Entries containing the tag „Industry“

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Welcome to the fan community of Transport Fever and Train Fever, the economic simulators of Urban Games. The community is free for you to share and inform yourself about the game. We cultivate a friendly and objective interaction with each other and our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Registration and use is of course free for you.


We wish you a lot of fun and hope for active participation.

The Team of the Transport-Fever Community

Filebase Entries

Title Reactions Views Downloads

Polyethylene industry

melectro - -
3,245 738

Complete Industry Mod

Philipsz - -
16,924 5,064

Industrial Gates for Tracks and Streets

WoScha - -
5,324 1,674

Industrie - Modular Addon

WoScha - -
6,090 1,517

Industrie - Modular

WoScha - -
7,060 2,034

Real Industrial Chains 1.4

YT8HmH7 - -
10,242 1,523

Rail & Track Industry

melectro - -
29,451 3,047

Industrial Revolution

aviatori - -
20,052 4,728

Industrial Oiltank

WoScha -
9,138 3,402

Senseless Industries V2

Yeol - -
9,440 1,477

Industry ohne Strasse

Speedmaster - -
6,018 1,468

Fisch Industrie, Fish processing plant

melectro - -
15,862 4,128

Fischerhafen, Fishing harbour

melectro - -
12,756 3,911


DH-106 - -
21,804 5,870


WoScha - -
11,593 3,862

Power Stations

aviatori - -
22,701 5,171

Industry Workers

SpaceCossaX - -
24,166 5,832

Cargo Import/Export

spacky - -
46,062 18,570

Level für Grundindustrien

Oskar1504 - -
12,259 2,335

Economy Modding Pack

PMV - -
13,769 1,479