1 (0) (Person asset fixed) *2041184278/1 (0) (retaining wall asset) *2048348753/1 (0) (roads for stations) *1934908627/1 (0) (Roads: no end year) *1976946549/1 (0) (Script-Mod all rc available by majuen [YouTube Channel]) *2004289029/1 (5) (Sehr langes Depot) markus1014_desiro_classic/1 (0) (Siemens Desiro Classic) *1958582746/1 (4) (Siemens ES64U) *1934907030/1 (3) (Small road pavements, highway lining and shoulders) *1943578742/1 (173) (SMP2.0 - Straßen Modpack) *1999184226/1 (2) (Solaris Urbino III MVG) *1950666998/1 (2) (Spacky_Besuchermagnet_1) siri_spielplatz/2 (0) (Spielplatz) *1990034625/1 (0) (Stellwerk Berka/Werra Bw) *1942087136/1 (32) (Stoag Niederflurbus) snowball_powerline/1 (2) (Stromtrasse) snowball_powerline_rheingold/1 (0) (Stromtrasse - Deutsche Oberleitung - Adapter) *1958247343/1 (1) (STW Opladen R1 by BluRail) *1960524361/1 (1) (Tagnpps SBB) sm1_traktor_mit_anhaenger/1 (2) (Traktor mit Anhaenger) darkmo_stairs/1 (0) (Treppen) *1999464046/1 (20) (U-Bahnhof) *1958493071/1 (1) (Uaoos-y 9331/948) *1933031824/1 (3) (UIC-Z-Wagen-DB) martiesim_uniform_ui_fix/1 (0) (Unified UI Fix) *1997449398/1 (1) (Ventabren Railway Viaduct) *1944782109/1 (0) (VTG Kesselwagen) *1978331556/1 (1) ((UEP_211_a)_Benz_Taxi_Serie) *2119654656/1 (1) ((UEP_216a)_Neues Parkhaus) *1938985720/1 (0) (Alternate road textures) bandionmc_amazone/2 (0) (Amazone Depot) *1935763766/1 (0) (Asset Expansion) maikc_asset_gepaeck/1 (0) (Asset Set - Gepäck) PeRa_diverse_Assets/2 (3) (Assetsammlung von Schwarzfahrer) ritknat_stationroof_Bk/1 (20) (Bahnhofsdach_Bogen_klein) *2081662552/1 (5) (Bahnhofserweiterung) *2032269685/1 (6) (Baureihe 143/243 DR/DB/RBH/MEG) *1945662283/1 (1) (Box Girder Bridge) *2128272632/1 (311) (British Girder Bridges & Viaducts) *1950397966/1 (0) (bus stop with sign) *2096329595/1 (2) (Bus/Trambahnhof 6 Stops) *2075060439/1 (5) (Bus/Tramschlaufen) *2132055433/1 (171) (Busbahnhof Riesa) *2014984071/1 (0) (CB asset TpF2 Era_A) *1942959382/1 (0) (CB asset TpF2 Era_B) *1937341200/1 (0) (CB asset TpF2 Era_C) dampf19_Asset_Gleisbau/2 (0) (dampf19_Gleisbau_1) dampf19-Asset_Zaeune/2 (0) (dampf19-Asset_Zaeune_2) *2107526936/1 (7) (DMA Road Stations) *2115589140/1 (2) (Doppelstockwagen Generation 3 DB) jansch_roundhouse/1 (1) (Drehscheibe mit Ringlokschuppen) eat1963_roundhouse_fix/2 (5) (Fix - Drehscheibe mit Ringlokschuppen (TPF2)) *2076866637/1 (1) (Graffiti als Asset) *1974647422/1 (3) (Green Iron Bridge) ritknat_fachwerke/1 (11) (Große Fachwerkbrücke) laedi_trambus/2 (1) (Grosse Tram/Bus Station) RPGFabi_TruckTrainIntersection/1 (0) (Güterumschlagplatz) rob_ruhrpotthaeuser/1 (0) (Häuser aus dem Ruhrgebiet) modwerkstatt_ice1/1 (0) (ICE 1 und ICE 2 der Deutschen Bahn) *1950667576/1 (1) (Industrie_deko_Gebäude_1) *1937586251/1 (0) (Kraftwerk-Set) *1921649639/1 (0) (Ländliche Bushaltestellen) mel_lidl/2 (0) (Lidl) rob_warenlager/1 (0) (LKW Warenlager) *1939930831/1 (2) (Bridges a bit more variety) *1940439857/1 (2) (madhatter_bridges_wood_1) *2078278268/1 (2) (madhatter_car_parks_1) *2115009661/1 (1) (McDonald’s-Restaurant) sm1_mercedes_614d_einsatz_asset/1 (1) (Mercedes 614d Einsatzfahrzeuge Asset) *2068117128/1 (0) (Modernes Lkw / Bus Depot) maikcbandi_depot_modern/2 (0) (Modernes Lkw/Bus Depot) *2217913793/1 (0) (Modulare Haltestelle mit Wendeschleifen) *2061466898/1 (0) (more railroad crossings) loken_personenassets/2 (2) (Personenassets) *2138102349/1 (0) (Realistic Train Brake) siri_residential/2 (0) (Residential Assets) *2063060088/1 (22) (RTPC: Road Transportation Pack of China) *2071337209/1 (1) (RTPC+: Bridges over Rivers) *1974647598/1 (5) (Rusty Iron Bridge) *2072274420/1 (1) (Schotterbett) yoshi_spannwerke/1 (0) (Spannwerke) *2184365799/1 (0) (Station with Elevated Concourse (Haijima station)) *1941469889/1 (2) (Stone Bridge Mod) *1985954552/1 (0) (Street Slim Bus & Truck Zones) relozu_terrain_material_water/1 (0) (Terrain-Texturen für natürliche Wasseroberflächen) *1997683453/1 (2) (Tracks × Retaining Walls) *2206172153/1 (0) (Trackside Buildings) *1924671230/1 (7) (Underpass) *2072277619/1 (1) (Unsichtbares Gleis) siri_urban/2 (6) (Urban Assets) PeRa_UGSchiffe/1 (0) (Vanilla Schiffe Assets (UG)) vienna_fever_infra_bruecken_bogen/1 (0) (Vienna Fever: Brücken und Bogen) *2069994648/1 (5) (Volvo 7000 City Buses) *1936432049/1 (221) (VRR-Haltestellenschild 2.0) *2043506184/1 (0) (Worcester Foregate Street Bridge) melectro_buildings/1 (0) (Wunder in TpF2) urbangames_no_costs/1 (0) (No costs) mel_haeuser/2 (0) (Wohnhäuser) loken_baum_set/2 (0) (Wald und Baum) *2017575243/1 (0) (VW Transporter T5) pera_rohbauten/1 (0) (Verschiedene Rohbauten) fbg_haeuser/1 (1) (verschiedene Häuser/Gebäude) ingo_tropic_greenhouse_asset_02/1 (0) (Tropic Greenhouse Asset 02) ingo_tropic_greenhouse_asset/1 (0) (Tropic Greenhouse Asset) sm1_tpf2zeug_asset/1 (2) (TPF2 Zeug) *2113732286/1 (0) (T5 Einsatzfahrzeuge aus Österreich) *2343707109/1 (101) (Station: Bus & Tram Haltestelle mit Wendeschleife) *2188270857/1 (0) (Siris Allerlei Absperrzeugs) *1971976206/1 (0) (Schiebewandwagen Hbis-tt 293) *2414512514/1 (3) (Rocks & Stones Asset) *2162488363/1 (0) (Road-SEGA) *2278044993/1 (2) (Person asset ex 2) *2250211763/1 (2) (Person asset ex) *2153572586/1 (1) (Parking Decals) mz_military/1 (0) (MZ Militär-Kaserne) Streets - Missing Street Types /1 (0) (Missing Street Types) *2028364492/1 (0) (Mercedes-Benz Citaro C2 (G)) mt_sexy_vegetation/1 (0) (Mariotator Sexy Vegetation) mt_flowers/1 (0) (Mariotator Flowers Brush V1) bloodyrulez_cobble-textures/1 (0) (Kopfsteinpflaster-Texturen 1.0) yoshi_kabelkanal/1 (0) (Kabelkanal) *2248379345/1 (215) (Hauptbahnhof Erfurt) *2277213833/1 (0) (Gate Assets) *2247337489/1 (6) (Flowering Tree Assets) *2267464166/1 (0) (Feuerwache) Quince99_farmtexture/1 (0) (Farmland Textures) *2408373260/1 (2) (Fahrpläne) siri_ekz/2 (2) (Einkaufszentren) *2258619623/1 (22) (Eeasy Stadtbahn Bastelset - Basis Segmente) *1933086229/1 (2) (Deutsches Signal Pack) mt_dbs_neu/1 (0) (DB Schenker Halle 2.0) majuen_station_bridge_entry/2 (0) (Curved Train Station with bridge entry) *1978624093/1 (31) (Bombardier Talent 2 DB-Regio) maverick2002_bicyclestand/1 (0) (Bicycle Stand) *2002507073/1 (0) (BBÖ 81 / BR 58.7 DRG / ÖBB 58) *2307324630/1 (1) (Baureihe 46 DRG/DB/DR) ingo_animal_asset_ex/1 (0) (Animal asset ex) wk_streets_trees_nodeco/1 (0) (Alleen und Deko-freie Strassen) hugedragonyk_uep2_04a_shipyard/1 (1) ((UEP_204a)_Werft_5_in_1_(Depot_Station)) *1951559397/1 (0) (extended ROADS 1.3) *2332025922/1 (0) (Deutsche Bahnhöfe) *2342035584/1 (3) (Fallback for TPF2-Addon-Gleis_-_Schienenfabrik) *2336520324/1 (0) (Fallback for TPF2-Addon-Script_-_verbesserte Straßen) pera_cafeamber/1 (0) (Altstadtcafé - ein fiktives Gebäude) pera_fachwerk_busch1530/1 (0) (Fachwerkhaus 'Busch 1530') *2330422762/1 (12) (H0 Waldbronn Station) unixroot_natural_environment_pro_tpf2/1 (6) (Natural Environment Professional) mark_86_plakatmod/1 (0) (Plakatmod) spyos_schallschutzwand/1 (0) (Schallschutzwände) sm1_camping_asset/1 (3) (Camping) sm1_campingplatzgebaeude_asset/1 (6) (Campingplatzgebäude) bko_construction_equip/1 (0) (Construction equipment - Landscaping vehicles) joefried_forstwirtschaft_em/2 (0) (Forstwirtschaft forestry) talent2_richtungstafel/2 (1) (Richtungstafel) *1912358443/1 (0) (Zugschluss DE/AT) eisfeuer_north_mid_european_buildings/1 (1) (Wohngebäude) *2072104941/1 (0) (VW Golf GTI Mk6) *1934899402/1 (4) (v60 by Grimes) *2249216368/1 (1) (Track works) *1950868363/1 (1) (STW Aken Süd (AS)) *2247194383/1 (1) (Spacky_Trees) *2076262024/1 (0) (Mercedes-Benz W124) *2287879539/1 (12) (Maienfeld Station * Suisse) *2346146953/1 (0) (H0 Stellwerke) *2282461797/1 (11) (H0 Hamm Brückenstellwerk) *2047925018/1 (0) (Farbpalette²) *1942000933/1 (0) (DB Umbauwagen (vierachsig, 4yg)) *1942005154/1 (0) (DB Umbauwagen (vierachsig, 4yg, ab 1964)) *1922125633/1 (1) (All available from 1850) *1977033666/1 (2) (Baureihe 156/252 DR/DB/MEG) bloody_bushes/1 (2) (BloodyRulez Büsche) *2046539288/1 (0) (BMW 325 e46) *1944894086/1 (1) (BR 01.10 der Deutschen Reichsbahn & Deutschen Bahn) *1949730118/1 (0) (Znaki - road signs) *2447635908/1 (5) (Western Mod) *2275088317/1 (2) (Vehicle Asset Builder) *1934909230/1 (0) (Town buildings: no end year) *1965084414/1 (2) (Stadler Variobahn München) *1935916091/1 (0) (Ship Expansion) *2031083521/1 (286) (Ortseingangsschild) *2027045851/1 (0) (Mercedes-Benz Citaro C2) *2448630535/1 (1) (Kutschen ohne Pferde als Asset) *2270266271/1 (0) (BloodyRulez Weinberge) Autobahn_Kreuz/1 (7) (Autobahnkreuz) *2451248975/1 (1) ((UEP_204c)_Straßenbahn_und_Bus_museum_4_in_1_(Depot_Station)) *2127935166/1 (1) ((UEP_215)_New_Drive-thru Serie) *2370890717/1 (1) ((UEP_218a)_Camping_time_(RV_&_Bushaltestelle)) *2392757655/1 (1) ((UEP_220a)_Betonmischer_und_Muldenkipper) Rutel_Brook/1 (0) (Bach) mk_twindexx_445/1 (0) (Twindexx Vario Doppelstockwagen (DB)) mt_bodentexturenpaket3/1 (0) (Mariotator Bodentexturen Paket 3) eisfeuer_modular_tram_station/2 (4) (Modulare Straßenbahnhaltestelle) eisfeuer_modutram_theme_berlin/1 (1) (Berlin-Erweiterung für die Modulare Straßenbahnhaltestelle) dh106_Hektometertafeln/1 (1) (Hektometermarkierungen) rob_wegweiser/1 (1) (Wegweiser) manuel_zockt_Oberleitungssetzer_DB/1 (9) (Oberleitungsetzer DB) swiss_buildings/1 (0) (Alpine Gebäude-Assets) ingo_tropic_building_asset/1 (0) (Tropic Building Asset) ingo_tropic_water_asset/1 (0) (Tropic Wasser Assets) ingo_tropic_boat/1 (0) (Tropic-Boat) ingo_windturbine_asset/1 (0) (Windturbine Asset) mt_stw_hipsch/1 (0) (Stellwerk Hipsch) eisfeuer_modutram_fences/1 (1) (Zäune aus der modularen Straßenbahnhaltestelle) *2462485091/1 (1) (Baustelle - Verkehrswacht) *2125741366/1 (2) (DB IC2 Doppelstockwagen) *2460445640/1 (339) (Berliner Hochbahnviadukte Bastelset mit Gründerzeithäusern, Gleisen u.v.m.) *2371701823/1 (0) (H0 Blockstelle Langenstein) *2188518588/1 (0) (Sahimms 900 (u)) *2464969560/1 (1) (MZ Sitzkübel) kanshi_bauhaus/1 (1) (Bauhaus Völs) *2465682112/1 (2) (Person asset random) bluefox_graffiti_assets/1 (1) (Graffiti als Asset) *2472240787/1 (3) (Boden Asset) harrybo_depot_preetz/1 (0) (Halle Typ Busdepot Preetz) *2271119528/1 (2) (Italian FS Assets - SET Mura & Gallerie) *2476963699/1 (2) (Murs de soutènement style français - Portails de Tunnels) *2476291660/1 (1) (Station building assets) sm1_dafxf_absetzmulde/1 (0) (DAFXF Absetzmulde) bko_faun_3000_lf/3 (0) (FAUN 3000 crashtender) sm1_fortschritt_zt300/1 (6) (Fortschritt ZT 300) bko_mb_g_wolff_elw/3 (0) (MB GD250 Wolff ELW) sm1_mercedes_614d_dienst/1 (2) (Mercedes 614d Dienstfahrzeuge) sm1_mercedes_614d_strassendienst/1 (2) (Mercedes 614d Strassendienst) modwerkstatt_ice3/1 (0) (ICE 3 (BR 403/406) der Deutschen Bahn) kanshi_ice_werk/1 (1) (Kanshi ICE-Werk Nippes) melectro_creek_bridge_eraA/1 (2) (Bachbrücke era A) melectro_creek_bridge_eraB/1 (2) (Bachbrücke era B) melectro_creek_bridge_eraC/1 (2) (Bachbrücke era C) bko_daf_55/1 (4) (DAF 55 Distribution trucks) bko_daf_55disp/1 (4) (DAF 55 Fire Engines) *2073771981/1 (0) (Better Terrain Brushes) Dendraspis_BiggerBrushes/1 (0) (Bigger Brushes v1.0) *2246697428/1 (11) (Brushes for Field Boundaries) *2492548261/1 (1) (H0 Reiterstellwerk Stuttgart) modwerkstatt_signalkomponenten/1 (1) (Signalkomponenten) modwerkstatt_ks_signale/1 (1) (Ks-Signalsystem) siri_feuerwehr/2 (0) (Feuer- und Rettungswache 2 Bochum-Mitte) *2501971326/1 (0) (Angier Track Type-2) *2501969854/1 (0) (Angier Train Station Type-1) *1995883118/1 (0) (DB BR 