user data folder: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/1243703174/1066780/local/ starting up build version: 35049 __CRASHDB_INIT__ PreventSetUnhandledExceptionFilter: 1 Found 0 mods language: en locale: en_US ======================================== Startup at Tue Jan 10 15:21:05 2023 ======================================== seed: 1673360465 Requested instance extensions: - VK_KHR_surface - VK_KHR_win32_surface - VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 Requested layers: Create Vulkan instance. Supported depth resolve: { SampleZero | Average | Min | Max } Supperted stencil resolve: { SampleZero | Min | Max } Found device #0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (id: 7041, vulkan version: 1.3.224, driver version: 2214625280 [528.2.0.0], vendor id: 4318 [Nvidia]) -> Selected device #0 __CRASHDB_RENDERER__ Vulkan|Nvidia|NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070|1.3.224 528.2.0.0|1.3.224|528.2.0.0| Count: 16 Flags: { Graphics | Compute | Transfer | SparseBinding } Count: 2 Flags: { Transfer | SparseBinding } Count: 8 Flags: { Compute | Transfer | SparseBinding } Optional extension not found: 'VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior' Requested device extensions: - VK_KHR_swapchain - VK_EXT_memory_budget - VK_KHR_create_renderpass2 - VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve - VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 - VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation - VK_KHR_maintenance1 - VK_EXT_memory_priority Format support: * R8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R8G8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R8G8B8Unorm: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * R8G8B8A8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16Unorm: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * R16G16B16A16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | StorageImageAtomic | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | StorageImageAtomic | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32G32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32G32B32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: {} * R32G32B32A32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * B10G11R11UfloatPack32: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16A16Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16Sfloat: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * D24UnormS8Uint: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * D32SfloatS8Uint: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * D16UnormS8Uint: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * D16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } Memory types: * 0 {}: heap #1 * 1 {}: heap #1 * 2 {}: heap #1 * 3 {}: heap #1 * 4 {}: heap #1 * 5 {}: heap #1 * 6 {}: heap #1 * 7 { DeviceLocal }: heap #0 * 8 { HostVisible | HostCoherent }: heap #1 * 9 { HostVisible | HostCoherent | HostCached }: heap #1 * 10 { DeviceLocal | HostVisible | HostCoherent }: heap #2 Memory heaps: * 0 { DeviceLocal } 8081 MB * 1 {} 8136 MB * 2 { DeviceLocal } 214 MB Fifo FifoRelaxed Mailbox Immediate Use present mode: Fifo Swapchain size: 2 (requested 2: 2-8) Sucessfully read pipeline cache C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/1243703174/1066780/local/shader_cache/pipelines.cache opened device OpenAL Soft sampling rate: 44100 Hz Build: Build 35049 Windows 64-bit Found 604 mods eatglobal: init [F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/2816390086/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_29.lua] (Version 2.29) eatglobal: init [F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1962843709/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_31.lua] (Version 2.31) eatglobal: init [F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/1066780/1978624093/res/scripts/eatglobal_v2_26.lua] (Version 2.26) Loaded 605 of 605 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 399.492 ms Mods changed, recreating data... Settings: - numSamples: 4 - textureQuality: 2 - terrainTextureResolution: 1 Found 604 mods Loaded 1 of 605 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 90.257 ms Found 604 mods Loaded 1 of 605 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 88.11 ms Found 604 mods Loaded 1 of 605 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 84.179 ms Pipeline generation: 143.233 ms Pipeline generation: 138.431 ms place_assets: 74.575 ms * Terrain toolkit used 18 maps and 302 MB... Pipeline took: 1.7434s Average town size: 0.92697 Town size sum: 370 Saved settings to settings.lua Found 604 mods Loaded 1 of 605 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 83.491 ms Saved settings to settings.lua Found 604 mods Loaded 1 of 605 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 85.16 ms Pipeline generation: 138.678 ms Pipeline generation: 141.302 ms place_assets: 74.36 ms * Terrain toolkit used 18 maps and 302 MB... Pipeline took: 1.72367s Average town size: 0.92697 Town size