user data folder: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/253576733/1066780/local/ starting up build version: 35049 __CRASHDB_INIT__ PreventSetUnhandledExceptionFilter: 1 Found 0 mods language: de locale: de_DE ======================================== Startup at Tue Jul 26 17:37:03 2022 ======================================== seed: 1658849823 Requested instance extensions: - VK_KHR_surface - VK_KHR_win32_surface - VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 Requested layers: Create Vulkan instance. Supported depth resolve: { SampleZero | Average | Min | Max } Supperted stencil resolve: { SampleZero | Min | Max } Found device #0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (id: 8593, vulkan version: 1.2.175, driver version: 1976631296 [471.68.0.0], vendor id: 4318 [Nvidia]) -> Selected device #0 __CRASHDB_RENDERER__ Vulkan|Nvidia|NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti|1.2.175 471.68.0.0|1.2.175|471.68.0.0| Count: 16 Flags: { Graphics | Compute | Transfer | SparseBinding } Count: 2 Flags: { Transfer | SparseBinding } Count: 8 Flags: { Compute | Transfer | SparseBinding } Optional extension not found: 'VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior' Requested device extensions: - VK_KHR_swapchain - VK_EXT_memory_budget - VK_KHR_create_renderpass2 - VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve - VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 - VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation - VK_KHR_maintenance1 - VK_EXT_memory_priority Format support: * R8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R8G8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R8G8B8Unorm: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * R8G8B8A8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16Unorm: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * R16G16B16A16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | StorageImageAtomic | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32G32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32G32B32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: {} * R32G32B32A32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * B10G11R11UfloatPack32: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16A16Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16Sfloat: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * D24UnormS8Uint: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * D32SfloatS8Uint: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * D16UnormS8Uint: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * D16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } Memory types: * 0 {}: heap #1 * 1 { DeviceLocal }: heap #0 * 2 { HostVisible | HostCoherent }: heap #1 * 3 { HostVisible | HostCoherent | HostCached }: heap #1 * 4 { DeviceLocal | HostVisible | HostCoherent }: heap #2 Memory heaps: * 0 { DeviceLocal } 5991 MB * 1 {} 8107 MB * 2 { DeviceLocal } 214 MB Fifo FifoRelaxed Mailbox Immediate Use present mode: Fifo Swapchain size: 2 (requested 2: 2-8) Sucessfully read pipeline cache C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/253576733/1066780/local/shader_cache/pipelines.cache opened device OpenAL Soft sampling rate: 48000 Hz Build: Build 35049 Windows 64-bit Found 1927 mods commonapi2.init 20220603 CommonAPI2Native: stdout.txt logging enabled TPF2 Build 35049 CommonAPI2Native: InitDone InitCodeFragments: GUI_Setup GUI_SetupFont Userprofile langcode_str: de, fontname res/fonts/Lato2OFL/Lato-Regular.ttf GUI_SetupFont done Searching SDL_PollEvent Search CCore_Render_CallToolTipManager GUIVulkan_Setup Pos_VulkanRenderContext_VkInstance 00000028 Pos_VulkanRenderContext_VkDevice 00000038 Pos_VulkanRenderContext_VkSwapchainKHR 00000188 Pos_VulkanRenderContext_swapdata 00000668 Pos_VulkanRenderContext_m_graphicQueue 000000C0 Pos_VulkanRenderContext_m_presentQueue 000000C8 VulkanRenderContextWrapper::posSDLWindow_width 00000018 VulkanRenderContextWrapper::posSDLWindow_height 0000001C Console::createInstance Console::createInstance done !!! Experimental new events activated, you have been warned !!! commonapi2.ui: Loading commonapi2.ui interface LUA_SetEventCallback 0000021F554A06D0 eatglobal: init [C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2605978133/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_21.lua] (Version 