Beiträge von flanker

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

    Both things at the same time. Speed determines how many people will decide to travel from one city to another (which reduces a chance of creating a bottleneck at the entrance of a city) but you're right, a rogue car now and then can cause a hiccup even if they're all driving super-slow.

    Did you rebuild the connections between cities after loading the game? Also, if it doesn't work for you, you can lower the speed of cars yourself. If you think it's too much of a hassle I can upload another version with speed limit that you request.

    P.S. I added two additional car speed options to the mod, check the download section and try out the other two variants.
    Traffic DeCongestion

    Hi everyone. :thumbsup: This is my first try on modding Train Fever. This small update definitely helps in solving a huge problem that Train Fever has: Traffic Congestion.

    The mechanics behind traffic congestion in this game are somewhat blurry to an end user, but I’ve been trying to reproduce the problem in order to find a solution, and I think I found it. The main problem was emerging when your cities grow to a substantial size (500+), especially if roads aren’t wide enough to support the incoming traffic from other cities.
    You’ve probably noticed that after setting up a successful line between two cities, a whole new world opens up, cars start to spawn from one city, hurrying to get to the other side before your train or bus which eventually leads to a nightmare and a complete standstill of traffic. Now, with this tiny replacement of personal cars in-game, the citizens on your map will be forced to drive SLOWER, which will result in more people choosing the train over a car, and more people giving up on car travel completely because the calculated time needed to reach other cities will be quite longer now.
    Imagine that world speed limit for personal cars on roads is now 50kph, while your trucks & buses retain their original speed.
    Of course, if you keep the default road connection with 2 lanes, your trucks & buses will also be forced to follow any cars in front of them, resulting in slower truck lines. This can be solved by expanding your road network (which is also realistic because you will have to invest more money on truck lines that were OP anyway).

    Note that citizens will still use the cars even if they’re slower, but that will definitely be a balanced way of car usage, so your buses and trains won’t stay empty neither full, which is much more realistic than what we have in the vanilla version of the game.
    I know it’s not much of a fix, think of it more like a temporary solution until the devs finally balance it out properly.
    Naturally, if you have more ideas, I’ll be happy to hear any other solutions to this problem.

    Also, I want to note that this was a trial & error process, and in the end I found the most satisfying result with limiting the fastest cars to 50kph, while the older cars run at either 30 or 40 kph. Feel free to experiment with different speeds and report your own results here. I recommend installing using TFMM manager, but if you decide to do it manually, remember to backup the folders that you’re overwriting.

    Tip: This ‘fix’ is best used in combination with early city planning.

    • Try to expand your road network inside the city in the very beginning of the game; build bus lanes on 4 lane streets, and avoid using bus lanes on streets you won’t use for bus traffic. Bus lanes squeeze the traffic, so use them wisely, try not to create any bottlenecks. Best practice is to have a bus lane along the main two-three streets, while leaving another four lane street for car traffic. Upgrade all streets that you can, never leave cities to go wild because you’ll have to spend many millions in late game to undo the overcrowded areas.
    • When you build train stations, try to build them away from external road access points, so that your bus lines that connect railways with your intra-city network won’t have to deal with incoming traffic from other cities.

    For example, if your city has 2 road entry points (let’s say in North and South), try to build the train station either in the East or West, and then build the main bus (or tramway) station right next to it. Branch out a few bus/tram lines along the bus lanes you constructed earlier if your city has 500+ population. One circular bus/tram line is enough for smaller cities.