181.2) *2126986427/1 (20) (Fences & Walls) *2272471342/1 (0) (Flying junction (early release)) ws_factoryhall2/1 (0) (Fabrikhalle No 2) ws_lagerhalle_freistadt/1 (0) (Lagerhalle Freistadt) alpenheuler_pflasterpaket1/1 (0) (Pflasterpaket 1) alpenheuler_pflasterpaket2/1 (0) (Pflasterpaket 2) alpenheuler_werbetafel_de/1 (0) (Deutsche Werbeplakate) mt_kbw_teil1/1 (0) (Kreuzungsbauwerk Teil 1) *2510395364/1 (0) (Österreichische Werbeplakate) hugedragonyk_uep2_30_vehicle_recycling/1 (1) ((UEP_230)_Fahrzeugrecycling_(3-in-1 )) *2764287962/1 (1) ((UEP_236)_road-rail bridge) *2691477542/1 (42) (Berlin Hauptbahnhof) *2691042537/1 (0) (Deborgs Castle Ruin Asset) *2700827840/1 (0) (Castle Stonewall Addon) *2675943823/1 (0) (Ingos Gasthof) *2677571153/1 (1) (Ingo's Gasthof Zaun Addon) *2733094335/1 (0) (World Monuments Collection N.35: Ulm Rathaus) *2708011218/1 (1) (Modulare Bahnhofsgebäude der 50./60.) *2428280612/1 (1) (Windturbine Asset) *2592398619/1 (1) (Stonewall Asset Addon) *2320773443/1 (3) (Ingos Tree Asset) *2362481838/1 (5) (Ingo's Buildings Asset) *2390487471/1 (2) (Greenhouse Asset 02) *2645708968/1 (1) (DeBorgs Fachwerkhäuser) pera_tunnelportale/1 (0) (Tunnelportale-Set - 8 verschiedene Portale) majuen_tunnel_rohr/0 (172) (Rundtunnel und Gleis ohne Tunnelwand) kanshi_feuerwehrhaus/1 (0) (Feuerwehrgerätehaus Schluchsee) *2784750492/1 (1) ((UEP_240f)_Zirkus_(2_in_1)) *2735568495/1 (9) (Dynamic Arrivals Board) *2375802471/1 (0) (H0 Stellwerk Riedlingen) *2468319464/1 (0) (HO Rothorn Stellwerk) *2763525700/1 (0) (Ingo's Texturen - Felsen und Acker) ingo_weidezaun_addon/1 (0) (Ingo's Weidezaun Addon) mt_sexy_vegetation2/1 (0) (Mariotator Sexy Vegetation 2) snowball_fences/1 (10) (Zäune) *1916488459/1 (0) (Water pumping station) *2343407743/1 (0) (Stellwerk_Wellblech1 by BluRail) *2034125474/1 (0) (Stadler Flirt 3: Regio Deutsche Bahn) *2586667592/1 (0) (Sports & Leisure pack) *1934744769/1 (1) (Rheingold 1965 by Grimes) *2752452349/1 (1) (Stw Hohenebra (B2) by BluRail) *2546367263/1 (0) (Medieval Buildings) *1987199951/1 (0) (Köf III DB) *2261600396/1 (0) (Kiosk) *2439574418/1 (0) (Heavy Works Machines) *2325541437/1 (0) (H0 Waldbronn Stellwerk) *2146175922/1 (3) (Flixtrain Wagen ) *2518575223/1 (0) (Deutsche Werbeplakate) *2560352422/1 (0) (European Buildings pack 2.0) *2286926109/1 (2) (Animal asset ex) *2586258613/1 (1) ((UEP_240c)_Werkzeuge Fabrik_(5_in_1)) *2535733063/1 (1) ((UEP_232)_Einkaufszentrum_1990_(3-in-1 )) *2529285562/1 (1) ((UEP_230)_Fahrzeugrecycling_(3-in-1 )) *2791541883/1 (1) ((UEP_223b)_Kleine Raststätte_(3_in_1)) kanshi_umschlagbhf/1 (0) (Umschlagbahnhof Frankfurt(M) Ost) mknj_container_asset_set/1 (5) (Cargo Asset Set) kaleut_drehgestelle/1 (0) (Güterwagen Drehgestell Set) kaleut_sdgnss_t5/1 (0) (Sdgnss T5) *2770910074/1 (2) (Signalbrücken DB) *2153205259/1 (1) (Samms 489) *2770910636/1 (1) (Bahnübergangs-Signale) *2128112900/1 (2) (DB BR 120) *2792365345/1 (1) (DB BR 612) *2536027833/1 (0) (DB BR ET 91 / BR 491) *2354788614/1 (2) (DB E03 / BR 103) *2332217514/1 (0) (DB ECx) *2784901382/1 (0) (H/V Kompaktsignale) *2112770177/1 (0) (MAN NL 202(2)) *2450668753/1 (0) (Moderner Regionalbahnhof) *2781336810/1 (0) (Nebenbahn-Signale) *2177700313/1 (0) (Fähren) *2139705738/1 (1) (Falns 121) *2573124746/1 (3) (Ingo's Vegetation) *2763516913/1 (0) (Ingo's Texturen - Pflaster) *2313068659/1 (5) (Hotel Asset) config dict: climate: temperate vehicles: all nameList: europe environment: temperate difficulty: easy mod params: *1948213106_1: { br145fake = 0, br145private = 0, br145vp = 0, } mz_military_1: { mz_military = 0, } *1941680828_1: { skyjoe_silberling_db1 = 0, skyjoe_silberling_db10 = 0, skyjoe_silberling_db11 = 0, skyjoe_silberling_db2 = 0, skyjoe_silberling_db3 = 0, skyjoe_silberling_db4 = 0, skyjoe_silberling_db5 = 0, skyjoe_silberling_db6 = 0, skyjoe_silberling_db7 = 0, skyjoe_silberling_db8 = 0, skyjoe_silberling_db9 = 0, skyjoe_silberling_rework_endyear = 1, skyjoe_silberling_rework_startyear = 1, } *2275088317_1: { VAB_LogoFilter = 1, } *1978624093_1: { maikc_2_teiler = 0, maikc_3_teiler = 0, maikc_4_teiler = 0, maikc_5_teiler = 0, } *1962843709_1: { nando_40tons_trucks_endyear = 1, nando_40tons_trucks_startyear = 1, nando_tanker_set = 0, nando_trucks_AT = 0, nando_trucks_CH = 0, nando_trucks_DE = 0, nando_trucks_FR = 0, nando_trucks_GB = 0, nando_trucks_Krone_Trailer = 0, } *2032269685_1: { maikc_243_fake = 1, vehicle_maikc_243_db = 0, vehicle_maikc_243_dr = 0, vehicle_maikc_243_endyear = 1, vehicle_maikc_243_privat = 1, vehicle_maikc_243_startyear = 1, vehicle_maikc_243_vorspann = 1, } *2138102349_1: { trainBrakeDeceleration = 3, } *2081662552_1: { endyear = 0, } *2307324630_1: { maikc_br46_asset = 1, maikc_br46_db = 0, maikc_br46_dr = 0, maikc_br46_drg = 0, maikc_br46_endyear = 1, maikc_br46_fakes = 1, mmaikc_br46_startyear = 1, } *2332025922_1: { autoage = 0, automarkings = 0, customTrains = 1, endyear = 0, region = 0, retrofit = 0, } unixroot_natural_environment_pro_tpf2_1: { environment = 0, renderDistance = 2, } *1934899402_1: { v60 = 0, v60_002 = 0, v60_002_r = 0, v60_003 = 0, v60_003_r = 0, v60_004 = 0, v60_004_r = 0, v60_005 = 0, v60_005_r = 0, v60_endyear = 1, v60_r = 0, v60_startyear = 1, } mk_twindexx_445_1: { mk_twd_grundpaket_startyear = 1, mk_twd_regio_fake = 0, mk_twd_regio_mspe = 0, mk_twd_regio_nahsh-gruen = 0, mk_twd_regio_neutral = 0, mk_twd_regio_nordost = 0, } *2188518588_1: { sahimms900fake = 0, } modwerkstatt_ice3_1: { ice3fake = 0, } modwerkstatt_ks_signale_1: { ks_signal_amhl = 1, ks_signal_dark = 0, ks_signal_fm = 1, ks_signal_kl = 0, ks_signal_sbr = 1, ks_signal_shl = 0, ks_signal_side = 1, ks_signal_vkb = 0, ks_signal_waypoint = 0, ks_signal_wie = 0, ks_signal_zp9 = 0, ks_signal_zs13 = 0, ks_signal_zs2_v = 0, ks_signal_zs3_v = 0, ks_signal_zs6 = 0, ks_signal_zs7 = 0, ks_signal_zsOne = 0, ks_signal_zsa = 0, } kaleut_sdgnss_t5_1: { sdgnssT5Fake = 0, } *2770910074_1: { oldSignalbridge = 1, } *2153205259_1: { samms489fake = 0, } *2784901382_1: { hv_signal_amhl = 1, hv_signal_dark = 0, hv_signal_fm = 1, hv_signal_kl = 0, hv_signal_sbr = 1, hv_signal_shl = 0, hv_signal_side = 1, hv_signal_vkb = 0, hv_signal_waypoint = 0, hv_signal_wie = 0, hv_signal_zp9 = 0, hv_signal_zs1 = 0, hv_signal_zs2_v = 0, hv_signal_zs3_v = 0, hv_signal_zs6 = 0, hv_signal_zs7 = 0, hv_signal_zs8 = 0, hv_signal_zsa = 0, } *2139705738_1: { falns121fake = 1, } script load from D:/Steam Ordner/Steam/userdata/46530798/1066780/local/save/Kassel.sav.lua achievements earnable: 0 init version: 296 map seed text: GsBLLcWA debug mode is active adding archive F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1916488459/res/ adding archive res/models/ eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) WARNING: The following models were removed because they reference an invalid resource: * Construction/Center_grass.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/mesh/Construction/center_grass.msh * Construction/Construction_asfalt_common.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/mesh/Construction/construction_asfalt.msh * Construction/Construction_concrete_common.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/mesh/Construction/construction_concrete.msh * Construction/Construction_end_common.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/animation/bridge_1/a_backward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_1.001_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/a_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_1.002_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/b_backward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_2.001_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/b_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_2.002_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/bl_forward_autobahn_blink_lamp_emitter_1_start.001_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/c_backward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_3.001_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/c_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_3.002_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/d_backward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_4.001_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/d_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_4.002_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/e_backward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_5.001_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/e_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_5.002_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/f_backward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_6.001_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/f_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_6.002_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/g_backward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_7.001_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/g_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_7.002_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/h_backward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_8.001_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/h_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_8.002_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/i_backward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_9.001_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/i_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_9.002_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/leitbake_lamp_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter.001_msh.ani - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_blink_lamp.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_blink_lamp_emitter_1_start.001.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_150.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_R_150.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_Rrev.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_Rrev_150.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_Rrev_150.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter.001.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_1.001.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_1.002.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_2.001.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_2.002.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_3.001.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_3.002.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_4.001.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_4.002.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_5.001.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_5.002.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_6.001.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_6.002.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_7.001.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_7.002.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_8.001.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_8.002.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_9.001.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_9.002.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_rev_R_150.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/construction_end_line.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/construction_end_site_stripes.msh * Construction/Construction_leitbake.