user data folder: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/78026715/1066780/local/ starting up build version: 35320 __CRASHDB_INIT__ PreventSetUnhandledExceptionFilter: 1 Found 25 mods language: de locale: de_DE Loaded 26 of 26 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 19.673 ms ======================================== Startup at Mon Jul 3 16:18:38 2023 ======================================== seed: 1688393918 HTTP PUT failed: resolve: Dies ist normalerweise ein zeitweiliger Fehler bei der Auflösung von Hostnamen. Grund ist, dass der lokale Server keine Rückmeldung vom autorisierenden Server erhalten hat HTTP PUT failed again: resolve: Dies ist normalerweise ein zeitweiliger Fehler bei der Auflösung von Hostnamen. Grund ist, dass der lokale Server keine Rückmeldung vom autorisierenden Server erhalten hat HTTP PUT failed: resolve: Dies ist normalerweise ein zeitweiliger Fehler bei der Auflösung von Hostnamen. Grund ist, dass der lokale Server keine Rückmeldung vom autorisierenden Server erhalten hat Requested instance extensions: - VK_KHR_surface - VK_KHR_win32_surface - VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 Requested layers: Create Vulkan instance. Supported depth resolve: { SampleZero | Average | Min | Max } Supperted stencil resolve: { SampleZero | Min | Max } Found device #0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER (id: 8644, vulkan version: 1.3.242, driver version: 2248802304 [536.40.0.0], vendor id: 4318 [Nvidia]) -> Selected device #0 __CRASHDB_RENDERER__ Vulkan|Nvidia|NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER|1.3.242 536.40.0.0|1.3.242|536.40.0.0| Count: 16 Flags: { Graphics | Compute | Transfer | SparseBinding } Count: 2 Flags: { Transfer | SparseBinding } Count: 8 Flags: { Compute | Transfer | SparseBinding } Count: 1 Flags: { Transfer | SparseBinding } Optional extension not found: 'VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior' Requested device extensions: - VK_KHR_swapchain - VK_EXT_memory_budget - VK_KHR_create_renderpass2 - VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve - VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 - VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation - VK_KHR_maintenance1 - VK_KHR_maintenance2 - VK_KHR_maintenance3 - VK_KHR_maintenance4 - VK_EXT_memory_priority Format support: * R8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R8G8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R8G8B8Unorm: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * R8G8B8A8Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16Unorm: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * R16G16B16A16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | StorageImageAtomic | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | StorageImageAtomic | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32G32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R32G32B32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: {} * R32G32B32A32Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * B10G11R11UfloatPack32: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16A16Sfloat: - linear: { SampledImage | StorageImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | StorageImage | ColorAttachment | ColorAttachmentBlend | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * R16G16B16Sfloat: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * D24UnormS8Uint: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * D32SfloatS8Uint: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } * D16UnormS8Uint: - linear: {} - optimal: {} * D16Unorm: - linear: { SampledImage | BlitSrc | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } - optimal: { SampledImage | DepthStencilAttachment | BlitSrc | BlitDst | SampledImageFilterLinear | TransferSrc | TransferDst | SampledImageFilterMinmax } Memory types: * 0 {}: heap #1 * 1 { DeviceLocal }: heap #0 * 2 { HostVisible | HostCoherent }: heap #1 * 3 { HostVisible | HostCoherent | HostCached }: heap #1 * 4 { DeviceLocal | HostVisible | HostCoherent }: heap #2 Memory heaps: * 0 { DeviceLocal } 5980 MB * 1 {} 8073 MB * 2 { DeviceLocal } 214 MB Fifo FifoRelaxed Mailbox Immediate Use present mode: Fifo Swapchain size: 2 (requested 2: 2-8) No pipeline cache to be read Pipeline