Beiträge von neldot

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    Hello, everyone.
    I just come around to say a big thank to Xanos for his wonderful tool and to share with all the other map builders my experience in creating, with the help of his tool, a map with big mountains (1300 meters max elevation) and mountain towns. :-)

    As we already know, one of the most annoying thing in using an heightmap in TPF is that the game refuses to use a map when it fails to create all road connections, and won't show an industry for the same reason.

    This is what I did to avoid the game failing to connect all the cities and industries with roads:
    I didn't touch the max elevation in the lua file (set to 1300 meters).
    I opened my heightmap with photoshop (of course Gimp or another similar program will do it) and with the levels adjustement I darkened the grey level of the map (I about halved it).
    I manually edited all the higher mountains with the proper brush to restore a lighter level of gray.
    I used the Xanos tool to place cumulatively only the towns in flatter terrain zones.
    I was forced to manually place one by one the towns in montainuos zones (I did the same with industries, using Xanos tool only for coordinates), and then reloading the map with TPF to check that all worked. In some cases I had to manually edit the terrain in Photoshop again, to flatten the land where a city or an industry created placement difficulties. It was a lot of work, but in the end, the map worked fine.
    I think that, while the resulting map was not 100% realistic in the elevations proportions, the final aesthetic result was quite good and all the cities and industries were correctly placed.

    >>>Dear Xanos, I would also like to take this opportunity to ask if you please could modify your program to show a more magnified heightmap image and to show the coordinates when you place a city (or simply when you hover on a point of the map with the mouse). It would be of great help when you are manually placing cities and industries in the LUA file, and you don't need to have the tool creating a new lua file.
    Thanks again and keep up the good work!

    Ciao, Antonello (AKA Neldot)
    My first TPF map is available on Workshop at this link, if someone wants to look at it:…filedetails/?id=797346798

    A totally flat map? Isn't a bit boring to play? ;-)
    By the way, you can do it simply importing in the game an uniform grey heightmap of proper dimensions.

    I was immensely disappointed too when I discovered that they limited to 16 mpx the maximum side of user created maps.
    I believe that they did it to prevent bad game performances in ultralarge maps. But the game already has a performance drop when the map populates too much, asides from the map dimensions. It has more to do with the number of agents and vehicles, so limiting the map dimension is pointless.

    Another things that bothers me, as an enthusiast map builder, is that the game try always to automatically create a road network in you map, with ugly results (island towns ends up always with long oceanic bridges to the mainland) and even preventing you to use a map if the game fails to create the automatic roads network. Without a proper editor, in mountainous maps it is really a pain to add cities and industries because the game won't accept cities or industries that can't be reached by normal roads and doesn't try to build tunnels in mountains.

    I really hope that the Devs will get us rid of these pointless and frustrating limits to our creativity.

    Wirklich eine wunderschöne Karte. Jedoch mit der vielen vielen Anzahl der Städte, nicht spielbar. Zumindest für mich! Gibt es die Möglichkeit Städte auszusuchen und dann von der Map zu löschen? Mit lua und solchen anderen Kram kenne ich mich aber nicht aus, außer den Grundlagen der Dateisysteme.

    Hi Thompson, thank you for enjoying my map and sorry for answering you in English, but I'm italian and I understand only a few words in German.
    If I understand well, there are too many cities placed in the plain part of the map to let you build efficiently your network.
    I did it on purpose to reflect reality (Naples metropolitan area is one of the most densely populated in Europe with almost 4 millions inhabitants in 1100 km²) and to add an additional challenge to the map.
    Of course, feel free to modify the lua file to remove cities as you wish, in the way that other users have already suggested.

    Ciao, Antonello (Neldot)