Assets: Vorgaben zur Sortierung

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  • Diese Vorgabe wurde durch eine Umfrage bestimmt.
    With the update of Train Fever on Build 7554 Assets were introduced so-called. These have one variable [tt] order [/ tt], with the arrangement of the mods is defined in the categories. This variable is global, that is, it applies all mods away. Therefore Mod overarching order must be found. It was in the thread [url='']asset categories[/url] found the following consensus. [Hl] Default [/ hl] The variable [tt] order [/ tt] calculated using the following formula: [align=center] [Tt] order = AuthorID * 10000 + AuthorModID * 100 + Model Number [/ tt][/align] What is needed to calculate the following data: [list][*][tt] AuthorID [/ tt] The ID of the mod author. You can find this in the URL if the author calls his profile [i]Example:[/i] My ID (BR146) is 18313th My Profile URL: [i][url=''] [/url][/i][i][b][u]18313[/u][/b][/i][i] - BR146 /[/i] [i][b][/b][/i] [*][Tt] AuthorModID [/ tt] A self-assigned by the mod author number between [tt] 0 - 99 [/ tt]. This must be unique for each mod of an author. [*][Tt] Model Number [/ tt] This figure of [tt] 0-99 [/ tt] represents the arrangement of the models in the mod itself. The model should be uppermost, receives the number [tt] 0 [/ tt ], including the standing model number [tt] 1 [/ tt], etc. [/list]This leads to a global array of models in the order [tt] Author [/ tt]> [tt] Mod [/ tt]> [tt] models [/ tt]. [Hl] example [/ hl] This example shows the calculation of a (fictitious) Mod of BR146 with 3 models. [list][*][Tt] AuthorID = 18313 [/ tt] Authorship BR146 [*][Tt] AuthorModID = 2 [/ tt] for 2 Mod of BR146 [*][Tt] Model Number = 0..2 [/ tt] for 3 models [/list]For the three models to calculate the [tt] order [/ tt] variables as follows: [list=1][*]Model: [tt] order = 18313 * 10000 + 2 * 100 + 0 = 18313000200 [/ tt] [*]Model: [tt] order = 18313 * 10000 + 2 * 100 + 1 = 18313000201 [/ tt] [*]Model: [tt] order = 18313 * 10000 + 2 * 100 + 2 = 18313000202 [/ tt] [/list]