was read successfully adding archive res/textures/ui/ opened device (null) Started in UI Mode Classic Build: Build 35320 Windows 64-bit Found 25 mods Loaded 1 of 26 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 5.891 ms Mods changed, recreating data... adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_18_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_17_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_16_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_15_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_14_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_13_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_12_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_11_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_10_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_09_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_08_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_07_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_06_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_05_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_04_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_03_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_02_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_01_1/res/audio/effects/ adding archive res/textures/ui/ adding archive mods/urbangames_legacy_vehicle_pack_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_legacy_vehicle_pack_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_18_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_18_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_17_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_17_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_16_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_16_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_15_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_15_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_14_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_14_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_13_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_13_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_12_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_12_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_11_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_11_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_10_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_10_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_09_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_09_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_08_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_08_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_07_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_07_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_06_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_06_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_05_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_05_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_04_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_04_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_03_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_03_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_02_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_02_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_01_1/res/ adding archive mods/urbangames_campaign_mission_01_1/res/ Settings: - numSamples: 4 - textureQuality: 1 - terrainTextureResolution: 1 Found 25 mods Loaded 1 of 26 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 4.836 ms Found 25 mods Loaded 1 of 26 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 4.4 ms WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/button_hover.wav": There is no current AL context (code 0x204) WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/button_click.wav": There is no current AL context (code 0x204) Found 25 mods Loaded 1 of 26 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 5.31 ms Pipeline generation: 36.724 ms Pipeline generation: 36.85 ms place_assets: 114.711 ms * Terrain toolkit used 10 maps and 634 MB... Pipeline took: 2.86592s Average town size: 1.1872 Town size sum: 