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_Rrev.msh * Construction/Construction_leitbake_lamp.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/animation/bridge_1/leitbake_lamp_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_msh.ani - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_Rrev_150.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter.msh * Construction/Construction_leitplanke.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/mesh/Construction/construction_leitplanke.msh * Construction/Construction_one_side_asfalt.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/mesh/Construction/paving_one_side_asfalt.msh * Construction/Construction_one_side_sidewalk.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/mesh/Construction/paving_one_side_sidewalk.msh * Construction/Construction_start_common.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing: - res/models/animation/bridge_1/a900_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_900_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/a_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_1_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/b902_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_902_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/b_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_2_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/bl900_forward_autobahn_blink_lamp_emitter_1_start900_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/bl_forward_autobahn_blink_lamp_emitter_1_start_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/c903_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_903_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/c_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_3_msh.ani - res/models/animation/bridge_1/d904_forward_autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_904_msh.ani - 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res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_blink_lamp_emitter_1_start.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_blink_lamp_emitter_1_start900.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_150.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_150_300.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_R_150.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_end_lamp_emitter_900.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_end_lamp_emitter_902.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_end_lamp_emitter_903.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_end_lamp_emitter_904.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_end_lamp_emitter_905.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_end_lamp_emitter_906.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_end_lamp_emitter_907.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_end_lamp_emitter_908.msh - res/models/mesh/Construction/autobahn_leitbake_lamp_emitter_start_1.msh - 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asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs-short.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs-rails-short.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs-short.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs-rails-short.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs-short.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs-rails-short.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs-short.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs-rails-short.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs-rails.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs-rails.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs-rails.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs-rails.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs-rails.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs-rails.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs.msh mesh: asset/british-signal-box/jk_british-signal-box_stairs-rails.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_block_l/Cube.005.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_block_s/Cube.001.msh mesh: asset/fa_floodlight_1/f_light.001.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_geb1/Cube.002.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_geb1/Cube.010.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_geb1/Cube.030.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_geb2/Cube.004.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_geb3/Cube.016.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_geb4/Cube.017.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_kuppel/Cylinder.001.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_kuppel/Cube.000.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_rohr1/Cube.007.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_rohr2/Cube.008.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_rohr3/Cube.003.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_turm_aktiv/boden1.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_turm_passiv/boden1.002.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_zgeb/Cube.035.msh mesh: asset/fa_kw_zgeb/Cube.031.msh mesh: asset/fire-buckets/jk_fire-bucket-rack.msh mesh: asset/fire-buckets/jk_fire-bucket-low-res.msh mesh: asset/fire-buckets/jk_fire-bucket-low-res.msh mesh: asset/fire-buckets/jk_fire-bucket-low-res.msh mesh: asset/fire-buckets/jk_fire-bucket-rack.msh mesh: asset/fire-buckets/jk_fire-bucket.msh mesh: asset/fire-buckets/jk_fire-bucket.msh mesh: asset/fire-buckets/jk_fire-bucket.msh mesh: asset/fire-buckets/jk_fire-bucket-handle.msh mesh: asset/fire-buckets/jk_fire-bucket-handle.msh mesh: asset/fire-buckets/jk_fire-bucket-handle.msh mesh: asset/fire-buckets/jk_fire-bucket-rack.msh mesh: asset/oebbbstl1kopf.msh mesh: asset/oebbbstl1mast.msh mesh: asset/oebbbstl1dkopf1.msh mesh: asset/oebbbstl1dkopf2.msh mesh: asset/oebbbstl1dmast.msh mesh: asset/oebbbstl2kopf.msh mesh: asset/oebbbstl2mast.msh mesh: asset/oebbbstl2dkopf.msh mesh: asset/oebbbstl2dmast.msh mesh: asset/oebbbstl2dskopf.msh mesh: asset/oebbbstl2dsmast.msh mesh: asset/oebbbstl2skopf.msh mesh: asset/oebbbstl2smast.msh mesh: asset/oebbbstl3.msh mesh: asset/oebbbstl3d.msh mesh: asset/oebbgfl0.msh mesh: asset/oebbgfl1.msh mesh: asset/oebbgfl1d.msh mesh: asset/oebbgfl1ol.msh mesh: asset/oebbgfl2.msh mesh: asset/oebbgfl2d.msh mesh: asset/oebbgfl2ol.msh mesh: asset/oebbgfl3.msh mesh: asset/oebbgfl3d.msh mesh: asset/oebbgfl3ol.msh mesh: asset/oebbgfl4.msh mesh: asset/oebbgfl4d.msh mesh: asset/oebbgfl4ol.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_A/rk_fachwerk_A3.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_A/rk_fachwerk_A2.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_A/rk_fachwerk_A1.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_A/rk_fachwerk_A0.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_Am/rk_fachwerk_Am3.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_Am/rk_fachwerk_Am2.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_Am/rk_fachwerk_Am1.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_Am/rk_fachwerk_Am0.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_As/rk_fachwerk_As3.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_As/rk_fachwerk_As2.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_As/rk_fachwerk_As1.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_As/rk_fachwerk_As0.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_B/rk_fachwerk_B3.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_B/rk_fachwerk_B2.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_B/rk_fachwerk_B1.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_B/rk_fachwerk_B0.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_Bm/rk_fachwerk_Bm3.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_Bm/rk_fachwerk_Bm2.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_Bm/rk_fachwerk_Bm1.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_Bm/rk_fachwerk_Bm0.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_Bs/rk_fachwerk_Bs3.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_Bs/rk_fachwerk_Bs2.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_Bs/rk_fachwerk_Bs1.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_Bs/rk_fachwerk_Bs0.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_P/rk_fachwerk_P0.001.msh mesh: asset/rk_fachwerk_P/rk_fachwerk_P0.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V1_L1.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V1_L0.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V3_L0.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V4_L1.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V4_L0.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V5_L1.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V5_L0.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V2_L1.msh mesh: asset/YD_SBB_V2_L0.msh mesh: bridge/rail/archbridge/pillar.msh mesh: bridge/rail/archbridge/pillar.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/low/quertragwerk_mast.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/low/quertragwerk_ende.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/high/quertragwerk_mast.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/high/quertragwerk_ende.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/low/quertragwerk_mitte.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/high/quertragwerk_mitte.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/low/quertragwerk_mast.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/low/quertragwerk_zwischenhalterung.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/low/quertragwerk_zwischenhalterung.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/high/quertragwerk_mast.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/high/quertragwerk_zwischenhalterung.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/high/quertragwerk_zwischenhalterung.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/low/einzelmast.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/med/einzelmast.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/high/einzelmast.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/low/quertragwerk_mast.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/low/quertragwerk_zwischenhalterung.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/low/quertragwerk_zwischenhalterung.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/low/quertragwerk_mitte.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/low/quertragwerk_mitte.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/high/quertragwerk_mast.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/high/quertragwerk_zwischenhalterung.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/high/quertragwerk_zwischenhalterung.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/high/quertragwerk_mitte.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/high/quertragwerk_mitte.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/low/einzelmast.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/low/einzelmast.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/med/einzelmast.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/med/einzelmast.