function data() return { type = "RAIL_STATION", -- other meta information description = { name = _("Bench"), description = _("A bench.") }, params = { }, -- parameters changeable by the player -- update function, which adjusts the construction according the parameters updateFn = function(params) local result = { } result.models = { { id = "zurich_hb_base.mdl", transf = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -257, 13.5, -15.5, 1, }, }, } -- terrain alignment, streets, tracks, stock lists, etc. result.edgeLists = { -- [Gleis 3] { type = "TRACK", params = { type = "standard.lua", catenary = true }, edges = { { { 141.85, -70, .0 }, { -281.029, .0, .0 } }, -- node 0 (snap node) { { -139.179, -70, .0 }, { -281.029, .0, .0 } } -- node 1 }, snapNodes = { 1 }, -- node 1 is allowed to snap to other edges of the same type freeNodes = {}, }, } return result end } end