Hawker-Siddley/Bombardier Bi-Level Cab Car

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  • The Hawker-Siddley/Bombardier Bi-Level cab car is a very common car seen across the USA.

    The various transit companies that utilize this cab car are...

    Florida Tri-Rail
    Seattle Sounder
    Canada's GO
    California CAL train
    Texas Trinity Express
    Southern California's Metrolink

    This car would make a great addition to working on USA inter city/ local transit maps. Being that trains magically flip, this car would make it feel more as if the trains have no where to turn when going running the line. I enjoy seeing 2 trains on the same line that 1 heading say south bound with the locomotive leading , and the other northbound with the cab car.

    Minor History-

    The first Bombardier Bi-level was developed by the Toronto Regional Commuter service, GO Transit, and the Hawker Siddley companies. They were designed in mind to replace the Bombardier single level train cars during the 70's. At this point between the US and Canada over 700 cars have been produced. This is not to say thats the amount of cab cars that exist, but thats the main car design. As we know it has had several variations done, while I'd enjoy seeing other prominent ones like the NJT( New Jersey Transit) and the MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority). We already have the base model of the Hawker-Siddley Bombardier Bi-level car in game. It just needs some modifications to appear as the cab car.

    The speed of the car, handling etc should mimic the current Bi-level car that is currently in the game. It essentially is that car with the addition of a position for the engineer to sit with trains that can't turn around at the end of the line.


    Measurements drawing

    what else is needed to complete a request... i read that step by step guide..

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Neighbor Kid () aus folgendem Grund: ... to be more inline with request.
