Beiträge von Aamorne

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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    Can old scenery assets be installed into Transport fever, i would imagine trains may need a little tweaking but how about decorative pieces , how about the likes of teh arch bridge, the other bridges like steel , the signal boxes . maybe even the big depot mod ? in the city center.

    I installed this mod, and it seems to enable every vehicle in the game all at once, trains and road transport, way before they are meant to appear in the game, is that a glitch with the mod

    As my current game is in 1890 and i have every vehicle open to me a after i installed your mod. I did make sure the "make all available from 1850 mod" had not carried over but some how this lorry mod seems to over ride that and end up with vehicles way before there time. Can this be fixed to make them appear i guess 1980 ish onward the lorrys ? And you able to disable the enable all other vehicles as well it seems to bring over with it some how.

    Lorrys look really good and look forward to using them at the correct sorta time period, but not keen on the side effect of it enabling all the vehicles and trains in the game way before they are meant to appear.

    Well I do like the look of the terrain on the Nordic as it is , but now and then I fancy a change and there is two winter mods I have downloaded and neither worked on the Nordic, if use USA, or European and remove Nordic trees then can get nice snow covered areas.

    I don't run the seasonal mods all time tho as out of all my terrains we have access to I find the Nordic green and fields a lot nicer than the European green and its fields .

    I sometimes run the sunset one, the summer ones and there is and indian spring one to, as well as an autum, is just nice to change things on your game now and then.

    But looking forward to next update to the Nordic as like to keep it up to date, like all mods where ever possible.

    Thanks for the info , and most appreciated all the hard work you modders do for us to let us enjoy the game in other ways :)

    I have the Nordic DLC installed and think its good fun, but when try and use my winter mods I have to put snow on ground it does not work. I get a few trees from the snowy mod, the roads have snow on them but the ground is still green.

    If I change settings and not play Nordic terrain, but set trains to Nordic and rest to Nordic it does work, tho the Nordic trees still remain green. I would like them to turn white, or only other way around this to disable Nordic trees and select the default or American trees.

    Is there any way I can get the winter mods to work with the default Nordic DLC, or any particular winter mod that does work with it, without having to change the terrain and trees in the options as I really like the Nordic style trees