[REL] Cargo Station 2.2

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  • Hello,

    While working on my All Large Roads mod, I had to change the stations to work with 4 lane roads. I had trouble at first with the lanes but found that I forgot to change one of the paths and that's why I couldn't get it to work. Now I got it to work and felt I could release it. I was going to release this with my ALR mod but thought it a good idea to release it separately. This should help with some congestion since the default station only has 2 lanes to enter and exit.

    Please let me know what you think and if it works well for you.

    Cargo Station 2

  • I've been working on this more trying to get the lanes separated in the back because the trucks get blocked by other waiting trucks.

    I got it working like this but the trucks on line 3 stop in the wrong place and I can't get them to stop in the correct place. The trucks also jack-knife from stopping before the curve.

    It does keep the rear lane open, with 3 40-ton trucks waiting, so the trucks on the other path can pass.

    I'm going to try to get line 3 to stop before the curve but haven't been able to yet and I've been working on it for a few hours now.

    I'm hoping I get this figured out because I think it would work even better.

  • As far as i know, the stop position of the vehicles is defined in:

    terminals = {
                    { vehicleNode = 6, personNodes = { 44 }, personEdges = { 22,23,24 } },
                    { vehicleNode = 20, personNodes = { 52 }, personEdges = { 28,29,30 } },

    vehicleNode describes the node where the vehicle stops (The numbers start with 0 and each entry in laneutil.makeLanes creates two Nodes).
    So in your case, since the trucks are stopping to late, you could try to decrease the second number by one or two.

  • Really, is that what the vehicleNode does. I'll have to try that and hope you're right because I tried all everything I could. I will try this right away and report beck. If this works, doing stations will be easy as pie then. Thank you.

    what I was wanting to try is make a station with 2 entry/exit but don't think it'll work. I'll experiment to see what can be done tho.

    YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS, that was it baby!!!. thank you so very much. I was wrong. I thought the vehicleNode what how many segments there were in the path. Awesome, It works great now. I just have to adjust the position a bit and it'll be ready.

    Next I need to figure out what the personNodes do because I have no idea on that. I just got a reply from Basil Weber explaining this more but I was half awake when I read it and not sure what he said. I have to reread it.

    I also changed the paths from how I originally had them in this. Now I'm going to go back and see if it'll work the first way I made it. If it does, I'll have a LOT to do with station planned. I'm going to widen all of the roads and entrances and rework the path so the stations don't get so damn congested like this cargo station. I think you will all like them.

    Here's a shot of it now. I'm just going to move the second stop up a tad so the last truck is straighter and it'll be done.

  • I just uploaded a new version of this. This is the Change Log from the download page;

    I created a second version that can be used when generating new maps so there aren't 2 of this station in the game. I did this because I wanted to release it as the default station so there isn't 2 of these in the build window but while testing it, the saved game kept crashing even tho I removed all of the other stations that were built already.

    I also named them so you can tell which version is installed. The names are 'Truck station 2 Saved' and 'Truck station 2 Default'. The default version will overwrite the original files when used for a new map. The Saved version doesn't overwrite any files and would be used with saved games.

    The paths at the read of the station were separated so the trucks on Line 2 don't block the trucks on Line 1 when they are leaving the station. I adjusted them using the 40 tonner because these are longer than the other trucks.

    The Cargo Paths were adjusted so the station will hold more cargo while waiting to be picked up. The default station held 18 piece per side. Now it'll hold 33 pieces per side.

    I also refined all the paths and adjusted all the models to be sure they align and look correct in game. This should be the final version.

    The images below show how the trucks on Line 1 go thru the truck on Line 2 when leaving. This was the reason for making this. I just didn't know how to do it with the first version. I figured it all out and here it is.

    I hope you all enjoy this and they help with the congestion that was at these station when selecting 'Wait for full load'. Please let me know what you think.
