Beiträge von JoopNL

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    Wow, you've got a very nice model there as well! :) About my previous shot; I think it's mainly the TF Model Viewer giving of a very stretched perspective. This is de orthographic side view like in your second shot:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    My model does have some issues though. It's very hard to get the angles exactly right. Especially the "in between" angles like a 45 degrees front view. And of course I have a lot of detailing yet to do.

    Yes, something like that Yavianice. ;)

    And thanks jo_vink. It's hard work indeed. I'm using Blender. And while I know it's very powerful I can' t say that it has an easy/discoverable interface. Once you get used to all the keyboard shortcuts, and so on, it starts to get a little better. But it's slow work! :) I'm enjoying it so far in any case. :)

    Spent a lot of time on stuff like getting dimensions right. And watched a lot of tutorials. This is what I have so far.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Already someone who can guess what I' m working on? :)

    Looks very good!, just a very nitpicky comment, but isn't the surface between the two lower lights supposed to be black for the yellow version?

    I forgot to respond to that part. Yes, I too like attention to detail, and yes that air vent between the lights should be dark gray! :) The problem is that because an issue in the UV map I can't paint that air vent, without also painting a large area on the front above the lights in the same color. The two places on the model, are mapped to one place in the texture. So this was the compromise... (The UV map is contained in the model, I can't change that with a repaint.)

    The same issue occurs in another few places, for example the currently light gray color on the outer side of the mirrors... :(

    For the windows you mean? In reflection map, #2d2d2d. In the specular map, #ffffff.

    I'm not sure yet what will be next. Maybe a small update to the VIRM again, to improve some of the maps that I didn't do earlier.

    After that perhaps start a completely new MOD from scratch. (Not a repaint.) The only issue is, I have no experience whatsoever doing 3D modelling myself. :) So at the very least, that would mean I'd have to learn a LOT of new stuff. Don't know yet if I invest all the time and do that. :)

    Klasse werk Joop evenals je verbeterde VIRM.
    Is er niemand die je kan helpen met deuranimaties??? Oppie bijvoorbeeld????...

    Ik mis alleen de Sprinter uitvoering met tussenwagon.... De Spinters die hier rondrijden bestaan uit 3 delen. 2x stuurstand en een tussenwagon

    Thanks Froggy. I am only doing repaints from SpoorObjecten's models. It's not possible to change anything on the model, like door animations, or other type of carriages when repainting. SpoorObjecten also commented earlier that with the way he has currently modelled the trains, it's a lot of work to implement animations, and he didn't really think it was a priority. I kind of agree with him. It's nice to have the animations ofcourse, but not a huge deal when they're missing. The ingame people won't use them anyways...

    My Sprinter repaint should be up in an hour or so. As I said, no extra carriages, but there is an other surprise included. :P

    (PS. I think the forum rules require you to write either German of English... :))

    Do you mean the normal map? How do you make that, just a 'one color' texture that overlays over the entire carriage? I never really understood the normal map.

    No, not exactly. With a normal map you can add depth to a model, without actually modelling it (and adding more polygons). See here for info: There are plenty of good tutorials on how to do this, for example over here:

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    The only thing lacking in most tutorials is that before you create the normal map, you should make sure that only the stuff that needs it, is visible. For example, if you have a dark NS logo on a light background, and this is visible when creating the normal map, the map would create relief on the edges of the logo. That's wrong, because the logo and background are actually a flat surface. You only want normal mapping on parts that are raised/lowered on the object in real life, but where those details have not been put into the model. Take for example the edge between two pieces of chasis on train or car.

    The reflection map is used to define which parts of the models have mirror like reflections. You mostly only use this on very smooth surfaces like glass. The reflection map is stored as an alpha channel in the regular texture file. White parts do not reflect at all, black parts have maximum reflections. Gray values are somewhere in between.

    The "Gloss" map I talked about (actually called Specular map) defines how shiny certain parts of a model are. This map is stored as an alpha channel in the normal map texture file. The colors are reversed when compared with the reflection map. White parts are very glossy, black parts not at all.

    Take your plan W repaint:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Using the three maps, you can improve it like this:

    • If you create a normal map, you can have the ridges on the roof raised, without this being in the model.
    • If you paint the roof black (or dark gray) in the normal map alpha channel, the excessive gloss effect on the roof can be removed. (So you get a matt finish like in the shot below.)
    • If you paint the windows black (or dark gray) in the regular texture alpha channel, you can add (more) reflectiveness on the windows. (Again like below.)

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    (Note; the roof ridges in this shot are actually in the model. It won't easily get this good with a normal map, but maybe somewhere in between. It can get very close if you spend more time ont it.)

    And it can be a lot more advanced than these three improvements. For good examples open some of the train textures and normal maps included with the game, and compare how they use them. But in my experience so far, even much less advanced versions can make a big improvement.

    [Continued from repaint discussion in the (wrong) modding topic here.]

    I didn't make as much progress as I hoped, but happy with the results in the end. Inspired by oppie's very sleek 1100 shot I decided to spend some time on the reflection map and "gloss" map (if that's the proper name). I never did any texturing before the VIRM repaint, but from the screenshots it was clear I was missing something. :) The lighting and reflections just looked way better. To make a long story short, this is where I am now:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    I learned a lot of new stuff. I'll probably also do another update on the VIRM repaint, to apply my new knowledge. :) But first I'll finish the SGMm repaint, almost there now I think.

    PS. Don't forget to notice the amount of detail SpoorObjecten put in the model! :D

    Nice! Will you also make other repaints e.g. The traditional yellow or the city sprinter version (whatever it was called)?There is also a Dutch repaint thread in the repaint section.

    I didn't plan on doing other SGMm versions, and didn't keep that in mind while editing in Photoshop, but a traditional yellow version would be a nice idea. :) I'll look into it, but only if it's doesn't require too much rework. :)

    Hi. Nice to see so much Dutch stuff being released!

    I've created a repaint (logo's, details, resolution, etc) of SpoorObjecten's VIRM MOD (with permission). It also has updated stats, and a second (fictional) High Speed version. It has been uploaded to the filebase, should be available soon. In the mean time, check out the Gallery:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Click for more pics! :)