Beiträge von DeadmanWNC

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

    When looking at a factory, steel mill for example can somebody explain what all the numbers mean please...

    On the overview we have the requirements which shows what materials are needed and what they make, but what does Production and Limit mean?

    On the details tab we have Stored and Potential?

    Love this game but making it work is driving me crazy...!

    Also, If I want to delivery construction materials to an industrial area, do I have to pick up from a Truck station which is close to the Construction plant and drop them off at a bus stop???
    Can a truck station be used to pickup and drop off at?

    No sorry not depos... I know depos are where you buy the vehicles.

    On the screen where you buy a bus stop there are other options, cant remember what they are called, maybe bus/truck stops....

    When looking at a harbour it tells you what items are waiting to be collected and which line they will be sent on.

    Is it possible to control that list?

    I have a harbour with two boats and two different lines going to two different locations.
    The food is produced and trucked to the harbour.
    All the food is waiting at the harbour and will only get collected by one ship. Both ships go to islands that need food and have truck stops waiting to take the food to commercial areas.

    I want to split the food so that both ships take some of the food to the two different islands.

    Is it possible for a single boat to carry more than one item at the SAME time?
    40 Coal and 40 food waiting at harbour, harbour is connected to the line, demand at next stop for both items but boat only picks up one at a time, even if there is room in the boat for both

    What is the difference between a bus stop and a bus depo?

    When building a bus route.

    I have place a ring of bus stops around the city and after time people get on the bus go to next stop and get off etc, so it seems to work ok, just wonder what the bus/truck depos are for.

    Is there any good tips to increase bus usage in a town?

    I have set up a bus route, in a ring covering Residential, commercial, Industry and a train station.
    But after several years very little usage...

    Thanks for the advice will check when I get home...

    Any comment about the way the line gets drawn in the Freight station, regards if you click on the building or if you click on the pile of goods, the line shows different (take a slightly different route round the building) I can load pictures later to help explain, just wonder if anybody knows...


    I have a Freight depo next to a factory that is turning ore and coal into Steel.
    I have 3 lines connected to the depo.
    1 bringing the ore
    1 bringing coal
    1 taking steel to a depo next to a ship yard.

    My issue was the vehicle bringing ore was taking the steel on its return trip, so I changed the cargo type that they carried to only ore and all was good.

    My next issue is the new line I added to take the steel to the ship yard will NEVER pick up steel?

    I notice when I build a line and select the Freight depo you can click either on the building in the middle or the storage locations on either side of the depo and the Line gets drawn differently.
    Can anybody explain what the difference is between clicking the building or the sides.

    Any more importantly any ideas why the steel will not be taken to the ship?

    This is on the 2nd mission in Europe based on the Scottish bridge.