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/high/einzelmast.msh mesh: railroad/modern_power_pole/high/einzelmast.msh ModelRep: 38461 ms Reloaded jansch_roundhouse.lua eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.transf' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/transf.lua] (Version 1.3) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.vec3' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/vec3.lua] (Version 1.1) Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_linien_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_linien_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_assets_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_aussen_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_linien_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_assets_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_glas_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_innen_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_linien_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_office_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_assets_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_assets_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_linien_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_linien_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_linien_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_linien_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_linien_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_linien_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. File asset/man_19_304_1970_bau_hoch.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/man_19_304_1970_bau_hoch.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/man_19_304_1970_bau_hoch.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/man_19_304_1970_bau_kies.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/man_19_304_1970_bau_kies.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/man_19_304_1970_bau_kies.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/man_19_304_1970_bau_leer.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/man_19_304_1970_bau_leer.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/man_19_304_1970_bau_leer.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_linien_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_linien_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. ERROR: roadVehicle/configs/fakeBogies: fakeBogie group '11' is out of bounds. (max group size: 11, lod: 1) === Model Name: asset/uep2_america_truck_359.mdl === Mod Name: *2586258613(version: 1) Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_linien_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_dhl_linien_1' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. File asset/vw_touran_absperr_aus.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_touran_absperr_aus.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_touran_absperr_aus.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_touran_absperr_links.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_touran_absperr_links.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_touran_absperr_links.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_touran_absperr_rechts.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_touran_absperr_rechts.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_touran_absperr_rechts.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_touran_baustelle.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_touran_baustelle.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_touran_baustelle.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_touran_baustelle_hazard.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_touran_baustelle_hazard.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_touran_baustelle_hazard.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_touran_baustelle_in_operation.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_touran_baustelle_in_operation.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_touran_baustelle_in_operation.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_absperr_aus.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_absperr_aus.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_absperr_aus.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_absperr_links.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_absperr_links.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_absperr_links.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_absperr_rechts.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_absperr_rechts.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_absperr_rechts.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_ambulance.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_ambulance.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_ambulance.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_ambulance_hazard_flasher.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_ambulance_hazard_flasher.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_ambulance_hazard_flasher.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_ambulance_in_operation.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_ambulance_in_operation.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_ambulance_in_operation.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_fire.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_fire.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_fire.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_fire_hazard_flasher.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_fire_hazard_flasher.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_fire_hazard_flasher.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_fire_in_operation.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_fire_in_operation.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_fire_in_operation.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_police.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_police.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_police.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_police_hazard_flasher.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_police_hazard_flasher.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_police_hazard_flasher.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_police_in_operation.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_police_in_operation.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_at_police_in_operation.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_baustelle.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_baustelle.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_baustelle.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_baustelle_hazard.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_baustelle_hazard.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_baustelle_hazard.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_baustelle_in_operation.mdl: invalid idleEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 100.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_baustelle_in_operation.mdl: invalid speedEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 2.0] File asset/vw_transporter_t5_baustelle_in_operation.mdl: invalid powerEmission value -1.0, allowed range [0.0, 0.0002] Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 8 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 5 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 5 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 8 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 5 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 5 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'Km Db-Assets Fahrkartenautomat' has 4 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 3 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 3 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'bridgeedge' has 2 materials but mesh has 1 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'elevatorTop' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'stairs' has 4 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 4 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'tunnel_treppe' has 6 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 8 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 5 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 5 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 8 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 5 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 5 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 8 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 5 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 5 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 8 materials but mesh has 3 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 5 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 7 materials but mesh has 5 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. Error: Group 'MSH_Planze_01' has 5 materials but mesh has 2 groups (they must be equal). The group has been patched but this might lead to unexpected results. ERROR: roadVehicle/configs/fakeBogies: fakeBogie group '34' is out of bounds. (max group size: 22, lod: 1) === Model Name: vehicle/truck/traktoranh.mdl === Mod Name: sm1_traktor_mit_anhaenger(version: 1) ERROR: roadVehicle/configs/fakeBogies: fakeBogie group '34' is out of bounds. (max group size: 22, lod: 1) === Model Name: vehicle/truck/traktoranh.mdl === Mod Name: sm1_traktor_mit_anhaenger(version: 1) ERROR: roadVehicle/configs/fakeBogies: fakeBogie group '33' is out of bounds. (max group size: 22, lod: 1) === Model Name: vehicle/truck/traktoranh.mdl === Mod Name: sm1_traktor_mit_anhaenger(version: 1) ERROR: roadVehicle/configs/fakeBogies: fakeBogie group '33' is out of bounds. (max group size: 22, lod: 1) === Model Name: vehicle/truck/traktoranh.mdl === Mod Name: sm1_traktor_mit_anhaenger(version: 1) [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced material not found: 'street/country_new_medium_crossing_lane.mtl' in 'country_new_medium.lua (key: crossingLane)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced material not found: 'street/new_medium_stripe10.mtl' in 'standard/CSHW-G 3+3.lua (key: streetStripe)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced material not found: 'street/new_medium_crossing_lane.mtl' in 'trainstation/parking_lot.lua (key: crossingLane)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast_fill_stone' in '100km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: fillGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast' in '100km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: borderGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast_fill_stone' in '120km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: fillGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast' in '120km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: borderGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast_fill_stone' in '160km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: fillGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast' in '160km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: borderGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast_fill_stone' in '200km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: fillGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast' in '200km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: borderGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast_fill_stone' in '240km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: fillGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast' in '240km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: borderGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast_fill_stone' in '320km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: fillGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast' in '320km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: borderGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast_fill_stone' in '40km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: fillGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast' in '40km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: borderGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast_fill_stone' in '50km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: fillGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast' in '50km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: borderGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast_fill_stone' in '60km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: fillGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast' in '60km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: borderGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast_fill_stone' in '70km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: fillGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast' in '70km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: borderGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast_fill_stone' in '80km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: fillGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: 'ballast' in '80km_h_wo_tunnel.lua (key: borderGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: '' in 'ETH_invisible.lua (key: fillGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced ground texture not found: '' in 'ETH_invisible.lua (key: borderGroundTex)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced model not found: 'railroad/prellbock_4.mdl' in 'high_speed2.lua (key: bumperModel)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced model not found: 'railroad/weichenantrieb.mdl' in 'high_speed2.lua (key: switchSignalModel)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced model not found: 'railroad/agohonoh/single_sleeper_3rdRail.mdl' in 'ice_ef_thirdRail.lua (key: sleeperModel)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced model not found: 'railroad/agohonoh/2m_3rdRail.mdl' in 'ice_ef_thirdRail.lua (key: trackStraightModel)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced model not found: 'railroad/agohonoh/4m_3rdRail.mdl' in 'ice_ef_thirdRail.lua (key: trackStraightModel)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced model not found: 'railroad/agohonoh/8m_3rdRail.mdl' in 'ice_ef_thirdRail.lua (key: trackStraightModel)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced model not found: 'railroad/agohonoh/16m_3rdRail.mdl' in 'ice_ef_thirdRail.lua (key: trackStraightModel)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced model not found: 'railroad/agohonoh/single_sleeper_3rdRail_hs.mdl' in 'ice_ef_thirdRail_hs.lua (key: sleeperModel)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced model not found: 'railroad/agohonoh/2m_3rdRail_hs.mdl' in 'ice_ef_thirdRail_hs.lua (key: trackStraightModel)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced model not found: 'railroad/agohonoh/4m_3rdRail_hs.mdl' in 'ice_ef_thirdRail_hs.lua (key: trackStraightModel)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced model not found: 'railroad/agohonoh/8m_3rdRail_hs.mdl' in 'ice_ef_thirdRail_hs.lua (key: trackStraightModel)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced model not found: 'railroad/agohonoh/16m_3rdRail_hs.mdl' in 'ice_ef_thirdRail_hs.lua (key: trackStraightModel)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced model not found: 'model/ice_werk/ice_werk_np.mdl' in 'kanshi_depot.lua (key: catenaryMultiInnerPoleModel)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced model not found: 'railroad/prellbock_3.mdl' in 'standard2.lua (key: bumperModel)' [RESOURCE ERROR] Referenced model not found: 'railroad/weichenantrieb_old.mdl' in 'standard2.lua (key: switchSignalModel)' eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) No resources are missing! Shader reload took : 2.255 ms eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) prepare material ubo's: 534.867 ms Using 208 UBOs, total 0 bytes Texture load error: file name empty Reloaded jansch_roundhouse.lua eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.transf' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/transf.lua] (Version 1.3) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.vec3' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/vec3.lua] (Version 1.1) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) Reloaded jansch_roundhouse.lua eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.transf' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/transf.lua] (Version 1.3) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.vec3' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/vec3.lua] (Version 1.1) BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 142.9ms -- Total signs per second: 0.0 Resource 'ballast.lua' not found! Initial material index generation: 6598.46 ms error loading dds file: res/textures/.dds Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/.dds error loading dds file: res/textures/models/vehicle/bus/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/vehicle/bus/ error loading dds file: res/textures/models/vehicle/bus/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/vehicle/bus/ error loading dds file: res/textures/models/vehicle/bus/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/vehicle/bus/ error loading dds file: res/textures/models/vehicle/bus/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/vehicle/bus/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/rost_mga.tga Texture load error: file name empty error loading dds file: res/textures/models/building/era_a/shared/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/building/era_a/shared/ error loading dds file: res/textures/.dds Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/.dds Texture load error: file with unknown extension: res/textures/.dss error loading dds file: res/textures/models/bridge/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/bridge/ WARNING: Unknown/Unsupported format used Bc1RgbaSrgbBlock in file models/asset/ error loading dds file: res/textures/models/vehicle/accessories/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/vehicle/accessories/ error loading dds file: res/textures/models/vehicle/accessories/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/vehicle/accessories/ error loading dds file: res/textures/models/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/asset/roundhouse/eat1963_white_ball.hdr error loading dds file: res/textures/models/depot/road/uep2_03_truck_sales_shop_series/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/depot/road/uep2_03_truck_sales_shop_series/ error loading dds file: res/textures/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ Texture load error: file name empty error loading dds file: res/textures/models/station/train/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/station/train/ Texture load error: file with unknown extension: res/textures/models/station/tramLoop/la_ao.dd Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/schlaufen/hexBrick.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/vehicle/dirt_albedo.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/vehicle/rust_albedo.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/vehicle/dirt_normal.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/vehicle/rust_normal.tga Texture load error: file name empty error loading dds file: res/textures/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ error loading dds file: res/textures/models/asset/.dds Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/asset/.dds Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/trees/atlas__Normal_1.tga error loading dds file: res/textures/streets/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/streets/ error loading dds file: res/textures/models/uep2_04c/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/uep2_04c/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/wegweiser/.tga error loading dds file: res/textures/models/building/era_b/shared/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/building/era_b/shared/ error loading dds file: res/textures/models/building/era_b/shared/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/building/era_b/shared/ error loading dds file: res/textures/models/building/era_c/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/building/era_c/ error loading dds file: res/textures/models/building/era_c/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/building/era_c/ Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/models/ice_depot/kanshi_dirt_overlay_1.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/tom_depot.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/hessie_nopoles20.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/standard_depot.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/25km_h.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_25km_h.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/uep2_36_road_rail_bridge_t1.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/uep2_36_road_rail_bridge_t3.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/uep2_36_road_rail_bridge_t2.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/kanshi_depot.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/high_speed_depot.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/ice_ef_thirdRail.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/ice_ef_thirdRail_hs.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_standard.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_highspeed_patch.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/bahnstation_standard.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_standard_patch.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/kanshi_poleless.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_high_speed.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/bahnstation_high_speed.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/categories/ice_werk.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/categories/ice-werk.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models/HM_Schild.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models/HM_Schild_2.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models/railroad/tunnel_filler.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/town_hexa_personway_3.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/town_asphalt_personway_3.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/town_hexa_personway_8.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/town_asphalt_personway_8.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/town_hexa_personway_10.