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    I am honestly used on these kind of uncomfortable things. It scares me up because when I go in civilized nations like swiss or germany (or ireland and england), it really look so strange that all the things properly work. There are no failures at all, eveything is well maintened.

    We usually buy modern things and, then, leave them with no maintenance till they broke. This is our phylosopy: buy and don't give a f*ck, but get angry if nothing works.

    Me too:D That's why I never make a tragedy out of it, neither start f*cking with personnel about it.

    Because it's somewhat like our eastern approach (RU/UA/PL etc.) By us it is (okay, it was) "build a good durable thing forgetting about the design, forget about maintenance too, don't give a damn until it finally breaks down - and then start to worry and invent how to fix it with plywood+nails+hammer+curses+blasphemies". Only nowadays' difference is that we rarely build, rather buying it elsewhere - and the design is good (... "good") but reliability s*cks?(

    This modern era is cool for many factors and totally bad for other things

    Right you are. I just wish it wasn't cool "in despite of" and awful "due to" our human modus operandi -_^

    Yeah, there're just a couple of companies building locomotives and generic trains for all the countries.

    Yep. Kinda the strongest feel of italian railways until now I got in Lecce railway museum. And probably viaggiando nel Salento con FSE in una Aln 668 con l'aria condizionata che gocciolò costantemente. L'assistente ebbe provato di farlo funzionare senza farci una doccia, poi disse qualcosa tipo "Ah cazz'! Vabè, ragazzi meglio che cambiate il posto e basta. Qui non si riesce a far nulla." e se ne andò xDD Con tutto quanto incl. i paesaggi pugliesi fuori, dissi: "Eh, ora mi sento in Italia!"^^

    And the modern trains... okay, yes, nice and comfortable, but have to admit it: they're just like everywhere. If not same models, then at least same slimy shapes dressed everywhere in parrot-like liveries.

    It's like I'm not saying uniting the world is bad, but unity should rather go along with saving the local identities, no?

    Beh, sti cazzi, lo parli/scrivi benissimo!

    Grazie xD Forse benissimo non è, ma ci provo, che sennò lo perdo interamente e addio -_^

    I would start by the poor reliability of the actual productions. Let's just take a washing machine as an example: the old models of washing machine were unreliable due to the "old technologies" and, considering that level of technology, they were lasting a lot of years

    One of the best examples. Another is about the handy-phones. A generic modern smartphone can hear you (and talk to you - which is creepy), can be your paypass, can even drive your car and f*ck your geese in every position. But what if I need it only to bell/text to people, to write down some notes/reminders and to not change it after a couple of years? Why my old Nokia survived through 8 years and my not-so-old Nokia - through 5 years? Why the hell, if so-much-hi-tech modern smartphones barely make it through 2-3 years??( Progress, yeah. Just this progress has sbagliato la direzione...

    Isn't the construction of a washing machine considered "pollution"?

    ... and that's one of the reasons why "sbagliato": it accepts (and uses (and abuses (extremely))) double standards and hypocrisy.

    Just get more public transportation, people just need that.

    C'mon, of course... I just really hope [still] that those european urban development strategies once come out of the paper down to the streets and our cities and towns will restart to use the public transport widely. Not to start any political (<X) off-topics here, but in soviet cities in 60-80's it often happened that the trolleybuses were those which formed traffic jams. Mainly not because of technical issues, just the line frequencies were so damn high that the oldtown streets had insufficient capacity xDD

    Now everything is just commercial.

    Not just in Italy, almost everywhere, even on streets.

    Damn right, even on streets. Everything is getting too utilitarian. Like the streetcars here in Cracovia. Yeah, okay, there are some nice old Konstal 105Na which even sometimes go as triple traction (just like old times), there are some austrian Lohner E1+C3 (fine too and with great heating)... and that's it. The rest are either remade german stock or these extra-utilitarian polish/western streetcars like Pesa 2014N or Stadler Tango. All modern conveniences but the design... eghm, I'd rather say nothing. And they tend to substitute everything else with them. At least, there is a museal line nr 0 sometimes during summer :)

    Now, in order to drive the car, you need the 9.0 inch display, euro 8 combustion demolecolization exhaust and the robotic hand to present you a a bouquet everytime you sit in the car.

