Beiträge von Ross

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

    Thank you to all the Moders and organizers of the Advents Calendar. I wish I had your talent! I look forward to this event. I will continue to play Transport Fever until I can fix the problem with the new game, so it will be good fun using all the new Mods for TPF. My favourite is always the Alt-bau E-Loks and Triebwagens.


    Yes, after the first attempt at play, I then started up Geo Force and tried playing via that platform, however.... same problem. I play many games on this computer and there has never been as issue before. It is torture haha.... I want to play so bad after watching many Youtube channels. Graphics look amazing and my computer can handle it. I will try again in the morning, frustrating!

    Hello all,

    the past 2 weeks, I have been unable to play the game. Either and Engine Shed or station has been removed or something. (just guessing here). The game loads no issue, I can build bus routes, truck routes, train routes.... the problem is until I click on the station icon, the game crashes with no notice of what mod problem it is. I then decided to remove all modded stations and sheds to see if it was a mod issue. However, the game crashes even then. I have no idea what the problem is. Even with vanilla stations and sheds, same issue. I uninstalled my game, which i really did not want to do.... but same issue.

    Any help, tips or ideas would be much appreciated. It would be good if there was a sub forum to modding, stating what mods are removed so saved games aren't ruined. I have not played my game in almost 3 weeks and I want to play.


    Is anyone working on PKP Mods? I do not have any specific requests, it is just a general question. It would be amazing to see a few of the E-Loks and their rolling stock in the near future, visit a few of my German train stations in game ^^

    I know the difference between the two haha. Crisis averted! A simple uninstall of both files and reinstall and its good to go. They appear on both lists again. Time to play! Woohoo! Happy Sunday! Oder einen schönen Sonntag noch.


    Hello Maik,

    I did download both files together via TPFMM v1.0.39 , however I am still unable to locate the bleedin' files anywhere on the add Mod section in Steam. It should be simple enough for me, but still haha. It is just a case of, I really want this file and I cannot have it. Would go super nice with the remaining DR Stock.

    Thank you for your interest in my query.


    Hey Xanos,

    thanks for your reply. I do know how to add mods in to the game, its just some of them never appear. Eg. The Holzroller repaints, and the Deutsche Post Bus repaints have never shown up in the list. I know sometimes when downloading the file name is different. I wondered if perhaps I was missing something. It is odd.

    Could one of you enlightened chaps please help me out with something? When there is the option to download using TPFMM, I have the program already running, the file downloads successfully no problem. I then load up Steam and load up Transport Fever to "Load Game", the download is no where to be seen in the list. I am a complete NOVICE to modding and that may anger a few, but there are some pretty cool Mods that I am dying to try out. If you can point me in the right direction, your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks

    Good afternoon.

    Is there an easy way to find which files are no longer available. I played last night with no problem and tried to play just moments ago, I am unable to locate what file it is that is no longer available. If I could just remove the file and continue playing that would be great!

    Thanks in advance


    Before making a formal Mod Request..... is it even possible to make for example a 4 lane station with 4 standard gauge lines with a 2 lane narrow gauge station. We already have the Normal gauge station with tram lines. So I wondered if this was a possibility? It would be cool to have both gauges directly linked rather than building two separate stations linked via station road connection.

    Thanks Yoshi,

    yes that is what I meant. Shame that it hasn't been up dated. I am on every day looking to see what is new. Christmas time was great fun! Better than any chocolate advent.

    Good evening Leute,

    Is there a gallery or thread in the forum where I can look at up coming Mods? I believe I came across it once before, complete chance. But now... no idea. ?(