2967 WARNING: alutCreateBufferFromFile failed for "res/audio/effects/button_click_start_game.wav": There is no current AL context (code 0x204) Saved settings to settings.luaMap generation * Map gen parameters: { forest = 3, hilliness = 3, water = 4, } * Size: 44 x 88 * Climate: !!! * Generator: temperate.gen.lua * Town freq.: 3 * Industry freq.: 0 Game settings * Date: 2000-01-01 * Environment: !!! * Vehicles: !!! seedText: jZYPUKO Found 25 mods Loaded 1 of 26 mod descriptions from disk Update of mod descriptions: 4.67 ms active mods: config dict: climate: temperate vehicles: europe nameList: europe environment: temperate difficulty: easy mod params: : { advancedOptions.cargoSupplySensitivityScale = 4, advancedOptions.emissionSensitivityScale = 4, advancedOptions.infrastructureMaintenanceScale = 2, advancedOptions.infrastructurePurchaseCostScale = 2, advancedOptions.loanInterestScale = 2, advancedOptions.maximumLoanScale = 2, advancedOptions.privateTransportDestinationsSensitivityScale = 4, advancedOptions.publicTransportDestinationsSensitivityScale = 4, advancedOptions.stationOverflowSensitivityScale = 4, advancedOptions.trafficSpeedSensitivityScale = 4, advancedOptions.vehicleMaintenanceScale = 2, advancedOptions.vehiclePurchaseCostScale = 2, economy.industryDevelopment.closureProbability = 0, economy.townDevelopment.cargoNeedsPerTown = 0, locations.industry.maxNumberPerArea = 0, locations.industry.targetMaxNumberPerArea = 1, locations.mapSize = 0, locations.towns.frequency = 1, } achievements earnable: 1 init version: 336 map seed text: jZYPUKO adding archive res/construction/ adding archive res/models/ adding archive res/models/ adding archive res/models/ adding archive res/models/ adding archive res/models/ adding archive res/textures/ adding archive res/textures/ui/ ModelRep: 2246.24 ms placementSamples: 9 adding tag: INPUT_GRAIN adding tag: INPUT_GRAIN adding tag: INPUT_GRAIN adding tag: INPUT_STONE adding tag: INPUT_STONE adding tag: INPUT_STONE adding tag: INPUT_PLANKS adding tag: INPUT_PLANKS adding tag: INPUT_PLANKS adding tag: INPUT_PLANKS adding tag: INPUT_STEEL adding tag: INPUT_PLANKS adding tag: INPUT_STEEL adding tag: INPUT_PLANKS adding tag: INPUT_STEEL adding tag: INPUT_LOGS adding tag: INPUT_LOGS adding tag: INPUT_LOGS adding tag: INPUT_LOGS adding tag: INPUT_LOGS adding tag: INPUT_PLASTIC adding tag: INPUT_STEEL adding tag: INPUT_PLASTIC adding tag: INPUT_STEEL adding tag: INPUT_IRON_ORE adding tag: INPUT_COAL adding tag: INPUT_IRON_ORE adding tag: INPUT_COAL adding tag: INPUT_IRON_ORE adding tag: INPUT_COAL adding tag: INPUT_IRON_ORE adding tag: INPUT_COAL adding tag: INPUT_OIL adding tag: INPUT_OIL adding tag: INPUT_OIL adding tag: INPUT_OIL adding tag: INPUT_CRUDE adding tag: INPUT_CRUDE adding tag: INPUT_CRUDE adding tag: INPUT_CRUDE Towns 'Reiskirchen' and 'Wildgrube': connected (ref. time 86.1175s) Towns 'Horstmar' and 'Wildgrube': connected (ref. time 179.732s) Towns 'Halbertshof' and 'Reiskirchen': connected (ref. time 151.352s) Towns 'Wulften' and 'Halbertshof': connected (ref. time 433.215s) Towns 'Adelschlag' and 'Halbertshof': connected (ref. time 136.18s) Towns 'Hettenrodt' and 'Horstmar': connected (ref. time 160.304s) Steigung zu gross Towns 'Teisendorf' and 'Hettenrodt': NOT connected (ref. time 0s) Steigung zu gross Towns 'Rehweiler' and 'Adelschlag': NOT connected (ref. time 0s) Towns 'Pragsdorf' and 'Rehweiler': connected (ref. time 192.575s) Towns 'Gschwend' and 'Pragsdorf': connected (ref. time 230.641s) Steigung zu gross Towns 'Udersleben' and 'Gschwend': NOT connected (ref. time 0s) Towns 'Kremkau' and 'Gschwend': connected (ref. time 207.238s) Kollision Towns 'Sülzhayn' and 'Udersleben': NOT connected (ref. time 0s) Towns 'Luckwitz' and 'Sülzhayn': connected (ref. time 134.882s) Towns 'Eislingen' and 'Sülzhayn': connected (ref. time 180.697s) Towns 'Bethanien' and 'Eislingen': connected (ref. time 280.853s) Towns 'Schleberoda' and 'Bethanien': connected (ref. time 180.382s) Towns 'Breitenburg' and 'Schleberoda': connected (ref. time 137.321s) Bau nicht möglich Towns 'Rubenow' and 'Breitenburg': NOT connected (ref. time 0s) Kollision Towns 'Oppurg' and 'Rubenow': NOT connected (ref. time 0s) Towns 'Herren Steinfeld' and 'Gschwend': connected (ref. time 247.809s) Towns 'Hasenthal' and 