Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • Hello,

    I am new to the community forum of Transport Fever and I also appreciate the free Simutrans transport simulation, which I still begin to find obsolete in terms of its graphics, just as I am disturbed by some of its illogical limitations compared to the realistic reproduction of the operation of trains or trams ... So Transport Fever appeared to me a good alternative to have a game with modern graphics, with the same personalization possibilities as Simutrans thanks to the Steam Workshop.

    I still have questions about how the game works, in comparison with Simutrans:

    1) Urban environment

    a) From the presentation of the game, I noticed that a standard Transport Fever map contained several small towns that grew with time and the different freight and passenger connections that they could have: they would be small towns Initially which would turn into cities, but in this case in what sizes exactly? Can they reach those of Paris or Berlin with their suburbs?

    b) There are other possibilities for customizing maps in Simutrans, and I wonder if they can be found in Transport Fever:

    * Is there a possibility to define the dimensions of the terrain of the whole of a game map and have for example a square or rectangular shape conditioning the total area?

    * Is there a possibility to configure the geographic environment of a game map by determining the overall physiognomy and the cities likely to emerge, by defining, for example, the level of the map and the nature of the reliefs, the height of the mountains and the depth of the sea, the number of rivers appearing on the map and their dimensions etc ...? Is there, if not the possibility of terraforming the map itself, except that of downloading a real one? If so, is there a clear manual for using the Steam Workshop for this purpose?

    c) On Simutrans it is also possible to set the number of cities that can appear on the game map as well as the distances separating them: is this also part of the basic configurations of a game on Transport Fever?

    Thank you for your informative answers.

  • Hello Yan, welcome!

    1)a) Yes they are unlimited. But a city with many citizens would kill you're Performance. So you can limit it in the
    game config.

    b) you can create your own Map in 6 Sizes and in 1:1,1:2,1:3,1:4 and 1:5 Form.
    You can design you're own heightmap on various internet websites' and import it to the Game. You can place the cities by yourself.
    You can edit the terrain ingame with a good tool. But this is expensive.
    c) Yes you can, because you decide where the industries and the towns are "founded", if you create your own map.



  • Hello Ehrentomate,

    I thank you for your quick and practical answers which I only got to know today !! ... I actually did not have time to come back to the forum sooner ... I am also happy to note that there is a great possibility of personalization of the game which is not sufficiently exposed in the Wiki that the creative team of the game has just edited. I take up some of your answers for clarification:


    * To what size can you match the 6 sizes you quoted: 1: is it a small village when 1: 5 is a city as large as Paris? Can we name our cities, possibly with real names?

    * What are the modeling sites of the real maps on the Net and are they simple to use for a newbi in creating maps? Can not they be downloaded from Steam?

    * When you say that we decide where the industrial chains will be located, does this mean that we can decide freely of the location of natural resources sites that will make them work?

    1d) Do the towns of Transport Fever have diversified sectors such as residential, commercial, industrial, offices and leisure that generate different travel needs for city dwellers? In terms of industrial chains, is it possible to define the number and the type? Is it possible to specialize certain cities in certain industrial productions and therefore only have a specific type of chain, and others in the consumption of manufactured products, and therefore only involving residential and commercial sectors?

    Here is the complement of my questions concerning the urban environment in which freight and passenger transport are included:

    1e) Are work areas inactive during weekend days (Saturdays and Sundays), while commercial and leisure areas are more densely frequented, so that partial services can be provided on certain routes Of urban transport? Do not public buildings such as social services, town halls, hospitals, schools / colleges / universities, museums and municipal libraries influence the movements of city dwellers?

    1f)Is it possible to create underground networks of trains and subways on different levels (Simutrans proposes 3)? Is it possible to have railroad tracks in trenches as can be seen in some cities?

    1g) With regard to surface networks, is it possible to create priority bus corridors on large avenues and sidewalk recesses for bus stops in narrow areas? Concerning trams, can their rails be built on central medians in the middle of major avenues?

    I stop here for today so as not to over saturate you with questions !! ...

    Thank for answers of all readers ;) !!...


  • @'Yan

    - the referred relations, as in 1:3, doesn't refer to city sizes but to the map-size describing length/breadth-ratio.
    - at steam there is a section for modding guides in english, community "Lexikon"has also some interesting stuff, but almost german only.
    - The map-creation tool allows to design own maps.

    1d) yes, towns have residential (green), commercial (blue) and industry areas (yellow), and these areas have different needs ... sorry, I don't know, if you can determine their sizes when creating a map.
    1e) diversified areas only have different needs and grow according relatively to what you deliever. so far no sector-buildings with functions.

    1f) there are mods available at the steam workshop for multilevel stations ... laying the rails though is more like an art anyways ... some let's plays may show some tricks ... ;-) ...

    1g) I don't know about priority settings for certain bus- or tram-lines, usually the frequency does the trick, also you can use signals to define certain railway-lines as more or less fluid ... another possibility could be the use of rail tracks with limited velocity (also a mod at the steam workshop)

    the community download section for TPF has also some mods not published at steam, almost only with german texts though.