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/town_asphalt_personway_10.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/riesa/town_small_new_extra.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/addon/autobahn_connector_3.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/ice_town_small_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/riesa/town_medium_new_buslane.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/riesa/town_medium_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/ice_town_medium_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/town_medium_new_obus.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/trainstation/town_medium_old.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/addon/autobahn_connector.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/addon/autobahn_connector_1.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/town_medium_new_tpf1_width.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/trainstation/parking_lot.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/trainstation/parking_lot_old.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/trainstation/town_medium_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/parkslots_side_45.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/parkslots_side_45_90.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/parkslots_side_90.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/riesa/town_large_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/riesa/town_large_new_buslane.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/addon/autobahn.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/addon/autobahn_ausfahrt.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/addon/autobahn_bridge.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/addon/autobahn_no-side.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/town_bus_stop.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/town_tram_stop.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/town_truck_stop.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/ice_town_large_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/ice_town_x_large_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/sidewalk.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/sidewalk_tunnel.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/ice_town_small_one_way_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/riesa/town_medium_one_way_new_buslane.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/riesa/town_medium_one_way_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/ice_town_medium_one_way_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/riesa/town_medium_one_way_new_in.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/riesa/town_medium_one_way_new_out.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/riesa/town_large_one_way_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/riesa/town_large_one_way_new_buslane.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/ice_town_large_one_way_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/country_new_personway.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/country_small_new_tree.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/country_small_old_tree.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/country_small_new_leit.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/uep2_04c_two_way_medium_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/country_medium_new_leit.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/country_medium_new_tree.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/uep2_23b_small_service_area/country_medium_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/addon/autobahn_connector_2.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/uep2_04c_tram_one_way_rd_tr.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/country_one_way_roundabout_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/country_medium_race_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/country_two_way_roundabout_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/uep2_23b_small_service_area/country_medium_one_way_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/country_medium_raceway_new_2.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/standard/country_medium_raceway_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/categories/fußwege.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/categories/lanstraße modern.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/categories/parkplatz.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/categories/race.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/categories/tools.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models/station/bus/busbahnhof_bus_tram_stop_sign_7.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models/station/bus/busbahnhof_bus_tram_stop_sign_8.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models/station/train/passenger/1920_curved/bus_stop.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models/station/train/passenger/1990_curved/bus_stop.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models/street/TEST.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models/street/traffic_light_waypoint.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/asset/ka_ship/mp_concept_ships_1.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/categories/.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/asset/mbc2g.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/asset/w_foregate_bridge.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/asset/tunnel_rohr_2.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/asset/notausgang.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/asset/Leuna_Werk_1.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/asset/buildings/mp_zeppelin_1.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/assets/graffiti.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/asset/buildings/mp_bundestag_1.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/asset/snowball_forester_tree_patch.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/asset/snowball_powerline_off.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/ruhrhaeuser/ruhrhaeuser.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/categories/industry.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/categories/ir assets.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/categories/track asset.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/categories/trackside.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/uep2_asian_gaz_3307_universal.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/anhrot.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/anhgrau.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/40_tons_bau_stake_pillar.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/40_tons_bau_stake_pipe.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/40_tons_bau_stake_steel2.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/40_tons_bau_stake_steel.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/anhblau.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/anhgruen.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/traktoranhblau.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/traktoranhgrau.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/traktoranhgruen.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/traktoranhrot.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/traktorblau.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/traktorgrau.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/traktorgruen.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/traktorrot.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/uep2_america_cascadia_2009.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/uep2_america_truck_359.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/uep2_euro_urban_etruck.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/uep2_asian_j6p_universal.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/asset/uep2_euro_40_tons.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/vehicle/truck/man_19_304_tipper_bau_hoch.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/vehicle/truck/40_tons_bau_stake_steel.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/vehicle/truck/40_tons_bau_stake_steel2.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/vehicle/truck/man_19_304_tipper_bau.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/vehicle/truck/40_tons_bau_stake.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/vehicle/truck/40_tons_bau_stake_rohre.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/vehicle/truck/40_tons_bau_stake_steel_breit.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/vehicle/truck/man_19_304_tanker_bau.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/vehicle/truck/man_19_304_tipper_bau_kies.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/vehicle/ship/mp_burke_destroyer_1.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/vehicle/ship/mp_nimitz_carrier_1.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/models_small/vehicle/ship/mp_valhall_class_1.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/0km_h_tunnelwall_ot_round_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/0km_h_tunnelwall_round_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/100km_h_wo_tunnel_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/120km_h_wo_tunnel_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/160km_h_wo_tunnel_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/200km_h_wo_tunnel_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/240km_h_wo_tunnel_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/25km_h_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/320km_h_wo_tunnel_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/40km_h_wo_tunnel_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/50km_h_wo_tunnel_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/60km_h_wo_tunnel_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/70km_h_wo_tunnel_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/80km_h_wo_tunnel_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/Damm_high_speed_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/Damm_standard_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/ETH_Schotterbett_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/ETH_Schotterbett_300_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/ETH_invisible_300_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/bahnstation_high_speed_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/bahnstation_standard_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_100_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_10_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_120_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_160_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_200_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_30_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_40_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_60_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_80_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_90_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/hessie_depot_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/hessie_nopoles_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/hessie_nopoles20_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/high_speed2_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/high_speed_depot_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_100_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_10_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_120_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_30_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_40_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_60_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_80_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_90_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/ice_ef_thirdRail_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/ice_ef_thirdRail_hs_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/kanshi_depot_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/kanshi_poleless_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/old_track_high_speed_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/old_track_standard_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/rock_high_speed_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/rock_standard_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/stair_snapper_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/standard2_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/standard_depot_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/tom_depot_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/tunnel_high_speed_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/tunnel_standard_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_160km_h_tunnel_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_25km_h_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_high_speed_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_highspeed_patch_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_standard_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_standard_patch_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/uep2_36_road_rail_bridge_t1_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/uep2_36_road_rail_bridge_t2_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/uep2_36_road_rail_bridge_t3_module.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/ice_viaduct_cargo_1.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/ice_viaduct_cargo_2.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/ice_viaduct_cargo_ok.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/ice_viaduct_entrance_new.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/streets/town_large_new_upgrade_tpf1_width.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/0km_h_tunnelwall_ot_round_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/0km_h_tunnelwall_round_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/100km_h_wo_tunnel_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/120km_h_wo_tunnel_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/160km_h_wo_tunnel_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/200km_h_wo_tunnel_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/240km_h_wo_tunnel_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/25km_h_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/320km_h_wo_tunnel_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/40km_h_wo_tunnel_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/50km_h_wo_tunnel_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/60km_h_wo_tunnel_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/70km_h_wo_tunnel_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/80km_h_wo_tunnel_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/Damm_high_speed_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/Damm_standard_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/ETH_Schotterbett_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/ETH_Schotterbett_300_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/ETH_invisible_300_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/bahnstation_high_speed_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/bahnstation_standard_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_100_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_10_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_120_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_160_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_200_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_30_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_40_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_60_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_80_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/betonschwellen_90_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/hessie_depot_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/hessie_nopoles_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/hessie_nopoles20_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/high_speed2_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/high_speed_depot_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_100_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_10_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_120_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_30_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_40_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_60_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_80_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/holzschwellen_90_keine_oberleitungsmasten_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/ice_ef_thirdRail_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/ice_ef_thirdRail_hs_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/kanshi_depot_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/kanshi_poleless_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/old_track_high_speed_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/old_track_standard_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/rock_high_speed_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/rock_standard_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/stair_snapper_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/standard2_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/standard_depot_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/tom_depot_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/tunnel_high_speed_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/tunnel_standard_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_160km_h_tunnel_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_25km_h_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_high_speed_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_highspeed_patch_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_standard_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/u_standard_patch_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/uep2_36_road_rail_bridge_t1_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/uep2_36_road_rail_bridge_t2_module_catenary.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/tracks/uep2_36_road_rail_bridge_t3_module_catenary.tga available disk space: 400343 MB [2022-05-08 08:17:30] Saving to file D:/Steam Ordner/Steam/userdata/46530798/1066780/local/save/autosave_Kassel_2470-05-21_3.sav.tmp available disk space: 400343 MB [2022-05-08 08:32:42] Saving to file D:/Steam Ordner/Steam/userdata/46530798/1066780/local/save/autosave_Kassel_2470-05-21_4.sav.tmp available disk space: 400171 MB [2022-05-08 08:37:52] Saving to file D:/Steam Ordner/Steam/userdata/46530798/1066780/local/save/Kassel.sav.tmp available disk space: 400172 MB [2022-05-08 08:47:19] Saving to file D:/Steam Ordner/Steam/userdata/46530798/1066780/local/save/Kassel.sav.tmp available disk space: 400343 MB [2022-05-08 08:48:24] Saving to file D:/Steam Ordner/Steam/userdata/46530798/1066780/local/save/autosave_Kassel_2470-05-21_5.sav.tmp available disk space: 400171 MB [2022-05-08 08:49:50] Saving to file D:/Steam Ordner/Steam/userdata/46530798/1066780/local/save/Kassel Straenbahn.sav.tmp available disk space: 399999 MB [2022-05-08 08:51:00] Saving to file D:/Steam Ordner/Steam/userdata/46530798/1066780/local/save/Kassel Straenbahn.sav.tmp BH ------ selectedObject = 39597 BH ------ selectedObject = 144350 BH ------ selectedObject = 144350 BH ------ selectedObject = 144350 BH ------ selectedObject = 39597 available disk space: 399999 MB [2022-05-08 08:53:36] Saving to file D:/Steam Ordner/Steam/userdata/46530798/1066780/local/save/Kassel Straenbahn.sav.tmp eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.configs' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/configs.lua] (Version 1.5) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.userSettings' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/userSettings.lua] (Version 1.4) eatglobal: init [mods/mk_twindexx_445_1/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1977033666/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [mods/eat1963_roundhouse_fix_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_25.lua] (Version 2.25) BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.4ms -- Total signs per second: 12.8 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.0ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.0ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.6ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.8ms -- Total signs per second: 17.2 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 15.6 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.1ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.8 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.6ms -- Total signs per second: 17.2 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.5ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.5ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.7ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ selectedObject = 65404 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.1ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 15.6 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.7ms -- Total signs per second: 17.2 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.4ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.6ms -- Total signs per second: 15.6 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.5ms -- Total signs per second: 16.8 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.7ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.7ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.1ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.3ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 17.2 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.7ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.5ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.5ms -- Total signs per second: 16.8 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.3ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.5ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.7ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.7ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.2ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.0ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.3ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 