Transformation Matrix

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  • This tool aims to help modders finding the correct parameters as well as helping to understand the general concept of homogeneous transformations.
    [align=justify]Meshed can be rotated, translated and scaled using transformation parameters. This tool aims to help modders finding the correct parameters as well as helping to understand the general concept of homogeneous transformations. Arbitrary rotations (in deg), translations and scaling can be defined. The tool will calculate the corresponding homogeneous transformation matrix and will also present the string to be included in Train Fever [tt].mdl[/tt] files.

    Rotations in Degrees: Scaling: Translation:
    Restulting Tranformation Matrix as Homogeneous Transformation
    Resulting Transformation String for Train Fever
    © 2015 [url='']@Xanos[/url]
    Original Webpage: [url][/url]