2.21) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.eatglobal_intern' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/eatglobal_intern.lua] (Version 1.7) eatglobal: loaded module 'eatglobal.utils' [mods/breeko_dresden_hbf_2/res/scripts/eatglobal/utils.lua] (Version 1.12) eatglobal: init [C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1978624093/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) eatglobal: init [C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) Loaded 1928 of 1928 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 2924.26 ms Mods changed, recreating data... commonapi2.init 20220603 TPFLUA_NewLuaState: lua_State* 0000021F55A30340 InitCodeFragments: GUI_Setup commonapi2.ui: Loading commonapi2.ui interface LUA_SetEventCallback 0000021F55A30340 Settings: - numSamples: 4 - textureQuality: 1 - terrainTextureResolution: 1 commonapi2.init 20220603 TPFLUA_NewLuaState: lua_State* 0000021F6509DFF0 InitCodeFragments: GUI_Setup commonapi2.ui: Loading commonapi2.ui interface LUA_SetEventCallback 0000021F6509DFF0 TPFLUA_RenameLuaState: luaRef* 0000003F6AEFDB68 UG Console State GUI_Render_InitVulkan CommonAPIVulkanRender::CommonAPIVulkanRender GUI_Render_InitVulkan doing SanityCheck CommonAPIVulkanRender::Install CommonAPIVulkanRender::InitSwapchain CommonAPIVulkanRender::InitRenderPass CommonAPIVulkanRender::InitShaders swapchain_width, swapchain_height = 1920,1081 InitSwapchain vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR InitSwapchain vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR get real data InitSwapchain Image Views CommonAPIVulkanRender::InitFonts CommonAPIVulkanRender::CreateFontsTexture CommonAPIVulkanRender::InitFonts after CreateFontsTexture CommonAPIVulkanRender::InitFonts after vkEndCommandBuffer CommonAPIVulkanRender::InitFonts after vkQueueSubmit CommonAPIVulkanRender::InitFonts after vkDeviceWaitIdle InitSwapchain done LUACommonAPIMain::LUACommonAPIMain() TPFLUA_GetCommonAPILuaStateObject after LUARef commonapi2.init 20220603 TPFLUA_NewLuaState: lua_State* 0000021F554A22F0 InitCodeFragments: GUI_Setup commonapi2.ui: Loading commonapi2.ui interface GUIBridge_setRenderFn 0000021F554A22F0 GUIBridge_setRenderFn 0000021F554A22F0 LUA_SetEventCallback 0000021F554A22F0 GUIBridge_setModListCallbackFn 0000021F554A22F0 Found 1927 mods commonapi2.init 20220603 TPFLUA_NewLuaState: lua_State* 0000021F65F59800 InitCodeFragments: GUI_Setup commonapi2.ui: Loading commonapi2.ui interface LUA_SetEventCallback 0000021F65F59800 Loaded 1 of 1928 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 381.811 ms Found 1927 mods commonapi2.init 20220603 TPFLUA_NewLuaState: lua_State* 0000021F67031D30 InitCodeFragments: GUI_Setup commonapi2.ui: Loading commonapi2.ui interface LUA_SetEventCallback 0000021F67031D30 Loaded 1 of 1928 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 373.901 ms _showCrashDebugInstall Error while in CommonAPI2. !!! Please don't post this error to Urban Games !!! It is very likely the problem will be solved with the next update of CommonAPI2 You can send a bug report to In the mean time, if you game somehow crashes you can remove the eis_os_commonapi2_1/bin/ folder and continue playing. fragCode_find_std__Fiopen_wopen Error while in CommonAPI2. !!! Please don't post this error to Urban Games !!! It is very likely the problem will be solved with the next update of CommonAPI2 You can send a bug report to In the mean time, if you game somehow crashes you can remove the eis_os_commonapi2_1/bin/ folder and continue playing. CrashDebug install failed! GC Called Destroying failback ui done Saved settings to settings.lua VulkanRenderContext_DestructorHook: 00007FF7C1FC3F98 GUI_Teardown doing shutdown CommonAPIVulkanRender::FreeSwapchain FreeSwapchain after vkDeviceWaitIdle FreeSwapchain after framebuffers.clear CommonAPIVulkanRender::FreeFonts CommonAPIVulkanRender::FreeShaders CommonAPIVulkanRender::FreeRenderPass FreeSwapchain done GUI_Teardown doing shutdown end Saved pipeline cache to C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/253576733/1066780/local/shader_cache/pipelines.cache Goodbye. ======================================== Shutdown at Tue Jul 26 17:37:39 2022 ========================================