15.6 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.7ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 17.2 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.4ms -- Total signs per second: 15.6 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.2ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.0ms -- Total signs per second: 16.8 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.0ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.6ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.4ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.1ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.1ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.7ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.6ms -- Total signs per second: 16.8 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.3ms -- Total signs per second: 16.8 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.6ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ selectedObject = 194262 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.6ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.4ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.0ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.1ms -- Total signs per second: 16.8 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.0ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.2ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.2ms -- Total signs per second: 15.6 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.4ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.3ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.1ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.2ms -- Total signs per second: 15.2 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.5ms -- Total signs per second: 15.6 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.1ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.4ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.0ms -- Total signs per second: 16.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.2ms -- Total signs per second: 15.6 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 3.3ms -- Total signs per second: 16.8 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.9ms -- Total signs per second: 7.4 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 1.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 1.9ms -- Total signs per second: 16.8 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 1.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.8 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.2ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 1.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 1.9ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.0ms -- Total signs per second: 17.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 1.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.6 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 1.9ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 1.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.2ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.0ms -- Total signs per second: 17.1 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 1.7ms -- Total signs per second: 16.5 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 1.8ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 BH ------ Averages -- Single sign update: 2.2ms -- Total signs per second: 16.0 terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1984933237/res/audio/effects/vehicle/m_wagen/gw_roll_a.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1984933237/res/audio/effects/vehicle/m_wagen/kurve.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1984933237/res/audio/effects/vehicle/m_wagen/ic_bremse.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/construction/industry/iron_ore_mine.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind)) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/vehicle/train_steam_modern/steam_new_idle.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/vehicle/train_steam_modern/steam_new_fast.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/vehicle/train_steam_modern/_brakes.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1978624093/res/audio/effects/vehicle/talent2/idle_questionmark.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1978624093/res/audio/effects/vehicle/talent2/2-1.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1978624093/res/audio/effects/vehicle/talent2/2-2.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1978624093/res/audio/effects/vehicle/talent2/2-3.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1978624093/res/audio/effects/vehicle/talent2/3-1.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1978624093/res/audio/effects/vehicle/talent2/3-2.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1978624093/res/audio/effects/vehicle/talent2/3-3.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1978624093/res/audio/effects/vehicle/talent2/3-4.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1978624093/res/audio/effects/vehicle/talent2/tractionmotor.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/vehicle/train_diesel/_brakes.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/vehicle/tram_modern/idle.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/vehicle/tram_modern/drive.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1935916091/res/audio/effects/vehicle/mp_boats_sailboat_1/mp_boats_sailboat_1_engines.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1935916091/res/audio/effects/vehicle/mp_boats_sailboat_1/mp_boats_sailboat_1_wake.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/vehicle/train_electric_modern/drive.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1934954666/res/audio/effects/vehicle/waggon_old/start.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1934954666/res/audio/effects/vehicle/waggon_old/normal.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1934954666/res/audio/effects/vehicle/waggon_old/bremse_mix.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2307324630/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br52/br52_stand.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2307324630/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br52/br52_leer.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2307324630/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br52/br52_3.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2307324630/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br52/br52_8.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2307324630/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br52/br52_11.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2307324630/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br52/br52_14.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2307324630/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br52/br52_17.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2307324630/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br52/br52_20.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2307324630/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br52/br52_24.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2307324630/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br52/kurve.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2307324630/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br52/bremse_dampf.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2307324630/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br52/br52_bremsluft.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2032269685/res/audio/effects/vehicle/DR_243/Idle.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2032269685/res/audio/effects/vehicle/DR_243/Fan.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1935916091/res/audio/effects/vehicle/mp_boats_yacht_1/mp_boats_yacht_1_engines.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1935916091/res/audio/effects/vehicle/mp_boats_yacht_1/mp_boats_yacht_1_wake.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2027045851/res/audio/effects/vehicle/mb_citaroc2/mbc2idle.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2027045851/res/audio/effects/vehicle/mb_citaroc2/mbc2drive.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1944894086/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br18201/stand.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1944894086/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br18201/gw_roll_a.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1944894086/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br18201/18201_3.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1944894086/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br18201/18201_8.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1944894086/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br18201/18201_12.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1944894086/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br18201/18201_16.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1944894086/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br18201/18201_24.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1944894086/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br18201/kurve.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1944894086/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br18201/bremse_dampf.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1944894086/res/audio/effects/vehicle/br18201/bremsluft.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "mods/sm1_mercedes_614d_strassendienst_1/res/audio/effects/614str/fahren.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "mods/sm1_mercedes_614d_strassendienst_1/res/audio/effects/614str/stand.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/construction/industry/quarry.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/construction/industry/saw_mill.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/construction/industry/forest.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/construction/industry/goods_factory.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1935916091/res/audio/effects/vehicle/mp_explorer_1/mp_explorer_1_engines.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1935916091/res/audio/effects/vehicle/mp_explorer_1/mp_explorer_1_wake.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/construction/station/Shipyard.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/environment/Industrial_1920.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/construction/industry/food_processing.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "mods/sm1_mercedes_614d_dienst_1/res/audio/effects/614dienst/fahren.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "mods/sm1_mercedes_614d_dienst_1/res/audio/effects/614dienst/stand.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1935916091/res/audio/effects/vehicle/mp_boats_yacht_2/mp_boats_yacht_2_engines.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "F:/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1935916091/res/audio/effects/vehicle/mp_boats_yacht_2/mp_boats_yacht_2_wake.wav": There was already an AL error on entry to an ALUT function (code 0x205) terrain_util::GetHeightAt: pos not valid: (-nan(ind) / -nan(ind))