sum: 370 Map generationaved settings to settings.lua * Map gen parameter: { canyon = 2, forest = 3, mesa = 2, ridge = 2, water = 2, } * Size: 32 x 32 * Climate: dry * Generator: desert.gen.lua * Town freq.: 1 * Industry freq.: 1 Game settings * Date: 1960-01-01 * Environment: dry * Vehicles: all seedText: xZt2oRQUJf Found 604 mods Loaded 1 of 605 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 89.012 ms active mods: vkmc_luaz/1 (0) (LuAZ-969a "Volin") config dict: climate: dry vehicles: all nameList: asia environment: dry difficulty: easy mod params: : { advancedOptions.cargoSupplySensitivityScale = 4, advancedOptions.emissionSensitivityScale = 4, advancedOptions.infrastructureMaintenanceScale = 2, advancedOptions.infrastructurePurchaseCostScale = 2, advancedOptions.loanInterestScale = 2, advancedOptions.maximumLoanScale = 2, advancedOptions.privateTransportDestinationsSensitivityScale = 4, advancedOptions.publicTransportDestinationsSensitivityScale = 4, advancedOptions.stationOverflowSensitivityScale = 4, advancedOptions.trafficSpeedSensitivityScale = 4, advancedOptions.vehicleMaintenanceScale = 2, advancedOptions.vehiclePurchaseCostScale = 2, economy.industryDevelopment.closureProbability = 1, economy.townDevelopment.cargoNeedsPerTown = 1, locations.industry.maxNumberPerArea = 1, locations.industry.targetMaxNumberPerArea = 2, } achievements earnable: 0 init version: 329 map seed text: xZt2oRQUJf debug mode is active adding archive res/models/ ModelRep: 2790 ms placementSamples: 4 adding tag: INPUT_GRAIN adding tag: INPUT_STONE adding tag: INPUT_PLANKS adding tag: INPUT_PLANKS adding tag: INPUT_STEEL adding tag: INPUT_LOGS adding tag: INPUT_LOGS adding tag: INPUT_PLASTIC adding tag: INPUT_STEEL adding tag: INPUT_IRON_ORE adding tag: INPUT_COAL adding tag: INPUT_IRON_ORE adding tag: INPUT_COAL adding tag: INPUT_OIL adding tag: INPUT_OIL adding tag: INPUT_CRUDE Towns 'Riyadh' and 'Chongqing': connected (ref. time 362.272s) Collision Failed! Retry with ALL targets... Collision Towns 'Bangkok' and 'Chongqing': NOT connected (ref. time 0s) Collision Failed! Retry with ALL targets... Collision Towns 'Zunyi' and 'Bangkok': NOT connected (ref. time 0s) Towns: 1/3 town connections Industry 'Chongqing Food processing plant': connected Industry 'Riyadh Farm': connected Industry 'Riyadh Farm #2': connected Industry 'Chongqing Farm': connected Industry 'Zunyi Farm': connected Industry 'Riyadh Construction materials plant': connected Industry 'Zunyi Quarry': connected Industry 'Zunyi Tools factory': connected Industry 'Bangkok Machines factory': connected Industry 'Zunyi Saw mill': connected Industry 'Riyadh Saw mill': connected Industry 'Riyadh Forest': connected Industry 'Riyadh Forest #2': connected Industry 'Zunyi Forest': connected Industry 'Zunyi Forest #2': connected Industry 'Chongqing Goods factory': connected Industry 'Riyadh Steel mill': connected Industry 'Zunyi Steel mill': connected Industry 'Zunyi Coal mine': connected Industry 'Riyadh Coal mine': connected Industry 'Zunyi Coal mine #2': connected Industry 'Chongqing Coal mine': connected Industry 'Riyadh Iron ore mine': connected Industry 'Zunyi Iron ore mine': connected Industry 'Bangkok Iron ore mine': connected Industry 'Chongqing Iron ore mine': connected Industry 'Bangkok Fuel refinery': connected Industry 'Riyadh Chemical plant': connected Industry 'Bangkok Oil refinery': connected Industry 'Bangkok Oil well': connected Collision Failed! Retry with ALL targets... Collision Industry 'Bangkok Oil well #2': NOT connected Industry 'Bangkok Oil well #3': connected Industries: 31/32 connected InitGame: 6561.69 ms Create Fields: 160.502 ms Shader reload took : 3.082 ms prepare material ubo's: 295.969 ms Using 200 UBOs, total 0 bytes Texture load error: file name empty Resource 'forest_ground.lua' not found! Resource 'grass_alpine.lua' not found! Resource 'grass_dark_green.lua' not found! Resource 'grass_dark_green.lua' not found! Initial material index generation: 2837.39 ms Texture load error: file name empty Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/asset/blr_p70c_asset1.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/asset/blr_p70c_asset2.tga Texture load error: file not found: res/textures/ui/construction/asset/blr_p70c_asset3.tga Heap corruption detected! Calling thread crashtrace handlers thread: 14080 (empty) thread: 4488 (empty) All thread handlers called Minidump Callback HTTP PUT failed: resolve: Dies ist normalerweise ein zeitweiliger Fehler bei der Auflösung von Hostnamen. Grund ist, dass der lokale Server keine Rückmeldung vom autorisierenden Server erhalten hat HTTP PUT failed again: resolve: Dies ist normalerweise ein zeitweiliger Fehler bei der Auflösung von Hostnamen. Grund ist, dass der lokale Server keine Rückmeldung vom autorisierenden Server erhalten hat HTTP PUT failed: resolve: Dies ist normalerweise ein zeitweiliger Fehler bei der Auflösung von Hostnamen. Grund ist, dass der lokale Server keine Rückmeldung vom autorisierenden Server erhalten hat An error just occurred.