'Teisendorf': connected (ref. time 223.474s) Towns 'Vilseck' and 'Hasenthal': connected (ref. time 631.223s) Steigung zu gross Towns 'Reitwein' and 'Vilseck': NOT connected (ref. time 0s) Towns: 17/24 town connections Industry 'Rubenow Lebensmittelfabrik': connected Industry 'Sülzhayn Lebensmittelfabrik': connected Industry 'Hasenthal Lebensmittelfabrik': connected Industry 'Hasenthal Bauernhof': connected Industry 'Rubenow Bauernhof': connected Industry 'Reiskirchen Bauernhof': connected Industry 'Hettenrodt Bauernhof': connected Industry 'Horstmar Bauernhof': connected Industry 'Eislingen Bauernhof': connected Industry 'Eislingen Bauernhof #2': connected Bau nicht möglich Industry 'Oppurg Bauernhof': NOT connected Industry 'Teisendorf Bauernhof': connected Industry 'Hettenrodt Bauernhof #2': connected Industry 'Halbertshof Baumaterialfabrik': connected Steigung zu gross Industry 'Reitwein Baumaterialfabrik': NOT connected Industry 'Teisendorf Baumaterialfabrik': connected Kollision Industry 'Teisendorf Steinbruch': NOT connected Industry 'Vilseck Steinbruch': connected Industry 'Halbertshof Steinbruch': connected Industry 'Rehweiler Werkzeugfabrik': connected Industry 'Hasenthal Werkzeugfabrik': connected Industry 'Breitenburg Werkzeugfabrik': connected Industry 'Herren Steinfeld Maschinenfabrik': connected Industry 'Hettenrodt Maschinenfabrik': connected Industry 'Luckwitz Maschinenfabrik': connected Industry 'Breitenburg Sägewerk': connected Industry 'Reitwein Sägewerk': connected Industry 'Gschwend Sägewerk': connected Industry 'Teisendorf Sägewerk': connected Industry 'Adelschlag Sägewerk': connected Industry 'Pragsdorf Wald': connected Industry 'Rubenow Wald': connected Industry 'Schleberoda Wald': connected Industry 'Adelschlag Wald': connected Industry 'Rubenow Wald #2': connected Industry 'Pragsdorf Wald #2': connected Industry 'Vilseck Wald': connected Industry 'Kremkau Wald': connected Industry 'Rubenow Wald #3': connected Industry 'Schleberoda Wald #2': connected Industry 'Wulften Warenfabrik': connected Industry 'Reitwein Warenfabrik': connected Industry 'Sülzhayn Stahlwerk': connected Industry 'Hasenthal Stahlwerk': connected Industry 'Herren Steinfeld Stahlwerk': connected Zu spitzer Winkel Bau nicht möglich Industry 'Oppurg Stahlwerk': NOT connected Industry 'Udersleben Kohlebergwerk': connected Industry 'Sülzhayn Kohlebergwerk': connected Industry 'Sülzhayn Kohlebergwerk #2': connected Industry 'Oppurg Kohlebergwerk': connected Industry 'Rubenow Kohlebergwerk': connected Industry 'Gschwend Kohlebergwerk': connected Industry 'Udersleben Kohlebergwerk #2': connected Industry 'Herren Steinfeld Kohlebergwerk': connected Industry 'Bethanien Kohlebergwerk': connected Industry 'Oppurg Eisenerzbergwerk': connected Industry 'Kremkau Eisenerzbergwerk': connected Industry 'Wildgrube Eisenerzbergwerk': connected Kollision Industry 'Rehweiler Eisenerzbergwerk': NOT connected Industry 'Hettenrodt Eisenerzbergwerk': connected Industry 'Bethanien Eisenerzbergwerk': connected Steigung zu gross Industry 'Reiskirchen Eisenerzbergwerk': NOT connected Industry 'Breitenburg Eisenerzbergwerk': connected Industry 'Oppurg Eisenerzbergwerk #2': connected Industry 'Horstmar Treibstoffraffinerie': connected Industry 'Herren Steinfeld Treibstoffraffinerie': connected Industry 'Reitwein Chemiefabrik': connected Industry 'Schleberoda Chemiefabrik': connected Industry 'Reitwein Ölraffinerie': connected Steigung zu gross Industry 'Rehweiler Ölraffinerie': NOT connected Industry 'Teisendorf Ölraffinerie': connected Industry 'Bethanien Ölraffinerie': connected Industry 'Horstmar Ölquelle': connected Industry 'Reitwein Ölquelle': connected Industry 'Schleberoda Ölquelle': connected Industry 'Bethanien Ölquelle': connected Industry 'Reiskirchen Ölquelle': connected Industry 'Wildgrube Ölquelle': connected Industry 'Reiskirchen Ölquelle #2': connected Industry 'Halbertshof Ölquelle': connected Industry 'Rubenow Ölquelle': connected Industries: 74/81 connected InitGame: 31357.8 ms Create Fields: 241.469 ms Shader reload took : 5.35 ms prepare material ubo's: 179.191 ms Using 200 UBOs, total 0 bytes Initial material index generation: 0.013 ms Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected! Thread did not respond to ping. Possible hang detected!