    In my opinion, a [broadly understood] machine has to be stupid. High quality, high performance, high reliability but stupid. Not suggesting you "probably you're searching X" when you've written "Y".

    Btw I still don't understand if you can parlare italiano, perchè sembra che te ne intendi :D .

    Vabbè, sai, forse è da 2 anni che sto quasi senza pratica ma cmq di molte cose mi ricordo ancora. Sì, certo, non è più il C1 di cui una volta ho superato l'esame ma direi che qualcosa mi è rimasto in testa :p

    We're moving the pollution from the street to the current generators

    Yeah, it's like what's the point in introduction of so many electrobuses and electrocars if the power supply comes from thermic power plants? Or even it comes from wind/solar ones (which don't lack their ways to pollute but okay, less about this). Still, what's the point if one has to turn on the same thermic plants when due to the weather conditions those "so-much-eco" just don't make it? Thus I agree, it can't be a global solution. It reduces imission in the cities and towns but can't help with the emission on global level. Considering this, there's still so much to do in order to really keep the planet safe -_^

    As for me, I truly like both. Of course, modern automatic ones I'd describe as "not that cool" but nevertheless - as "fine too" ;)

    And it's since that very times that I've got a feeling to the good old Aln 668 DMU's (which you also have added to the game). Enjoyed to see them out the window :) Too bad in that very place there was quite no other stock... well, besides ATR 220 and a D 445 che ho visto passare una volta. Maybe (maybe) it's going to become more diversified now that the line on photo is getting electrified.

    there have been many earthquakes there

    Oh yeah, witnessed 4 of those by myself. Was okay (just some stuffs in the room falling down), however we didn't get the worst as people near the epicentre did.

    Well, an ST43 (a.k.a. 060DA) looks at D343/345/445 and kinda says "my Italian bros!" Okay, okay, well, there's no epic 160 l engine in the kit (this guy has got 266), but all the rest of the things to enjoy the life is included (a climatic resort, of course, too :p ).

    You don't know how I would love to go work with Fondazione FS

    So true. When I was living in Italy, tried with the Lecce railway museum but also did not succeed :( Sad, but at least enjoyed it as a visitor.

    Agree with your point of view Licaon . I'm also for peace, collaboration and fruitful discussion, just expressed what I think :)

    Back to the main topic, if someone is planning to make FS diesel locomotives - hope this thing might help:…/04_locomotive_diesel.pdf

    (Blueprints of D343/345/445)

    In their archives can be also found the blueprints of other FS rolling stock:


    Even more things can be found in the albums like this:


    Well, I don't like to put myself as example, but here it can be really illustrative. I also don't have 3D-modelling skills, and my first attempt to learn it (tried with Cinema 4D, if it does matter) was unsuccessful - I simply couldn't catch it, although the tutorials were all right. Mb I return to it later, but as for now I can't really help to the community with making new models.

    I only asked the guys from DMA team about "backonversion" of their models to TpF1 - to reach also those who still play it. Well, the thing seems to be recoded ok, but I'm getting a still unsolved "redGreen assertion failed" trouble (it depends on textures themselves, as I figured out - not on the *.mtl's). If I manage to complete it - will ask the guys to test and mb publish it, in case they'll want.

    BUT! There is a big bold capsed BUT. Considering all this and thus being conscious I've done actually nothing for the community, I don't dare to DEMAND. Nor to do some critics in the way "the mod you ¦have created¦are developing now¦have in plans¦ (choose whatever) is a real crap, so ¦recreate¦drop¦ it!" (yes, I do exaggerate - just to underline my point of view). If one criticizes constructively, it's rather like "Hey %username%, found a bug in your mod: it does not ¦show the texture¦turn the wheels¦feed the geese¦ correctly. Here's a log-file, could you fix the stuff plz? Thanks in advance!" If one criticizes non-constructively - well, that's così triste :(

    Catching an occasion, wanna say also thanks to the guys who are creating all those mods here and at the DMA.

    From my side that'll be all for now, thanks for attention (mb someone survived till this line :D ).